| java.lang.Object freemarker.core.TemplateObject freemarker.core.TemplateElement freemarker.core.LibraryLoad
LibraryLoad | final public class LibraryLoad extends TemplateElement (Code) | | An instruction that gets another template
and processes it within the current template.
LibraryLoad | LibraryLoad(Template template, Expression templateName, String namespace)(Code) | | Parameters: template - the template that this Include is a part of. Parameters: templateName - the name of the template to be included. Parameters: namespace - the namespace to assign this library to |
Fields inherited from freemarker.core.TemplateObject | int beginColumnbeginLineendColumnendLine(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from freemarker.core.TemplateObject | static void assertNonNull(TemplateModel model, Expression exp, Environment env) throws InvalidReferenceException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean contains(int column, int line)(Code)(Java Doc) TemplateObject copyLocationFrom(TemplateObject from)(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getBeginColumn()(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getBeginLine()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public String getCanonicalForm()(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getEndColumn()(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getEndLine()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getEndLocation()(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getSource()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getStartLocation()(Code)(Java Doc) public Template getTemplate()(Code)(Java Doc) static TemplateException invalidTypeException(TemplateModel model, Expression exp, Environment env, String expected) throws TemplateException(Code)(Java Doc) final void setLocation(Template template, Token begin, Token end) throws ParseException(Code)(Java Doc) final void setLocation(Template template, Token begin, TemplateObject end) throws ParseException(Code)(Java Doc) final void setLocation(Template template, TemplateObject begin, Token end) throws ParseException(Code)(Java Doc) final void setLocation(Template template, TemplateObject begin, TemplateObject end) throws ParseException(Code)(Java Doc) void setLocation(Template template, int beginColumn, int beginLine, int endColumn, int endLine) throws ParseException(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)