001: // This file is part of KeY - Integrated Deductive Software Design
002: // Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
003: // Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, Germany
004: // Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
005: //
006: // The KeY system is protected by the GNU General Public License.
007: // See LICENSE.TXT for details.
008: //
009: //
011: /**
012: * Creates the KeY-menus to be used in the Together-Tool.
013: * Assumes, that classes of form GlobalMenu<No>, ClassMenu<No>, OpMenu<No>
014: * reside in the same package.
015: */package de.uka.ilkd.key.casetool.together.scripts.menuextension;
017: import java.util.ResourceBundle;
019: import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
020: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
022: import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.IdeContext;
023: import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.command.*;
024: import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.message.IdeMessageManagerAccess;
025: import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.message.IdeMessageType;
026: import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeWindowManager;
027: import com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.window.IdeWindowManagerAccess;
029: import de.uka.ilkd.key.casetool.together.keydebugclassloader.KeyScript;
030: import de.uka.ilkd.key.util.Debug;
031: import de.uka.ilkd.key.util.KeYResourceManager;
033: public class KeyMenuExtension extends KeyScript {
035: /**
036: * Program resources.
037: */
038: protected static final ResourceBundle resources;
039: static {
040: try {
041: resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle(KeyMenuExtension.class
042: .getName());
043: } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) {
044: JOptionPane
045: .showMessageDialog(
046: null,
047: "An error occured initializing "
048: + KeyMenuExtension.class.getName()
049: + ".\nThe package seems corrupt or a resource is missing, aborting\n"
050: + e, "Error",
051: JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
052: throw new InternalError(e.getMessage())/*.initCause(e)*/;
053: } catch (LinkageError le) {
054: JOptionPane
055: .showMessageDialog(
056: null,
057: "An error occured in linking class "
058: + KeyMenuExtension.class.getName()
059: + ".\nThe package seems corrupt or a resource is missing, aborting\n"
060: + le, "Error",
061: JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
062: throw new InternalError(le.getMessage())/*.initCause(e)*/;
063: }
064: }
066: // auxiliary variables
067: IdeCommandManager comMan = IdeCommandManagerAccess
068: .getCommandManager();
069: IdeWindowManager winMan = IdeWindowManagerAccess.getWindowManager();
070: String myPackageName = this .getClass().getPackage().getName();
072: /** Reactivate the script */
073: public void run1(IdeContext context) {
074: autorun1();
075: }
077: /**
078: * Activate the script (cmp. KeyScript)
079: */
080: public void autorun1() {
081: de.uka.ilkd.key.gui.Main.configureLogger();
082: IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(
083: IdeMessageType.INFORMATION,
084: "KeyMenuExtension new script: started");
085: createAllMenus();
086: de.uka.ilkd.key.proof.init.OCLProofOblInput
087: .setModelManager(de.uka.ilkd.key.casetool.together.TogetherModelManager.INSTANCE);
088: IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(
089: IdeMessageType.INFORMATION,
090: "KeyMenuExtension script: finished");
091: }
093: private void createAllMenus() {
095: //xxx to re-activate the KeY menu group uncomment the following line
097: // createGlobalMenus();
098: // instead of the XMI transform menu point we create "about" and "license" menue points
099: createGlobalMenus2();
100: createClassContextMenus();
101: createOperationContextMenus();
102: }
104: //control variables for global menus
105: static int NUMGLOBALMENUTYPES = 2;
106: static int NUMGLOBALMENUGROUPS = 1;
107: public IdeCommandGroup[][] myGlobalMenuGroups = new IdeCommandGroup[NUMGLOBALMENUTYPES][NUMGLOBALMENUGROUPS];
108: IdeCommandGroup myMainMenuGroup;
109: IdeCommandGroup myMainToolbarGroup;
111: private void createGlobalMenus() {
112: String[] globalMenuLocation = new String[] { "mainToolbar",
113: "mainMenu" };
115: //creates the group-item in the global menu
116: myMainMenuGroup = comMan.createGroup("IDOf"
117: + globalMenuLocation[1], new IdeCommandConstraints(
118: "location=" + globalMenuLocation[1]),
119: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
120: public void checkStatus(IdeCommandEvent event) {
121: myMainMenuGroup.setText("KeY");
122: }
123: });
125: // The main toolbar is extended with our own icon (KeY-button)
126: // String tjextpath = System.getProperty("KeyPathTjext");
127: // final ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(tjextpath + "/de/uka/ilkd/key/casetool/together/scripts/menuextension/key-color-icon-small.gif");
129: final ImageIcon icon = KeYResourceManager.getManager()
130: .createImageIcon(this , "key-color-icon-small.gif");
131: myMainToolbarGroup = comMan.createGroup("IDOf"
132: + globalMenuLocation[0], new IdeCommandConstraints(
133: "location=" + globalMenuLocation[0]),
134: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
135: // we have to mention checkStatus because of IdeCommandCheckListener is
136: // an interface, not a class where you can create instances of
137: public void checkStatus(IdeCommandEvent event) {
138: }
139: });
141: //The icon is set to the new ToolbarGroup
142: myMainToolbarGroup.setIcon(IdeCommandIconType.PRESSED, icon);
143: myMainToolbarGroup.setIcon(IdeCommandIconType.DEFAULT, icon);
145: // All used Items in the global menu have a name of form "GlobalMenu.."
