| javax.interceptor.InvocationContext
InvocationContext | public interface InvocationContext (Code) | | Context that is given to all interceptors (business or lifecycle) and that
allow to get information on the current invocation.
See Also: EJB 3.0 specification author: Florent Benoit since: EJB 3.0 version. |
getContextData | Map<String, Object> getContextData()(Code) | | a Map that is shared by all interceptors for a given method. |
getMethod | Method getMethod()(Code) | | the method that is intercepted (null for lifecycle interceptors). |
getParameters | Object[] getParameters()(Code) | | the parameters of the intercepted method (if any) |
getTarget | Object getTarget()(Code) | | the object on which the intercepted method is called. |
proceed | Object proceed() throws Exception(Code) | | Call the next interceptor in the chain (and at the end it is the intercepted method that is called).
the result of the invocation on the intercepted method. throws: Exception - if method invocation fails. |
setParameters | void setParameters(Object[] params)(Code) | | Sets the parameters of the method that is intercepted.
Parameters: params - the array of parameters. |