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001:        /*
002:         * @(#)	1.21 05/11/17
003:         *
004:         * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005:         * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
006:         */
008:        package org.wings.prefs;
010:        import org.w3c.dom.Element;
011:        import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
013:        import javax.servlet.http.*;
014:        import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
015:        import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
016:        import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
017:        import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
018:        import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
019:        import;
020:        import*;
021:        import java.util.*;
022:        import java.util.logging.Logger;
023:        import java.util.prefs.*;
025:        /**
026:         * ClientPreferences implementation for Servlets.  ClientPreferences are stored in the file
027:         * system, with one directory per preferences node.  All of the preferences
028:         * at each node are stored in a single file.  Atomic file system operations
029:         * (e.g. File.renameTo) are used to ensure integrity.  An in-memory cache of
030:         * the "explored" portion of the tree is maintained for performance, and
031:         * written back to the disk periodically.  File-locking is used to ensure
032:         * reasonable behavior when multiple VMs are running at the same time.
033:         * (The file lock is obtained only for sync(), flush() and removeNode().)
034:         *
035:         * @author Christian
036:         * @version 1.21, 11/17/05
037:         * @see Preferences
038:         * @since 1.4
039:         */
040:        public class ServletPreferences extends
041:                java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences {
043:            /**
044:             * Name for the cookies containing the users' state
045:             */
046:            private static String COOKIE_NAME = "PreferencesCookie";
048:            /**
049:             * Key for the next unused User ID in the System ClientPreferences
050:             */
051:            private static String NEXT_FREE_USER_ID = "nextFreeUserID";
052:            static final ThreadLocal<HttpServletRequest> requests = new ThreadLocal<HttpServletRequest>();
053:            static final ThreadLocal<HttpServletResponse> responses = new ThreadLocal<HttpServletResponse>();
055:            /**
056:             * Returns logger for error messages. Backing store exceptions are logged at
057:             * WARNING level.
058:             */
059:            private static Logger getLogger() {
060:                return Logger.getLogger("java.util.prefs");
061:            }
063:            /**
064:             * Directory for system preferences.
065:             */
066:            private static File systemRootDir;
068:            /*
069:             * Flag, indicating whether systemRoot  directory is writable
070:             */
071:            private static boolean isSystemRootWritable;
073:            /**
074:             * the user roots
075:             */
076:            private static Map<String, ServletPreferences> userRoots = new HashMap<String, ServletPreferences>();
078:            static synchronized Preferences getUserRoot() {
079:                String userName = resolveUserName();
081:                if (userRoots.containsKey(userName))
082:                    return userRoots.get(userName);
084:                ServletPreferences userRoot = new ServletPreferences(true);
085:                userRoots.put(userName, userRoot);
086:                return userRoot;
088:            }
090:            private static synchronized String resolveUserName() {
091:                String userName = "user/";
093:                HttpServletRequest request = requests.get();
094:                //if authorized user, use this name
095:                if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null
096:                        && request.getUserPrincipal().getName() != null) {
097:                    userName = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
099:                } else {
100:                    boolean isAlreadyKnown = false;
101:                    userName = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute(
102:                            COOKIE_NAME);
103:                    if (userName != null)
104:                        isAlreadyKnown = true;
105:                    else {
106:                        Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
107:                        if (cookies != null) {
108:                            for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
109:                                if (cookies[i].getName().equals(COOKIE_NAME)) {
110:                                    //pref = ClientPreferences.userRoot().node(cookies[i].getValue());
111:                                    userName = cookies[i].getValue();
112:                                    request.getSession().setAttribute(
113:                                            COOKIE_NAME, userName);
114:                                    isAlreadyKnown = true;
115:                                    break;
116:                                }
117:                            }
118:                        }
119:                    }
121:                    if (!isAlreadyKnown) {
122:                        //pref = ClientPreferences.userRoot().node(userID.toString());
123:                        int userID = getSystemRoot().getInt(NEXT_FREE_USER_ID,
124:                                0);
125:                        userName = ((Integer) userID).toString();
127:                        //Set the cookie
128:                        Cookie cookie = new Cookie(COOKIE_NAME, userName);
129:                        cookie.setMaxAge(1000000000);
130:                        responses.get().addCookie(cookie);
131:                        request.getSession()
132:                                .setAttribute(COOKIE_NAME, userName);
134:                        userID++;
135:                        getSystemRoot().putInt(NEXT_FREE_USER_ID, userID);
137:                        try {
138:                            getSystemRoot().flush();
140:                        } catch (Exception ex) {
141:                            ex.printStackTrace();
142:                        }
144:                    }
146:                }
148:                return userName;
150:            }
152:            private static File setupUserRoot(String userName) {
154:                File userRootDir = new File("./Prefs/" + userName);
155:                //                      new File(System.getProperty("java.util.prefs.userRoot",
156:                //                      System.getProperty("user.home")), ".java/.userPrefs");
157:                // Attempt to create root dir if it does not yet exist.
