Classes to support cookie handling. Supports the HTTP state mechanism. The central class of this package is the
{@link com.meterware.httpunit.cookies.CookieJar}, which acts as a repository of
{@link com.meterware.httpunit.cookies.Cookie} objects. There are two main ways to get cookies into the
CookieJar. The first is to construct the CookieJar, passing a {@link com.meterware.httpunit.cookies.CookieSource}
to its constructor. This will cause the CookieJar to parse the Set-Cookie headers from the source object. The second is
to copy them from another CookieJar through use of the
{@link com.meterware.httpunit.cookies.CookieJar#updateCookies updateCookies(CookieJar)} method.
The CookieJar can also produce a Cookie header to be sent as part of a request.
The {@link com.meterware.httpunit.cookies.CookieJar#getCookieHeaderField} method
will select any cookies that it has which can be sent to the specified URL and assemble them into an appropriate header.