| com.meterware.pseudoserver.HttpUserAgentTest
HttpUserAgentTest | public class HttpUserAgentTest extends TestCase (Code) | | A base class for test cases that use the pseudo server.
author: Russell Gold |
Inner Class :static class QuerySpec | |
Method Summary | |
protected void | addResourceHeader(String resourceName, String header) | protected String | asBytes(String s) | public static String | asText(Object[] args) | protected void | assertEqualQueries(String query1, String query2) | protected void | assertEquals(String comment, Object[] expected, Object[] found) | protected void | assertEquals(String comment, byte[] expected, byte[] actual) | protected void | assertImplement(String comment, Object[] objects, Class expectedClass) | protected void | assertImplements(String comment, Object object, Class expectedClass) | protected void | assertMatchingSet(String comment, Object[] expected, Enumeration found) | public static void | assertMatchingSet(String comment, Object[] expected, Object[] found) | protected void | defineResource(String resourceName, PseudoServlet servlet) | protected void | defineResource(String resourceName, String value) | protected void | defineResource(String resourceName, byte[] value, String contentType) | protected void | defineResource(String resourceName, String value, int statusCode) | protected void | defineResource(String resourceName, String value, String contentType) | protected void | defineWebPage(String pageName, String body) | protected String | getHostPath() | protected int | getHostPort() | protected PseudoServer | getServer() | protected void | mapToClasspath(String directory) | protected void | setResourceCharSet(String resourceName, String setName, boolean reportCharSet) | protected void | setServerDebug(boolean enabled) | public void | setUp() | public void | tearDown() |
HttpUserAgentTest | public HttpUserAgentTest(String name)(Code) | | |
addResourceHeader | protected void addResourceHeader(String resourceName, String header)(Code) | | |
assertEquals | protected void assertEquals(String comment, byte[] expected, byte[] actual)(Code) | | |
defineResource | protected void defineResource(String resourceName, byte[] value, String contentType)(Code) | | |
defineResource | protected void defineResource(String resourceName, String value, int statusCode)(Code) | | |
mapToClasspath | protected void mapToClasspath(String directory)(Code) | | |
setResourceCharSet | protected void setResourceCharSet(String resourceName, String setName, boolean reportCharSet)(Code) | | |
setServerDebug | protected void setServerDebug(boolean enabled)(Code) | | |