| java.lang.Object freemarker.ext.dom.Transform
Transform | public class Transform (Code) | | A class that contains a main() method for command-line invocation
of a FreeMarker XML transformation.
Constructor Summary | |
| Transform(File inputFile, File ftlFile, File outputFile, Locale locale, String encoding) Parameters: inputFile - The file from which to read the XML input Parameters: ftlFile - The file containing the template Parameters: outputFile - The file to which to output. |
Transform | Transform(File inputFile, File ftlFile, File outputFile, Locale locale, String encoding) throws IOException(Code) | | Parameters: inputFile - The file from which to read the XML input Parameters: ftlFile - The file containing the template Parameters: outputFile - The file to which to output. If this is null, we use stdout. Parameters: locale - The locale to use. If this is null, we use the platform default. Parameters: encoding - The character encoding to use for output, if this is null, we use the platform default |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | A convenient main() method for command-line invocation.
transform | void transform() throws Exception(Code) | | Performs the transformation.
usage | static void usage()(Code) | | |