158:                if (!userRootDir.exists()) {
159:                    if (userRootDir.mkdirs()) {
161:                        getLogger().info("Created user preferences directory.");
162:                    } else
163:                        getLogger()
164:                                .warning(
165:                                        "Couldn't create user preferences"
166:                                                + " directory. User preferences are unusable.");
167:                }
169:                String USER_NAME = System.getProperty("");
170:                userLockFile = new File(userRootDir, ".user.lock." + USER_NAME);
171:                userRootModFile = new File(userRootDir, ".userRootModFile."
172:                        + USER_NAME);
173:                if (!userRootModFile.exists())
174:                    try {
175:                        // create if does not exist.
176:                        userRootModFile.createNewFile();
177:                    } catch (IOException e) {
178:                        getLogger().warning(e.toString());
179:                    }
180:                userRootModTime = userRootModFile.lastModified();
181:                return userRootDir;
182:            }
184:            /**
185:             * The system root.
186:             */
187:            static Preferences systemRoot;
189:            static synchronized Preferences getSystemRoot() {
190:                if (systemRoot == null) {
191:                    setupSystemRoot();
192:                    systemRoot = new ServletPreferences(false);
193:                }
194:                return systemRoot;
195:            }
197:            private static void setupSystemRoot() {
198:                String systemPrefsDirName = "./Prefs/system/";
200:                //(String)System.getProperty("java.util.prefs.systemRoot","/etc/.java");
202:                systemRootDir = new File(systemPrefsDirName);//, ".systemPrefs");
203:                // Attempt to create root dir if it does not yet exist.
204:                //if (!systemRootDir.exists()) {
205:                // system root does not exist in /etc/.java
206:                // Switching  to java.home
207:                //systemRootDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"),".systemPrefs");
208:                if (!systemRootDir.exists()) {
209:                    if (systemRootDir.mkdirs()) {
210:                        getLogger().info(
211:                                "Created system preferences directory " + "in "
212:                                        + systemPrefsDirName);
214:                    } else {
215:                        getLogger()
216:                                .warning(
217:                                        "Could not create "
218:                                                + "system preferences directory. System "
219:                                                + "preferences are unusable.");
220:                    }
222:                }
223:                isSystemRootWritable = systemRootDir.canWrite();
224:                systemLockFile = new File(systemRootDir, ".system.lock");
225:                systemRootModFile = new File(systemRootDir,
226:                        ".systemRootModFile");
227:                if (!systemRootModFile.exists() && isSystemRootWritable)
228:                    try {
229:                        // create if does not exist.
230:                        systemRootModFile.createNewFile();
232:                    } catch (IOException e) {
233:                        getLogger().warning(e.toString());
234:                    }
235:                systemRootModTime = systemRootModFile.lastModified();
237:            }
239:            /**
240:             * The lock file for the user tree.
241:             */
242:            static File userLockFile;
244:            /**
245:             * The lock file for the system tree.
246:             */
247:            static File systemLockFile;
249:            /**
250:             * The directory representing this preference node.  There is no guarantee
251:             * that this directory exits, as another VM can delete it at any time
252:             * that it (the other VM) holds the file-lock.  While the root node cannot
253:             * be deleted, it may not yet have been created, or the underlying
254:             * directory could have been deleted accidentally.
