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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Swing Library » swingx » org.jdesktop.swingx 
Contains Unit tests for JDNC's Swing Extensions.

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Related Documentation

Java Source File NameTypeComment
AbstractPatternPanel.javaClass Common base class of ui clients.
AbstractSearchable.javaClass An abstract implementation of Searchable supporting incremental search.
BeanInfoSupport.javaClass Useful baseclass for BeanInfos.
EditorPaneLinkVisitor.javaClass A ActionListener using a JXEditorPane to "visit" a LinkModel. adds an internal HyperlinkListener to visit links contained in the document.
FindIssues.javaClass Exposing open issues in Searchable implementations.
HorizontalLayout.javaClass Organizes components in a horizontal layout.
InteractiveTestCase.javaClass Base class for supporting inclusion of interactive tests into a JUnit test case. Note that the interactive tests are NOT executed by the JUnit framework and are not automated.
JXCollapsiblePane.javaClass JXCollapsiblePane provides a component which can collapse or expand its content area with animation and fade in/fade out effects. It also acts as a standard container for other Swing components.

In this example, the JXCollapsiblePane is used to build a Search pane which can be shown and hidden on demand.

 JXCollapsiblePane cp = new JXCollapsiblePane();
 // JXCollapsiblePane can be used like any other container
 cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 // the Controls panel with a textfield to filter the tree
 JPanel controls = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 4, 0));
 controls.add(new JLabel("Search:"));
 controls.add(new JTextField(10));
 controls.add(new JButton("Refresh"));
 controls.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Filters"));
 cp.add("Center", controls);
 JXFrame frame = new JXFrame();
 frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 // Put the "Controls" first
 frame.add("North", cp);
 // Then the tree - we assume the Controls would somehow filter the tree
 JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(new JTree());
 frame.add("Center", scroll);
 // Show/hide the "Controls"
 JButton toggle = new JButton(cp.getActionMap().get(JXCollapsiblePane.TOGGLE_ACTION));
 toggle.setText("Show/Hide Search Panel");
 frame.add("South", toggle);

The JXCollapsiblePane has a default toggle action registered under the name JXCollapsiblePane.TOGGLE_ACTION .

JXCollapsiblePaneBeanInfo.javaClass BeanInfo class for JXCollapsiblePane.
JXColorSelectionButton.javaClass A button which allows the user to select a single color.
JXDatePicker.javaClass A component that combines a button, an editable field and a JXMonthView component.
JXDatePickerFormatter.javaClass Default formatter for the JXDatePicker component.
JXDatePickerTest.javaClass Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
JXDialog.javaClass First cut for enhanced Dialog.

JXErrorPane is a common error component suitable for displaying errors, warnings, and exceptional application behavior to users.

User interaction with the JXErrorPane includes the ability to view details associated with the error.

JXFindBar.javaClass A simple low-intrusion default widget for incremental search. Actions registered (in addition to super):
JXFindPanel.javaClass Find panel to incorporate search capability into the users application.
JXFrame.javaClass A smarter JFrame specifically used for top level frames for Applications.
JXGlassBox.javaClass Component used to display transluscent user-interface content. This component and all of its content will be displayed with the specified "alpha" transluscency property value.
JXGradientChooser.javaClass A specialized JXPanel that allows the user to construct and choose a Gradient.

JXGraph provides a component which can display one or more plots on top of a graduated background (or grid.)

User input

To help analyze the plots, this component allows the user to pan the view by left-clicking and dragging the mouse around.

JXGraphBeanInfo.javaClass Bean info for org.jdesktop.swingx.JXGraph component.

JXHeader is a simple component consisting of a title, a description, and an icon.

JXHeaderIssues.javaClass Test to expose known issues of JXHeader.

Ideally, there would be at least one failing test method per open issue in the issue tracker.

JXHeaderTest.javaClass Unit test for JXHeader.

All test methods in this class are expected to pass.

JXHyperlink.javaClass A hyperlink component that derives from JButton to provide compatibility mostly for binding actions enabled/disabled behavior accesilibity i18n etc...

This button has visual state related to a notion of "clicked": foreground color is unclickedColor or clickedColor depending on its boolean bound property clicked being false or true, respectively. If the hyperlink has an action, it guarantees to synchronize its "clicked" state to an action value with key LinkAction.VISITED_KEY.


A panel that draws an image.


A panel which shows an image centered.

JXList.javaClass JXList Enabled Rollover/LinkModel handling.
JXListTest.javaClass Testing JXList.
JXLoginDialog.javaClass A standard login dialog that provides a reasonable amount of flexibility while also providing ease of use and a professional look.

JXLoginPanel is a JPanel that implements a Login dialog with support for saving passwords supplied for future use in a secure manner.


All properties in this class are bound: when a properties value is changed, all PropertyChangeListeners are fired.

JXMultiSplitPaneBeanInfo.javaClass Bean info for org.jdesktop.swingx.JXMultiSplitPane component.

A slider which can have multiple control points or Thumbs

The thumbs each represent a value between the minimum and maximum values of the slider.

