Method Summary |
public void | assertButtonDisabled(String buttonId) Assert that a button is present and disabled. |
public void | assertButtonEnabled(String buttonId) Assert that a button is present and enabled. |
abstract public void | assertButtonNotPresent(String buttonId) Assert that a button with a given id is not present. |
abstract public void | assertButtonPresent(String buttonId) Assert that a button with a given id is present. |
abstract public void | assertCheckboxNotSelected(String checkBoxName) Assert that a specific checkbox is not selected. |
abstract public void | assertCheckboxSelected(String checkBoxName) Assert that a specific checkbox is selected. |
abstract public void | assertCookiePresent(String cookieName) Checks to see if a cookie is present in the response. |
abstract public void | assertCookieValueEquals(String cookieName, String expectedValue) Assert the value of a cookie. |
abstract public void | assertElementNotPresent(String anID) Assert that an element with a given id is not present. |
abstract public void | assertElementPresent(String anID) Assert that an element with a given id is present. |
abstract public void | assertFormElementEmpty(String formElementName) Assert that a form element had no value / is empty. |
abstract public void | assertFormElementEquals(String formElementName, String expectedValue) Assert that a specific form element has an expected value. |
abstract public void | assertFormElementNotPresent(String formElementName) Assert that a form input element with a given name is not present. |
public void | assertFormElementNotPresentOrDisabled(String formElementName) Assert that a form element is not present or disabled. |
abstract public void | assertFormElementNotPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel) Assert that a form input element with a given label is not present. |
abstract public void | assertFormElementPresent(String formElementName) Assert that a form input element with a given name is present. |
public void | assertFormElementPresentAndEnabled(String formElementName) Assert that a form element is present and enabled. |
abstract public void | assertFormElementPresentWithLabel(String formElementLabel) Assert that a form input element with a given label is present. |
abstract public void | assertFormNotPresent() Assert that there is not a form present. |
abstract public void | assertFormNotPresent(String nameOrID) Assert that there is not a form with the specified name or id present. |
abstract public void | assertFormPresent() Assert that there is a form present. |
abstract public void | assertFormPresent(String nameOrID) Assert that there is a form with the specified name or id present. |
abstract public void | assertFramePresent(String frameName) Assert that a frame with the given name is present. |
abstract public void | assertKeyInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String key) Assert that the value of a given web resource is present in a specific
table. |
abstract public void | assertKeyNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String key) Assert that the value of a given web resource is not present in a
specific table. |
abstract public void | assertKeyNotPresent(String key) Assert that a web resource's value is not present. |
abstract public void | assertKeyPresent(String key) Assert that a web resource's value is present. |
abstract public void | assertKeysInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] keys) Assert that the values of a set of web resources are all present in a
specific table. |
abstract public void | assertLinkNotPresent(String linkId) Assert that no link with the given id is present in the response. |
abstract public void | assertLinkNotPresentWithImage(String imageFileName) Assert that a link containing a specified image is not present. |
abstract public void | assertLinkNotPresentWithText(String linkText) Assert that no link containing the supplied text is present. |
abstract public void | assertLinkNotPresentWithText(String linkText, int index) Assert that no link containing the supplied text is present. |
abstract public void | assertLinkPresent(String linkId) Assert that a link with a given id is present in the response. |
abstract public void | assertLinkPresentWithImage(String imageFileName) Assert that a link containing a specified image is present. |
abstract public void | assertLinkPresentWithText(String linkText) Assert that a link containing the supplied text is present. |
abstract public void | assertLinkPresentWithText(String linkText, int index) Assert that a link containing the supplied text is present. |
abstract public void | assertOptionEquals(String selectName, String option) Assert that the currently selected display value of a select box matches
a given value. |
public void | assertOptionIsSelectedByValue(String selectId, String selectedValue) |
public void | assertOptionValuePresent(String selectId, String value) |
abstract public void | assertOptionValuesEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedValues) Assert that the values of a select element's options match a given array
of strings. |
abstract public void | assertOptionValuesNotEqual(String selectName, String[] optionValues) Assert that the values of a select element's options do not match a given
array of strings. |
abstract public void | assertOptionsEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedOptions) Assert that the display values of a select element's options match a
given array of strings. |
abstract public void | assertOptionsNotEqual(String selectName, String[] expectedOptions) Assert that the display values of a select element's options do not match
a given array of strings. |
abstract public void | assertRadioOptionNotPresent(String name, String radioOption) Assert that a specific option is not present in a radio group. |
abstract public void | assertRadioOptionNotSelected(String name, String radioOption) Assert that a specific option is not selected in a radio group. |
abstract public void | assertRadioOptionPresent(String name, String radioOption) Assert that a specific option is present in a radio group. |
abstract public void | assertRadioOptionSelected(String name, String radioOption) Assert that a specific option is selected in a radio group. |
abstract public void | assertSubmitButtonNotPresent(String buttonName) Assert that a submit button with a given name is not present. |
abstract public void | assertSubmitButtonPresent(String buttonName) Assert that a submit button with a given name is present. |
abstract public void | assertSubmitButtonValue(String buttonName, String expectedValue) Assert that a submit button with a given name and value is present. |
abstract public void | assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId, ExpectedTable expectedTable) Assert that a specific table matches an ExpectedTable. |
