Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | An Icon with different visuals reflecting the state of the AbstractButton
on which it draws on. | | Class | An icon which paints one out of multiple icons depending on the state
of the component. | | Class | QuaquaColorChooserUI.
author: Werner Randelshofer version: 1.2.1 2006-05-10 Method createDefaultChoosers mustn't return an version: an array with null entries in it. | | Class | QuaquaColorChooserUI with enhancements for Java 1.4. | | Class | QuaquaIconFactory.
author: Werner Randelshofer, Christopher Atlan version: 3.2 2007-01-05 Issue #1: Changed LazyOptionPaneIcon to load image version: asynchronously before paintIcon is invoked. version: 3.1 2006-12-24 by Karl von Randow: Use Images class to create artwork. version: 3.0.2 2006-11-01 Use Graphics2D.drawImage() to scale application version: image icon instead of using Image.getScaledInstance(). | | Class | Utility class for the Quaqua LAF.
author: Werner Randelshofer, Staldenmattweg 2, CH-6405 Immensee, Switzerland version: 3.1 2006-09-04 Added method compositeRequestFocus. version: 3.0.5 2006-08-20 Method endGraphics must not set version: KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING to null. version: 3.0.4 2006-02-19 Catch Throwable in method setWindowAlpha instead version: of catching NoSuchMethodException. version: 3.0.3 2006-01-08 Don't set Window alpha, when running on version: Java 1.4.2_05 on Mac OS X 10.3.5. | | Class | The VisualMargin is used to visually align components using bounds
based on other criterias than the clip bounds of the component.
For example: The clip bounds of a JButton includes its cast shadow and its
focus ring. |