JXPanel.javaClass A simple JPanel extension that adds translucency support. This component and all of its content will be displayed with the specified "alpha" transluscency property value.
JXPanelVisualCheck.javaClass Contains methods to visually test JXPanel.
JXRadioGroup.javaClass A group of radio buttons that functions as a unit. Notes (1) Enabling and disabling the JXRadioGroup will enable/disable all of the child buttons inside the JXRadioGroup. (2) If the generic type parameter of JXRadioGroup is a subclass of AbstractButton , then the buttons will be added "as is" to the container.
JXRootPane.javaClass Extends the JRootPane by supporting specific placements for a toolbar and a status bar.
JXSearchPanel.javaClass Rudimentary search panel. Updates PatternMatchers from user input. Supports
  1. text input to match
  2. match rules like contains/equals/...

A container for JComponents that is typically placed at the bottom of a form and runs the entire width of the form.


A JXTable is a JTable with built-in support for row sorting, filtering, and highlighting, column visibility and a special popup control on the column header for quick access to table configuration.

JXTableHeader.javaClass TableHeader with extended functionality if associated Table is of type JXTable.

The enhancements:

  • supports pluggable handler to control user interaction for sorting.
JXTableIssues.javaClass Test to exposed known issues of JXTable. Ideally, there would be at least one failing test method per open Issue in the issue tracker.
JXTableUnitTest.javaClass Split from old JXTableUnitTest - contains unit test methods only.
JXTableVisualCheck.javaClass Split from old JXTableUnitTest - contains "interactive" methods only.
JXTaskPane.javaClass JXTaskPane is a container for tasks and other arbitrary components.

Several JXTaskPanes are usually grouped together within a org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTaskPaneContainer .

JXTaskPaneBeanInfo.javaClass BeanInfo class for JXTaskPane.
JXTaskPaneContainer.javaClass JXTaskPaneContainer provides an elegant view to display a list of tasks ordered by groups ( org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTaskPane .

Although org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTaskPane can be added to any other container, the JXTaskPaneContainer will provide better fidelity when it comes to matching the look and feel of the host operating system than any other panel.

JXTaskPaneContainerBeanInfo.javaClass BeanInfo class for JXTaskPaneContainer.
JXTipOfTheDay.javaClass Provides the "Tip of The Day" pane and dialog.

Tips are retrieved from the . In the most common usage, a tip (as returned by ) is just a String.


A simple horizontal separator that contains a title.

JXTitledSeparator allows you to specify the title via the JXTitledSeparator.setTitle method. The title alignment may be specified by using the JXTitledSeparator.setHorizontalAlignment method, and accepts all the same arguments as the javax.swing.JLabel.setHorizontalAlignment method.

In addition, you may specify an Icon to use with this separator.

JXTree.javaClass JXTree.
JXTreeIssues.javaClass Test to expose known issues of JXTree.

Ideally, there would be at least one failing test method per open issue in the issue tracker.


JXTreeTable is a specialized javax.swing.JTable table consisting of a single column in which to display hierarchical data, and any number of other columns in which to display regular data.

JXTreeTableIssues.javaClass Test to exposed known issues of JXTreeTable.
LabelProperties.javaClass Class used to store label properties in a single object so that they may be applied as a set on renderers.
LinkModel.javaClass An bean which represents an URL link. Text, URL and visited are bound properties.
LinkRenderer.javaClass A Renderer/Editor for "Links".
LinkRendererIssues.javaClass TODO: revise to use the new hyperlink renderer.
LinkRendererTest.javaClass TODO: revise to use the new hyperlink renderer.
MouseMessagingHandler.javaClass Mouse handler which listens to mouse entered events on action based components and send the value of the LONG_DESCRIPTION as a transient message to the MessageListener and the listeners registered to the MessageSource.

Components can be registered using the register methods.

MultiSplitLayout.javaClass The MultiSplitLayout layout manager recursively arranges its components in row and column groups called "Splits".
PatternModel.javaClass Presentation Model for Find/Filter Widgets.
PatternModelTest.javaClass Testing PatternModel.

An implementation of RepaintManager which adds support for transparency in JXPanel s.

RolloverController.javaClass Controller for "live" behaviour of XXRenderers. Once installed on a component, it updates renderer's rollover state based on the component's rollover properties.
RolloverProducer.javaClass Mouse/Motion/Listener which stores mouse location as client property in the target JComponent.
RolloverRenderer.javaInterface Interface to mark renderers as "live".
RootPaneTest.javaClass There are several commented out portions of this file.
SandboxTest.javaClass "hand test" sandbox restrictions (here: around Utilities.initNamesAndValue, #353-swingx). JW: Need to investigate further.
Searchable.javaInterface Interface that used to implement search logic in all the search capable components.
SearchFactory.javaClass Factory to create, configure and show application consistent search and find widgets. Typically a shared JXFindBar is used for incremental search, while a shared JXFindPanel is used for batch search.
SerializableIssues.javaClass Test to exposed known issues of serializable.
SerializableTest.javaClass Test serializable of all SwingX components.

StackLayout is a Swing layout aimed to act as the layers stack of most popuplar graphics editing tools like The GIMP or Photoshop.


An annotation that can be applied to a RepaintManager to suggest that the RepaintManager supports translucency.

UIAction.javaClass UIAction is the basis of all of basic's action classes that are used in an ActionMap.
VerticalLayout.javaClass Organizes components in a vertical layout. | Contact Us
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