255:             */
256:            private final File dir;
258:            /**
259:             * The file representing this preference node's preferences.
260:             * The file format is undocumented, and subject to change
261:             * from release to release, but I'm sure that you can figure
262:             * it out if you try real hard.
263:             */
264:            private final File prefsFile;
266:            /**
267:             * A temporary file used for saving changes to preferences.  As part of
268:             * the sync operation, changes are first saved into this file, and then
269:             * atomically renamed to prefsFile.  This results in an atomic state
270:             * change from one valid set of preferences to another.  The
271:             * the file-lock is held for the duration of this transformation.
272:             */
273:            private final File tmpFile;
275:            /**
276:             * File, which keeps track of global modifications of userRoot.
277:             */
278:            private static File userRootModFile;
280:            /**
281:             * Flag, which indicated whether userRoot was modified by another VM
282:             */
283:            private static boolean isUserRootModified = false;
285:            /**
286:             * Keeps track of userRoot modification time. This time is reset to
287:             * zero after UNIX reboot, and is increased by 1 second each time
288:             * userRoot is modified.
289:             */
290:            private static long userRootModTime;
292:            /*
293:             * File, which keeps track of global modifications of systemRoot
294:             */
295:            private static File systemRootModFile;
296:            /*
297:             * Flag, which indicates whether systemRoot was modified by another VM
298:             */
299:            private static boolean isSystemRootModified = false;
301:            /**
302:             * Keeps track of systemRoot modification time. This time is reset to
303:             * zero after system reboot, and is increased by 1 second each time
304:             * systemRoot is modified.
305:             */
306:            private static long systemRootModTime;
308:            /**
309:             * Locally cached preferences for this node (includes uncommitted
310:             * changes).  This map is initialized with from disk when the first get or
311:             * put operation occurs on this node.  It is synchronized with the
312:             * corresponding disk file (prefsFile) by the sync operation.  The initial
313:             * value is read *without* acquiring the file-lock.
314:             */
315:            private Map<String, String> prefsCache = null;
317:            /**
318:             * The last modification time of the file backing this node at the time
319:             * that prefCache was last synchronized (or initially read).  This
320:             * value is set *before* reading the file, so it's conservative; the
321:             * actual timestamp could be (slightly) higher.  A value of zero indicates
322:             * that we were unable to initialize prefsCache from the disk, or
323:             * have not yet attempted to do so.  (If prefsCache is non-null, it
324:             * indicates the former; if it's null, the latter.)
325:             */
326:            private long lastSyncTime = 0;
328:            /**
329:             * A list of all uncommitted preference changes.  The elements in this
330:             * list are of type PrefChange.  If this node is concurrently modified on
331:             * disk by another VM, the two sets of changes are merged when this node
332:             * is sync'ed by overwriting our prefsCache with the preference map last
333:             * written out to disk (by the other VM), and then replaying this change
334:             * log against that map.  The resulting map is then written back
335:             * to the disk.
336:             */
337:            final List<Change> changeLog = new ArrayList<Change>();
339:            public static void set(HttpServletRequest servletRequest,
340:                    HttpServletResponse servletResponse) {
341:                requests.set(servletRequest);
342:                responses.set(servletResponse);
343:            }
345:            public static void unset() {
346:                requests.set(null);
347:                responses.set(null);
348:            }
350:            /**
351:             * Represents a change to a preference.
352:             */
353:            private abstract class Change {
354:                /**
355:                 * Reapplies the change to prefsCache.
356:                 */
357:                abstract void replay();
358:            }
360:            ;
362:            /**
363:             * Represents a preference put.
364:             */
365:            private class Put extends Change {
366:                String key, value;
368:                Put(String key, String value) {
369:                    this .key = key;
370:                    this .value = value;
371:                }
373:                void replay() {
374:                    prefsCache.put(key, value);
375:                }
376:            }
378:            /**
379:             * Represents a preference remove.
380:             */
381:            private class Remove extends Change {
382:                String key;
384:                Remove(String key) {
385:                    this .key = key;
386:                }
388:                void replay() {
389:                    prefsCache.remove(key);
390:                }
391:            }
393:            /**
394:             * Represents the creation of this node.
