Ant task for running Quilt and JUnit.
The Quilt Ant task is meant to be a plug-in replacement for
the Ant JUnitTask. Whatever build.xml works with JUnitTask
should behave identically with QuiltTask. The opposite is not
true: using QuiltTask allows you to run coverage tests in
addition to JUnit unit tests
Parameter names / build file options are compatible with
the build.xml options for JUnitTask as of Ant 1.5.3-1, so that
if <junit> and </junit> are replaced with <quilt> and </quilt>
respectively in the build.xml file, test behavior should be the same.
Build file options either control the individual test and so
are passed to Quilt and JUnit, or manage QuiltTask and the test
Most test options will go through Quilt to JUnit.
All are set by Ant set* methods, where the name for the method
setting the variable 'var' is 'setVar'. That is, the first
letter of the variable name is capitalized, then the modified
name is appended to 'set'.
Task control parameters are NOT passed through to Quilt or JUnit.
These variables are modified by Ant add*, set*, and create* routines, where
the names are determined as described above.
QuiltTest options can be set at three levels. First, then can
be set as attributes to the <quilt&gr; element. In this case,
they are the defaults for all tests.
Next, they can be set at the <batchtest> leve.. In this case,
these attributes will be used for all files in the batch test.
Finally, they can be set at the <test> level, in which case
they will override the defaults set higher up.
QuiltTask collects filesets from batch test elements and the
names of individual tests. These are then passed to a Scheduler
which unpacks the batch tests and schedules all tests for running.
It may be important to understand that under certain circumstances
batches of tests will be run more than once result. This will normally
be the result of an error in the way that dependencies are structured
in build.xml.
See Also: QuiltTest See Also: Scheduler See Also: TaskControl |