| java.lang.Object salomeTMF_plug.pluginxlsxml.Export.FromXmlToExcel
FromXmlToExcel | public class FromXmlToExcel (Code) | | Read a XML file, generated by SalomeTMF via DocXML Plugin, having
requirements ans test cases, and transform it in XLS file
author: adm_dfej |
Constructor Summary | |
public | FromXmlToExcel(String fichierXml, boolean selectionExportExigence, boolean selectionExportTest, boolean selectionExportParametre, boolean selectionExportEnvironnement, boolean selectionExportCampagne, boolean selectionExportExecutionCampagne, boolean selectionExportAnomalies) |
FromXmlToExcel | public FromXmlToExcel(String fichierXml, boolean selectionExportExigence, boolean selectionExportTest, boolean selectionExportParametre, boolean selectionExportEnvironnement, boolean selectionExportCampagne, boolean selectionExportExecutionCampagne, boolean selectionExportAnomalies) throws DocumentException, Exception, IOException(Code) | | Function that transform the XML file to a XLS file
Parameters: selectionExportParametre - parametre case à cocher Parameters: selectionExportEnvironnement - parametre case à cocher Parameters: selectionExportCampagne - parametre case à cocher Parameters: selectionExportExecutionCampagne - parametre case à cocher Parameters: selectionExportAnomalies - parametre case à cocher Parameters: selectionExportExigence - parametre case à cocher Parameters: selectionExportTest - parametre case à cocher Parameters: fichierXml - Name of the XML file throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Lang.Exception throws: java.io.IOException - IOException |
EnleveBalisesHTML | public String EnleveBalisesHTML(String chaineAModifier)(Code) | | Permet d'enlever les balises HTML d'une chaine de caractères
Parameters: chaineAModifier - chaine à modifier chaine modifiée |
createXlsFile | public String createXlsFile(String nomFichierSortie)(Code) | | Function that create a XLS File
Parameters: nomFichierSortie - Name of the XML File The real name of the XLS file génerated |
getWriteErrorXLS | public boolean getWriteErrorXLS()(Code) | | Get ErreurEcritureXLS
ErreurEcritureXLS |
getfichierDeSortieXLS | public String getfichierDeSortieXLS()(Code) | | récupère fichierDeSortieXLS
fichierDeSortieXLS |
openXmlFile | public void openXmlFile(String fichierXml) throws DocumentException(Code) | | function that tries to open the XML File
Parameters: fichierXml - Name of the XML File throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException |
readFileAttachements | public void readFileAttachements(String pathXML, int colonneURL, int numeroLigne, WritableSheet feuilleExcel) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException(Code) | | Function that read file attachements for all spreadsheets
Parameters: pathXML - Xml directory path Parameters: colonneURL - Column number to read Parameters: numeroLigne - line number to read Parameters: feuilleExcel - Excel Spreadsheet to read throws: jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException - Excel Exception throws: jxl.write.WriteException - Write Exception |
readRequirementsSettings | public void readRequirementsSettings(String ParsingRequirementID) throws WriteException(Code) | | Read requirement options
Parameters: ParsingRequirementID - ID requirememnt throws: jxl.write.WriteException - Erreur Ecriture Excel |
readURLAttachements | public void readURLAttachements(String pathXML, int colonneURL, int numeroLigne, WritableSheet feuilleExcel) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException(Code) | | Function that read URL attachements for all spreadsheets
Parameters: pathXML - Xml directory path Parameters: colonneURL - Column number to read Parameters: numeroLigne - line number to read Parameters: feuilleExcel - Excel Spreadsheet to read throws: jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException - Excel Exception throws: jxl.write.WriteException - Write Exception |
readXMLFileAnomalies | public void readXMLFileAnomalies(Document documentXml) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read Bugs
Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
readXMLFileCampagne | public void readXMLFileCampagne(Document documentXml) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read campaigns
Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
readXMLFileEnvironnement | public void readXMLFileEnvironnement(Document documentXml) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read environnements
Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
readXMLFileExecutionCampagne | public void readXMLFileExecutionCampagne(Document documentXml) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read Campaigns executions
Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
readXMLFileParametre | public void readXMLFileParametre(Document documentXml) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read parameters
Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
readXMLFileRequirement | public void readXMLFileRequirement(Document documentXml, boolean selectionExportAnomalies) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read requirements
Parameters: selectionExportAnomalies - Veryfy bug spreadsheet presence Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
readXMLFileTest | public void readXMLFileTest(Document documentXml, boolean selectionExportAnomalies) throws DocumentException, Exception(Code) | | Function that parse Xml file to read tests
Parameters: selectionExportAnomalies - Veryfy bug spreadsheet presence Parameters: selectionExportExigence - parametre case à cocher Parameters: documentXml - document Xml throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException - DocumentException throws: java.lang.Exception - Exception |
removeSpecialCharacters | public String removeSpecialCharacters(String chaineAModifier)(Code) | | Modify a string to pass spécial characters like quote
Parameters: chaineAModifier - A string for argument A string |
setErreurEcritureXLS | public boolean setErreurEcritureXLS()(Code) | | Set ErreurEcriturXLs to True
True |
writeXLSHeading | public void writeXLSHeading(boolean selectionExportAnomalies) throws WriteException(Code) | | Function that write XLS heading
Parameters: nombreMaxBranche - Nombre maximal de branches imbriquées pour les exigences Parameters: selectionExportAnomalies - Veryfy bug spreadsheet presence throws: jxl.write.WriteException - WriteException |