395:             */
396:            private class NodeCreate extends Change {
397:                /**
398:                 * Performs no action, but the presence of this object in changeLog
399:                 * will force the node and its ancestors to be made permanent at the
400:                 * next sync.
401:                 */
402:                void replay() {
403:                }
404:            }
406:            /**
407:             * NodeCreate object for this node.
408:             */
409:            NodeCreate nodeCreate = null;
411:            /**
412:             * Replay changeLog against prefsCache.
413:             */
414:            private void replayChanges() {
415:                for (int i = 0, n = changeLog.size(); i < n; i++)
416:                    ((Change) changeLog.get(i)).replay();
417:            }
419:            private final boolean isUserNode;
421:            /**
422:             * Special constructor for roots (both user and system).  This constructor
423:             * will only be called twice, by the static initializer.
424:             */
425:            private ServletPreferences(boolean user) {
426:                super (null, "");
427:                isUserNode = user;
429:                dir = (user ? setupUserRoot(resolveUserName()) : systemRootDir);
431:                prefsFile = new File(dir, "prefs.xml");
433:                tmpFile = new File(dir, "prefs.tmp");
435:                if (newNode) {
436:                    // These 2 things guarantee node will get wrtten at next flush/sync
437:                    prefsCache = new TreeMap<String, String>();
438:                    nodeCreate = new NodeCreate();
439:                    changeLog.add(nodeCreate);
440:                }
441:            }
443:            /**
444:             * Construct a new FileSystemPreferences instance with the specified
445:             * parent node and name.  This constructor, called from childSpi,
446:             * is used to make every node except for the two //roots.
447:             */
448:            private ServletPreferences(ServletPreferences parent, String name) {
449:                super (parent, name);
450:                isUserNode = parent.isUserNode;
451:                dir = new File(parent.dir, name);
452:                prefsFile = new File(dir, "prefs.xml");
453:                tmpFile = new File(dir, "prefs.tmp");
454:                newNode = !dir.exists();
455:                //this.initCacheIfNecessary();
457:                if (newNode) {
458:                    // These 2 things guarantee node will get wrtten at next flush/sync
459:                    prefsCache = new TreeMap<String, String>();
460:                    nodeCreate = new NodeCreate();
461:                    changeLog.add(nodeCreate);
462:                }
464:            }
466:            public boolean isUserNode() {
467:                return isUserNode;
468:            }
470:            protected void putSpi(String key, String value) {
471:                initCacheIfNecessary();
472:                changeLog.add(new Put(key, value));
473:                prefsCache.put(key, value);
474:            }
476:            protected String getSpi(String key) {
477:                initCacheIfNecessary();
478:                return (String) prefsCache.get(key);
479:            }
481:            protected void removeSpi(String key) {
482:                initCacheIfNecessary();
483:                changeLog.add(new Remove(key));
484:                prefsCache.remove(key);
485:            }
487:            /**
488:             * Initialize prefsCache if it has yet to be initialized.  When this method
489:             * returns, prefsCache will be non-null.  If the data was successfully
490:             * read from the file, lastSyncTime will be updated.  If prefsCache was
491:             * null, but it was impossible to read the file (because it didn't
492:             * exist or for any other reason) prefsCache will be initialized to an
493:             * empty, modifiable Map, and lastSyncTime remain zero.
494:             */
495:            private void initCacheIfNecessary() {
496:                if (prefsCache != null)
497:                    return;
499:                prefsCache = new HashMap<String, String>();
500:                try {
501:                    loadCache();
502:                } catch (Exception e) {
503:                    // assert lastSyncTime == 0;
504:                    prefsCache = new TreeMap<String, String>();
505:                }
506:            }
508:            /**
509:             * Attempt to load prefsCache from the backing store.  If the attempt
510:             * succeeds, lastSyncTime will be updated (the new value will typically
511:             * correspond to the data loaded into the map, but it may be less,
512:             * if another VM is updating this node concurrently).  If the attempt
513:             * fails, a BackingStoreException is thrown and both prefsCache and
514:             * lastSyncTime are unaffected by the call.