146: // That classes are in the same package as that class.
147: String globalMenuRootCN = myPackageName + "." + "GlobalMenu";
148: for (int typeI = 0; typeI < NUMGLOBALMENUTYPES; typeI++) {
149: for (int group = 1; group < (NUMGLOBALMENUGROUPS + 1); group++) {
150: myGlobalMenuGroups[typeI][(group - 1)] = comMan
151: .createGroup("IDOfTheMainMenuSubGroup"
152: + globalMenuLocation[typeI] + group,
153: new IdeCommandConstraints("parent=IDOf"
154: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
155: + ", location="
156: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
157: // new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
158: // public void checkStatus(IdeCommandEvent event) {
159: // // here we create an instance of classes like GlobalMenueGroup1
160: // ( myGlobalMenuGroups[typeI][(group-1)]).setText(((GlobalMenue) Class.forName(globalMenueRootCN + "Group" + group).newInstance()).getMenueEntry());
161: // }
162: // }
163: // new KeyMenuIdeCmdListener(this, typeI, (group-1), globalMenuRootCN)
164: new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(this , null,
165: typeI, group, 0,
166: globalMenuRootCN));
168: // how many entries have the groups
169: int groupElemNum;
170: if (group == 1) {
171: groupElemNum = 1;
172: } else if (group == 2) {
173: groupElemNum = 0;
174: } else if (group == 3) {
175: groupElemNum = 0;
176: } else {
177: groupElemNum = 0;
178: }
180: for (int groupItem = 1; groupItem < (groupElemNum + 1); groupItem++) {
181: // generating the elements of the groups
183: // at first we generate an adapter to cover the functionality
185: // IdeCommandAdapter actAdapter = new IdeCommandAdapter() {
186: // public void actionPerformed(IdeCommandEvent event) {
187: // // here we create an instance of classes like GlobalMenuePoint1_1
188: // try{
189: // ((GlobalMenue) Class.forName(globalMenueRootCN + "Point" + group + "_" + groupItem).newInstance()).run(winMan);
190: // }catch(Exception e){
191: // System.err.println("KeYError: " + e);
192: // e.printStackTrace();
193: // }
194: // }
195: // };
197: GlobalMenuIdeAdapter actAdapter = new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(
198: this , winMan, 0, group, groupItem,
199: globalMenuRootCN);
201: // now the menuentry of the actual group
202: String optionalPlaceAfterString = "";
203: if (groupItem > 1) {
204: optionalPlaceAfterString = ", placeAfter = IDOfItem"
205: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
206: + group
207: + "_" + (groupItem - 1);
208: }
210: IdeCommandItem groupElement = comMan
211: .createItem(
212: "IDOfItem"
213: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
214: + group + "_" + groupItem,
215: new IdeCommandConstraints(
216: "parent=IDOfTheMainMenuSubGroup"
217: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
218: + group
219: + optionalPlaceAfterString
220: + ", location="
221: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
222: actAdapter);
224: // here we create an instance of classes like GlobalMenuPoint1_1
225: try {
