getBeanImplementationForInterface(Class> toInspect) Returns the implementation for the class
author: Daniel Wiese since: Jul 19, 2007 Parameters: toInspect - the interface.
Returns the
ClassAnnotationMetadata for the given class name
Parameters: className - The name of the class in the form com.bla.class Metadata if present otherwise NULL
Returns the Module
Module for guice dependency injection with
valid ejb3mapping definition.
Parameters: conf - the configuration Parameters: manager - the entity manager instance which should be used for thebinding Parameters: toCheck - the class wich identifyes the module the module creator.
Returns the metadate mapping for the jar where the class file is in.
author: Daniel Wiese since: Jul 19, 2007 Parameters: toCheck - the class wich identifyes the module metat data
Returns the Module
Module for guice dependency injection with
valid ejb3mapping definition. Will inject mock controlls.
Parameters: toCheck - the class to check the module creator.