515:             */
516:            private void loadCache() throws BackingStoreException {
518:                long newLastSyncTime = 0;
520:                try {
522:                    newLastSyncTime = prefsFile.lastModified();
524:                    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
525:                            .newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
526:                    org.w3c.dom.Document doc = null;
528:                    doc = docBuilder.parse(prefsFile);
530:                    NodeList entries = doc.getElementsByTagName("entry");
532:                    for (int i = 0; i < entries.getLength(); i++) {
533:                        Element entry = (Element) entries.item(i);
535:                        String key = entry.getAttribute("key");
537:                        String value = entry.getAttribute("value");
539:                        prefsCache.put(key, value);
540:                    }
542:                } catch (Exception e) {
543:                    if (e instanceof  InvalidPreferencesFormatException) {
544:                        getLogger().warning(
545:                                "Invalid preferences format in "
546:                                        + prefsFile.getPath());
547:                        prefsFile.renameTo(new File(prefsFile.getParentFile(),
548:                                "IncorrectFormatPrefs.xml"));
550:                    } else if (e instanceof  FileNotFoundException) {
551:                        getLogger().warning(
552:                                "Prefs file removed in background "
553:                                        + prefsFile.getPath());
554:                    } else {
555:                        throw new BackingStoreException(e);
556:                    }
557:                }
558:                // Attempt succeeded; update state
560:                lastSyncTime = newLastSyncTime;
562:            }
564:            /**
565:             * Attempt to write back prefsCache to the backing store.  If the attempt
566:             * succeeds, lastSyncTime will be updated (the new value will correspond
567:             * exactly to the data thust written back, as we hold the file lock, which
568:             * prevents a concurrent write.  If the attempt fails, a
569:             * BackingStoreException is thrown and both the backing store (prefsFile)
570:             * and lastSyncTime will be unaffected by this call.  This call will
571:             * NEVER leave prefsFile in a corrupt state.
572:             */
573:            private void writeBackCache() throws BackingStoreException {
574:                OutputStream os;
575:                FileOutputStream fos;
577:                try {
578:                    if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs())
579:                        throw new BackingStoreException(dir + " create failed.");
580:                    fos = new FileOutputStream(prefsFile);
581:                    os = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
582:                    //exportSubtree(os);
584:                    DocumentBuilderFactory f = DocumentBuilderFactory
585:                            .newInstance();
586:                    DocumentBuilder build = f.newDocumentBuilder();
588:                    org.w3c.dom.Document doc = build.newDocument();
589:                    Element root = doc.createElement("PREFS");
590:                    doc.appendChild(root);
592:                    for (String key : prefsCache.keySet()) {
593:                        Element e = doc.createElement("entry");
594:                        e.setAttribute("key", key);
595:                        e.setAttribute("value", prefsCache.get(key));
596:                        root.appendChild(e);
598:                    }
600:                    Transformer trans = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
601:                            .newTransformer();
602:                    DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
603:                    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(os);
604:                    trans.transform(source, result);
606:                    os.close();
607:                    fos.close();
609:                } catch (Exception e) {
610:                    if (e instanceof  BackingStoreException)
611:                        throw (BackingStoreException) e;
612:                    throw new BackingStoreException(e);
613:                }
615:            }
617:            protected String[] keysSpi() {
618:                initCacheIfNecessary();
619:                return (String[]) prefsCache.keySet().toArray(
620:                        new String[prefsCache.size()]);
621:            }
623:            protected String[] childrenNamesSpi() {
625:                List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
626:                File[] dirContents = dir.listFiles();
627:                if (dirContents != null) {
628:                    for (int i = 0; i < dirContents.length; i++)
629:                        if (dirContents[i].isDirectory())
630:                            result.add(dirContents[i].getName());
631:                }
632:                return result.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
634:            }
636:            private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
638:            protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name) {
639:                return new ServletPreferences(this , name);
640:            }
642:            public void removeNode() throws BackingStoreException {
643:                synchronized (isUserNode() ? userLockFile : systemLockFile) {
644:                    // to remove a node we need an exclusive lock
645:                    super .removeNode();
646:                }
647:            }
649:            /**
650:             * Called with file lock held (in addition to node locks).
