This is a convenience wrapper for accessing resources stored in a ResourceBundle.
author: Werner Randelshofer, Staldenmattweg 2, CH-6405 Immensee, Switzerland version: 1,3.3 2005-11-07 Method getLocale added. version:
1.3.2 2004-05-02 Method getLAFBundle without Locale as parameter version: added. version:
1.3.1 2002-07-30 Method getLAFBundle now takes a Locale as version: an additional parameter. version:
1.3 2001-10-10 The default resource name changed from 'name_Metal' version: to 'name'. version:
1.2 2001-07-23 Adaptation to JDK 1.3 in progress. version:
Get a KeyStroke from the ResourceBundle.
Convenience method.
Parameters: key - The key of the property. This method adds "Acc" to the key. javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(value).Returns null if the property is missing.
Get an image icon from the ResourceBundle.
Convenience method .
Parameters: key - The key of the property. The value of the property. Returns nullif the property is missing.
Get a KeyStroke from the ResourceBundle.
Convenience method.
Parameters: key - The key of the property. javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(value).Returns null if the property is missing.
Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass.
The baseName is extended by the Swing Look and Feel ID
and by the Locale code returned by Locale.getDefault().
The default Look and Feel ID is Metal.
See Also:java.util.ResourceBundle
Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass.
The baseName is extended by the Swing Look and Feel ID
and by the Locale code.
The default Look and Feel ID is Metal.
See Also:java.util.ResourceBundle
Get a Mnemonic from the ResourceBundle.
Convenience method.
Parameters: key - The key of the property. This method appends "Mnem" to the key. The first char of the value of the property.Returns '\0' if the property is missing.
Get a Mnemonic from the ResourceBundle.
Convenience method.
Parameters: key - The key of the property. The first char of the value of the property.Returns '\0' if the property is missing.
Get a String from the ResourceBundle.
Convenience method to save casting.
Parameters: key - The key of the property. The value of the property. Returns the keyif the property is missing.