226: groupElement.setText(((GlobalMenu) Class
227: .forName(
228: globalMenuRootCN + "Point"
229: + group + "_"
230: + groupItem)
231: .newInstance()).getMenuEntry());
233: } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
234: System.err
235: .println("keymenuextension: class cannot be located");
236: System.err
237: .println("The exception was: " + cnfe);
238: cnfe.printStackTrace();
239: } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError ei) {
240: System.err
241: .println("keymenuextension: the initialization provoked "
242: + "by this method fails.");
243: System.err.println("The exception was: " + ei);
244: ei.printStackTrace();
245: } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
246: System.err
247: .println("keymenuextension: class or "
248: + "initializer is not accessible.");
249: System.err.println("The exception was: " + iae);
250: iae.printStackTrace();
251: } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
252: System.err
253: .println("keymenuextension: class tried to\n"
254: + "instantiate represents an abstract class, an interface,"
255: + "an array class, a primitive type, or void; or if the"
256: + "instantiation fails for some other reason.");
257: System.err.println("The exception was: " + ie);
258: ie.printStackTrace();
259: } catch (SecurityException se) {
260: System.err
261: .println("keymenuextension: no permission to create"
262: + "a new instance");
263: System.err.println("The exception was: " + se);
264: se.printStackTrace();
265: } catch (LinkageError le) {
266: System.err
267: .println("keymenuextension: linkage failed");
268: System.err.println("The exception was: " + le);
269: le.printStackTrace();
270: }
272: groupElement.setEnabled(true);
273: groupElement.setVisible(true);
274: groupElement.setSeparatorAfter(true);
275: }
276: }
277: }
278: }
280: private void createGlobalMenus2() {
281: String[] globalMenuLocation = new String[] { "mainToolbar",
282: "mainMenu" };
284: //creates the group-item in the global menu
285: myMainMenuGroup = comMan.createGroup("IDOf"
286: + globalMenuLocation[1], new IdeCommandConstraints(
287: "location=" + globalMenuLocation[1]),
288: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
289: public void checkStatus(IdeCommandEvent event) {
290: myMainMenuGroup.setText("KeY");
291: }
292: });
294: final ImageIcon icon = KeYResourceManager.getManager()
295: .createImageIcon(this , "key-color-icon-small.gif");
296: myMainToolbarGroup = comMan.createGroup("IDOf"
297: + globalMenuLocation[0], new IdeCommandConstraints(
298: "location=" + globalMenuLocation[0]),
299: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
300: public void checkStatus(IdeCommandEvent event) {
301: }
302: });
304: //The icon is set to the new ToolbarGroup
305: myMainToolbarGroup.setIcon(IdeCommandIconType.PRESSED, icon);
306: myMainToolbarGroup.setIcon(IdeCommandIconType.DEFAULT, icon);
308: // All used Items in the global menu have a name of form "GlobalMenu.."
309: // That classes are in the same package as that class.
