| net.firstpartners.nounit.ui.command.test.TestCommandLineProcessor
TestCommandLineProcessor | public class TestCommandLineProcessor extends TestCase (Code) | | Test the Finder Class.
As the main command line entry point to the system ,
these tests should validate the entire system
TestCommandLineProcessor | public TestCommandLineProcessor(String name)(Code) | | Constructor as required by Junit
Parameters: name - to be displayed on testrunner |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | Enable Junit to run this Class individually
Parameters: args - |
setUp | public void setUp()(Code) | | Code run before each test
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | Enable Junit to run this class as part of AllTests.java
TestSuite |
tearDown | protected void tearDown()(Code) | | Code run after each test
testCommandLine | public void testCommandLine() throws Exception(Code) | | Test the Command line Functionality - main entry point into system