substanceWindowComponentListener Component listener to keep track of the primary graphics configuration
(for recomputing the maximized bounds) - fix for defect 213.
installUI(JComponent c) Invokes supers implementation of installUI to install the
necessary state onto the passed in JRootPane to render the
metal look and feel implementation of RootPaneUI.
setHeapStatusPanePermanentVisibility(boolean isVisible) Makes the heap status panel appear / disappear permanently on the
associated title pane and removes the corresponding check box menu items
from the system menu.
public void
setMaximized() Sets maximized bounds according to the display screen insets.
Creates a UI for a JRootPane.
Parameters: c - the JRootPane the RootPaneUI will be created for the RootPaneUI implementation for the passed in JRootPane
Returns the JComponent rendering the title pane. If this
returns null, it implies there is no need to render window decorations.
This method is for internal use only.
See Also:SubstanceRootPaneUI.setTitlePane Title pane.
Invokes supers implementation of installUI to install the
necessary state onto the passed in JRootPane to render the
metal look and feel implementation of RootPaneUI. If the
windowDecorationStyle property of the
JRootPane is other than JRootPane.NONE,
this will add a custom Component to render the widgets to
JRootPane, as well as installing a custom
Border and LayoutManager on the
Parameters: c - the JRootPane to install state onto
public void setHeapStatusPanePermanentVisibility(boolean isVisible)(Code)
Makes the heap status panel appear / disappear permanently on the
associated title pane and removes the corresponding check box menu items
from the system menu.
Parameters: isVisible - if true, the heap status panel will bepermanently shown, if false, the heap statuspanel will be permanently hidden.
Invokes supers implementation to uninstall any of its state. This will
also reset the LayoutManager of the JRootPane.
If a Component has been added to the
JRootPane to render the window decoration style, this
method will remove it. Similarly, this will revert the Border and
LayoutManager of the JRootPane to what it was before
installUI was invoked.
Parameters: c - the JRootPane to uninstall state from
Methods inherited from javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicRootPaneUI