| java.lang.Object org.objectweb.salome_tmf.databaseSQL.SQLExecution
Method Summary | |
public int | addAttachFile(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description) | public int | addAttachUrl(int idExec, String url, String description) | public int | addPostScript(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description, String name, String extention, String arg) | public int | addPreScript(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description, String name, String extention, String arg) | int | addScript(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description, String name, String arg1, String extension, String type) | public void | delete(int idExec) | public void | deleteAllAttach(int idExec) | public void | deleteAllExecResult(int idExec) | public void | deleteAttach(int idExec, int idAttach) | public void | deletePostScript(int idExec) | public void | deletePreScript(int idExec) | public void | deleteScripts(int idExec) | public long[] | getAllExecDate(int idExec) | public FileAttachementWrapper[] | getAttachFiles(int idExec) | public UrlAttachementWrapper[] | getAttachUrls(int idExec) | public AttachementWrapper[] | getAttachs(int idExec) | public DataSetWrapper | getDataSetWrapper(int idExec) | public EnvironmentWrapper | getEnvironmentWrapper(int idExec) | public ExecutionResultWrapper[] | getExecResults(int idExec) | public ScriptWrapper[] | getExecutionScripts(int idExec) | public int | getID(int idCamp, String name) | int | getIdPostScript(int idEnv) | int | getIdPreScript(int idEnv) | int | getIdScript(int idEnv, String type) | public SalomeFileWrapper | getPostScript(int idExec) | public SalomeFileWrapper | getPreScript(int idExec) | public ExecutionWrapper | getWrapper(int idExec) | public int | insert(int idCamp, String name, int idEnv, int idDataSet, int idUser, String description) | public void | updateDataset(int idExec, int idDataset) | public void | updateDate(int idExec, Date date) | public void | updateEnv(int idExec, int idEnv) | public void | updateName(int idExec, String name) | public void | updateUserRef(int idCamp, int oldIdUser, int newIdUser) |
addAttachFile | public int addAttachFile(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description) throws Exception(Code) | | Attach a file to the Exceution (table EXEC_CAMP_ATTACH)
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: file - Parameters: description - of the file the Id of the attachment in the table ATTACHEMENT throws: Exception - See Also: ISQLFileAttachment.insert(File, String) See Also: no permission needed |
addAttachUrl | public int addAttachUrl(int idExec, String url, String description) throws Exception(Code) | | Attach an Url to the Exceution (table EXEC_CAMP_ATTACH)
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: url - Parameters: description - of the url the Id of the attachment in the table ATTACHEMENT throws: Exception - See Also: ISQLUrlAttachment.insert(String, String) See Also: no permission needed |
addPostScript | public int addPostScript(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description, String name, String extention, String arg) throws Exception(Code) | | Insert a pre-scrit (type ApiConstants.POST_SCRIPT) to the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: file - of the script Parameters: description - the description of the script Parameters: name - : the name of the script Parameters: extention - : argument 1 of the script (plug-in extention) Parameters: arg - : argument 2 of the script (free use for plug-in) the Id of the script throws: Exception - no permission needed |
addPreScript | public int addPreScript(int idExec, SalomeFileWrapper file, String description, String name, String extention, String arg) throws Exception(Code) | | Insert a pre-scrit (type ApiConstants.PRE_SCRIPT) to the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: file - of the script Parameters: description - the description of the script Parameters: name - : the name of the script Parameters: extention - : argument 1 of the script (plug-in extention) Parameters: arg - : argument 2 of the script (free use for plug-in) the Id of the script throws: Exception - no permission needed |
delete | public void delete(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete the execution idExec in the Database
Then delete all attachemnts, the script, and all related execution result
Parameters: idExec - See Also: ISQLExecutionResult.delete(int) See Also: need permission canExecutCamp |
deleteAllAttach | public void deleteAllAttach(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete all attchements of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - no permission needed |
deleteAllExecResult | public void deleteAllExecResult(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete all execution result for the execution idExec in the Database
Parameters: idExec - See Also: ISQLExecutionResult.delete(int) See Also: need permission canExecutCamp |
deleteAttach | public void deleteAttach(int idExec, int idAttach) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete an attchement idAttach of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: idAttach - throws: Exception - no permission needed |
deletePostScript | public void deletePostScript(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete the post-script of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - no permission needed |
deletePreScript | public void deletePreScript(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete the pre-script of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - no permission needed |
deleteScripts | public void deleteScripts(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Delete pre-script and post-script of the execution idEnv
Parameters: idEnv - throws: Exception - no permission needed |
getAllExecDate | public long[] getAllExecDate(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Get a Vect of java.sql.Date reprenting all date (sorted) where the execution idExec was executed
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - |
getDataSetWrapper | public DataSetWrapper getDataSetWrapper(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Get an DataSetWrapper representing the dataset used by the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - |
getEnvironmentWrapper | public EnvironmentWrapper getEnvironmentWrapper(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Get an EnvironmentWrapper representing the environnment used by the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - |
getExecResults | public ExecutionResultWrapper[] getExecResults(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Get a vector of ExecutionResultWrapper representing the execution result of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - |
getExecutionScripts | public ScriptWrapper[] getExecutionScripts(int idExec) throws Exception(Code) | | Get an array (lenth 2) of ScriptWrapper representing the pre and post script of the Execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - throws: Exception - |
getID | public int getID(int idCamp, String name) throws Exception(Code) | | Get the id of the execution name in the campaign idCamp
Parameters: idCamp - Parameters: name - throws: Exception - |
insert | public int insert(int idCamp, String name, int idEnv, int idDataSet, int idUser, String description) throws Exception(Code) | | Insert an Exceution in the campaign idCamp (table EXEC_CAMP)
Parameters: idCamp - Parameters: name - of the execution Parameters: idEnv - used by the execution Parameters: idDataSet - used by the execution Parameters: idUser - who created the execution Parameters: description - of the execution the id of the execution throws: Exception - need permission canExecutCamp |
updateDataset | public void updateDataset(int idExec, int idDataset) throws Exception(Code) | | Update the dataset mapped to the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: idDataset - the new dataset to use throws: Exception - need permission canExecutCamp |
updateDate | public void updateDate(int idExec, Date date) throws Exception(Code) | | Update the date of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: date - throws: Exception - no permission needed |
updateEnv | public void updateEnv(int idExec, int idEnv) throws Exception(Code) | | Update the environment mapped to the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: idEnv - the new env to use throws: Exception - need permission canExecutCamp |
updateName | public void updateName(int idExec, String name) throws Exception(Code) | | Update the name and the description of the execution idExec
Parameters: idExec - Parameters: name - throws: Exception - need permission canUpdateCamp or canExecutCamp |
updateUserRef | public void updateUserRef(int idCamp, int oldIdUser, int newIdUser) throws Exception(Code) | | replace all reference of user oldIdUser by newIdUser in the table (EXEC_CAMP) where campagne = idCamp
Parameters: oldIdUser - Parameters: newIdUser - throws: Exception - no permission needed |