651:             */
652:            protected void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
654:                if (changeLog.contains(nodeCreate)) {
655:                    changeLog.remove(nodeCreate);
656:                    nodeCreate = null;
657:                    return;// null;
658:                }
659:                if (!dir.exists())
660:                    return;
661:                //                        return null;
662:                prefsFile.delete();
663:                tmpFile.delete();
664:                // dir should be empty now.  If it's not, empty it
665:                File[] junk = dir.listFiles();
666:                if (junk.length != 0) {
667:                    getLogger().warning(
668:                            "Found extraneous files when removing node: "
669:                                    + Arrays.asList(junk));
670:                    for (int i = 0; i < junk.length; i++) {
671:                        junk[i].delete();
672:                    }
674:                }
675:                if (!dir.delete())
676:                    throw new BackingStoreException("Couldn't delete dir: "
677:                            + dir);
679:            }
681:            public synchronized void sync() throws BackingStoreException {
683:                synchronized (isUserNode() ? userLockFile : systemLockFile) {
684:                    final Long newModTime;
686:                    if (isUserNode()) {
687:                        newModTime = userRootModFile.lastModified();
688:                        isUserRootModified = userRootModTime == newModTime;
689:                    } else {
690:                        newModTime = systemRootModFile.lastModified();
691:                        isSystemRootModified = systemRootModTime == newModTime;
692:                    }
694:                    super .sync();
696:                    if (isUserNode()) {
697:                        userRootModTime = newModTime.longValue() + 1000;
698:                        userRootModFile.setLastModified(userRootModTime);
699:                    } else {
700:                        systemRootModTime = newModTime.longValue() + 1000;
701:                        systemRootModFile.setLastModified(systemRootModTime);
702:                    }
703:                }
704:            }
706:            protected void syncSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
708:                syncSpiPrivileged();
710:            }
712:            private void syncSpiPrivileged() throws BackingStoreException {
713:                if (isRemoved())
714:                    throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed");
715:                if (prefsCache == null)
716:                    return; // We've never been used, don't bother syncing
717:                long lastModifiedTime;
718:                if ((isUserNode() ? isUserRootModified : isSystemRootModified)) {
719:                    lastModifiedTime = prefsFile.lastModified();
720:                    if (lastModifiedTime != lastSyncTime) {
721:                        // Prefs at this node were externally modified; read in node and
722:                        // playback any local mods since last sync
723:                        loadCache();
724:                        replayChanges();
725:                        lastSyncTime = lastModifiedTime;
726:                    }
727:                } else if (lastSyncTime != 0 && !dir.exists()) {
728:                    // This node was removed in the background.  Playback any changes
729:                    // against a virgin (empty) Map.
730:                    prefsCache = new TreeMap<String, String>();
731:                    replayChanges();
732:                }
733:                if (!changeLog.isEmpty()) {
734:                    writeBackCache(); // Creates directory & file if necessary
735:                    /*
736:                     * Attempt succeeded; it's barely possible that the call to
737:                     * lastModified might fail (i.e., return 0), but this would not
738:                     * be a disaster, as lastSyncTime is allowed to lag.
739:                     */
740:                    lastModifiedTime = prefsFile.lastModified();
741:                    /* If lastSyncTime did not change, or went back
742:                     * increment by 1 second. Since we hold the lock
743:                     * lastSyncTime always monotonically encreases in the
744:                     * atomic sense.
745:                     */
746:                    if (lastSyncTime <= lastModifiedTime) {
747:                        lastSyncTime = lastModifiedTime + 1000;
748:                        prefsFile.setLastModified(lastSyncTime);
749:                    }
750:                    changeLog.clear();
751:                }
752:            }
754:            public void flush() throws BackingStoreException {
755:                if (isRemoved())
756:                    return;
757:                sync();
758:            }
760:            protected void flushSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
761:                // assert false;
762:            }
764:        } | Contact Us
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