abstract public void | assertTableEquals(String tableSummaryOrId, String[][] expectedCellValues) Assert that a specific table matches a matrix of supplied text values. |
abstract public void | assertTableNotPresent(String tableSummaryOrId) Assert that a table with a given summary or id value is not present. |
abstract public void | assertTablePresent(String tableSummaryOrId) Assert that a table with a given summary or id value is present. |
abstract public void | assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId, int startRow, ExpectedTable expectedTable) Assert that a range of rows for a specific table matches a matrix of
supplied text values. |
abstract public void | assertTableRowsEqual(String tableSummaryOrId, int startRow, String[][] expectedCellValues) Assert that a range of rows for a specific table matches a matrix of
supplied text values. |
abstract public void | assertTextInElement(String elementID, String text) Assert that a given element contains specific text. |
public void | assertTextInElement(String elementId, String[] texts) If the list has any non blanks strings, the element must exist and have
all the non blank strings in it. |
abstract public void | assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text) Assert that supplied text is present in a specific table. |
abstract public void | assertTextInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] text) Assert that a set of text values are all present in a specific table. |
abstract public void | assertTextNotInElement(String elementID, String text) Assert that the given text is NOT in (contained in) the given element. |
abstract public void | assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String text) Assert that supplied text is not present in a specific table. |
abstract public void | assertTextNotInTable(String tableSummaryOrId, String[] text) Assert that none of a set of text values are present in a specific table. |
abstract public void | assertTextNotPresent(String text) Assert that supplied text is not present. |
abstract public void | assertTextPresent(String text) Assert that supplied text is present. |
abstract public void | assertTitleEquals(String title) Assert title of current html page in conversation matches an expected
value. |
abstract public void | assertTitleEqualsKey(String titleKey) Assert title of current html page matches the value of a specified web
resource. |
abstract public void | assertWindowPresent(String windowName) Assert that a window with the given name is open. |
abstract public void | beginAt(String relativeURL) Begin conversation at a url relative to the application root. |
abstract public void | checkCheckbox(String checkBoxName) Select a specified checkbox. |
abstract public void | checkCheckbox(String checkBoxName, String value) Check a checkbox and set a specific value. |
abstract public void | clickButton(String buttonId) Click the button with the given id. |
abstract public void | clickLink(String linkId) Navigate by selection of a link with given id. |
abstract public void | clickLinkWithImage(String imageFileName) Navigate by selection of a link with a given image. |
abstract public void | clickLinkWithText(String linkText) Navigate by selection of a link containing given text. |
abstract public void | clickLinkWithText(String linkText, int index) Navigate by selection of a link containing given text. |
abstract public void | clickLinkWithTextAfterText(String linkText, String labelText) Search for labelText in the document, then search forward until finding a
link called linkText. |
abstract public void | endTrail() End a trail. |
public String | getDefaultOption(String selectName) Gets the LABEL of the selected option in a select box. |
abstract public String | getMessage(String key) Return the value of a web resource based on its key. |
public String[] | getOptionValues(String selectId) Get all the option values for a select tag.
Parameters: selectId - The ID of the select tag. |
public String | getSelectedOptionValue(String selectName) Gets the LABEL of the selected option in a select box.
Parameters: selectName - The NAME of the select tag. |
abstract public File | getTrailFolder() |
abstract public void | gotoFrame(String frameName) Make the named frame active (current response will be frame's contents). |
abstract public void | gotoPage(String url) Goto a specific URL, regardless of the base URL. |
abstract public void | gotoRootWindow() Make the root window active. |
abstract public void | gotoWindow(String windowName) Make a given window active (current response will be window's contents). |
abstract public boolean | isTrailEnabled() |
abstract public void | reset() Reset the current form. |
abstract public void | selectOption(String selectName, String option) Select an option with a given display value in a select element. |
public void | selectOptionByValue(String selectId, String value) Select an option using the value, not the key. |
abstract public void | setFormElement(String formElementName, String value) Set the value of a form input element. |
public void | setFormElement(String formElementName, String[] values) Overload to enable setting multiple form elements with the same name. |
abstract public void | setTrailEnabled(boolean trailEnabled) |
abstract public void | setTrailFolder(File trailFolder) |
abstract public void | setUrl(String url) Set the base URL for the tested web application. |
abstract public void | setWorkingForm(String nameOrId) Begin interaction with a specified form. |
public void | setWorkingFormByFieldName(String fieldName) Finds the form with the specified field in, and sets that form as the
working form. |
public void | setWorkingFormByFieldNameAndValue(String fieldName, String value) Finds the form with the specified field in with a specific value, and
sets that form as the working form. |
abstract public void | startTrail(String trailName) Start a new trail. |
abstract public void | submit() Submit form - default submit button will be used (unnamed submit button,
or named button if there is only one on the form. |
abstract public void | submit(String buttonName) Submit form by pressing named button. |
public void | submit(String buttonName, String value) Push a submit button based on the name and value of it. |
abstract public void | uncheckCheckbox(String checkBoxName) Deselect a specified checkbox. |
abstract public void | uncheckCheckbox(String checkBoxName, String value) Deselect a specified checkbox. |
public void | writePage(String filename) Write the current page to a file, regardless of any current trail or if
trailing is enabled or not. |
abstract public void | writeTrail(String pageName) Your web test steps should call this to write suiteable pages to the
If trailing is disabled (default) nothing will happen.
Parameters: pageName - A page name to prepend to the file name. |