310: String globalMenuRootCN = myPackageName + "." + "GlobalMenu";
311: for (int typeI = 0; typeI < NUMGLOBALMENUTYPES; typeI++) {
312: int group = 1;
314: // now the menuentry of the actual group
316: IdeCommandItem groupElement1 = comMan.createItem(
317: "IDOfMenuPoint1" + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
318: + group, new IdeCommandConstraints(
319: "parent=IDOf" + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
320: + ", location="
321: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
322: new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(this , winMan, typeI,
323: group, 2, globalMenuRootCN));
324: IdeCommandItem groupElement2 = comMan
325: .createItem("IDOfMeuPoint2"
326: + globalMenuLocation[typeI] + group,
327: new IdeCommandConstraints("parent=IDOf"
328: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
329: + ", location="
330: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
331: new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(this , winMan,
332: typeI, group, 3, globalMenuRootCN));
333: IdeCommandItem groupElement4 = comMan
334: .createItem("IDOfMeuPoint4"
335: + globalMenuLocation[typeI] + group,
336: new IdeCommandConstraints("parent=IDOf"
337: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
338: + ", location="
339: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
340: new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(this , winMan,
341: typeI, group, 4, globalMenuRootCN));
342: IdeCommandItem groupElement5 = comMan
343: .createItem("IDOfMeuPoint5"
344: + globalMenuLocation[typeI] + group,
345: new IdeCommandConstraints("parent=IDOf"
346: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
347: + ", location="
348: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
349: new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(this , winMan,
350: typeI, group, 5, globalMenuRootCN));
351: IdeCommandItem groupElement6 = comMan
352: .createItem("IDOfMeuPoint6"
353: + globalMenuLocation[typeI] + group,
354: new IdeCommandConstraints("parent=IDOf"
355: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]
356: + ", location="
357: + globalMenuLocation[typeI]),
358: new GlobalMenuIdeAdapter(this , winMan,
359: typeI, group, 6, globalMenuRootCN));
361: try {
362: groupElement1.setText(((GlobalMenu) Class.forName(
363: globalMenuRootCN + "Point1_2").newInstance())
364: .getMenuEntry());
365: groupElement2.setText(((GlobalMenu) Class.forName(
366: globalMenuRootCN + "Point1_3").newInstance())
367: .getMenuEntry());
368: groupElement4.setText(((GlobalMenu) Class.forName(
369: globalMenuRootCN + "Point1_4").newInstance())
370: .getMenuEntry());
371: groupElement5.setText(((GlobalMenu) Class.forName(
372: globalMenuRootCN + "Point1_5").newInstance())
373: .getMenuEntry());
374: groupElement6.setText(((GlobalMenu) Class.forName(
375: globalMenuRootCN + "Point1_6").newInstance())
376: .getMenuEntry());
377: } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
378: System.err
379: .println("keymenuextension: class cannot be located");
380: System.err.println("The exception was: " + cnfe);
381: cnfe.printStackTrace();
382: } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError ei) {
383: System.err
384: .println("keymenuextension: the initialization provoked "
385: + "by this method fails.");
386: System.err.println("The exception was: " + ei);
387: ei.printStackTrace();
388: } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
389: System.err.println("keymenuextension: class or "
390: + "initializer is not accessible.");
391: System.err.println("The exception was: " + iae);
392: iae.printStackTrace();
393: } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
394: System.err
395: .println("keymenuextension: class tried to\n"
396: + "instantiate represents an abstract class, an interface,"
397: + "an array class, a primitive type, or void; or if the"
398: + "instantiation fails for some other reason.");
399: System.err.println("The exception was: " + ie);
400: ie.printStackTrace();
401: } catch (SecurityException se) {
402: System.err
403: .println("keymenuextension: no permission to create"
404: + "a new instance");
405: System.err.println("The exception was: " + se);
406: se.printStackTrace();
407: } catch (LinkageError le) {
408: System.err.println("keymenuextension: linkage failed");
409: System.err.println("The exception was: " + le);
410: le.printStackTrace();
411: }
413: groupElement1.setEnabled(true);
414: groupElement1.setVisible(true);
415: groupElement1.setSeparatorAfter(false);
416: groupElement2.setEnabled(true);
417: groupElement2.setVisible(true);
418: groupElement2.setSeparatorAfter(true);
419: groupElement4.setEnabled(true);
420: groupElement4.setVisible(true);
421: groupElement4.setSeparatorAfter(false);
422: groupElement5.setVisible(true);
423: groupElement5.setSeparatorAfter(true);
424: groupElement6.setVisible(true);
425: groupElement6.setSeparatorAfter(false);
426: }
427: }
429: // menus for the context of a class symbol
431: IdeCommandGroup myClassGroup;
433: // how many classmenuitems do we have?
434: static int NUMCLASSMENUITEMS = Integer.parseInt(resources
435: .getString("key.menu.class.menuitem-count"));
436: static {
437: Debug.out("MenuExtension uses " + NUMCLASSMENUITEMS
438: + " class menu items");
439: }
441: // IdeCommandItem is used in class ClassMenuIdeAdapter
442: public IdeCommandItem[] myClassItem = new IdeCommandItem[NUMCLASSMENUITEMS];
444: private void createClassContextMenus() {
446: //creates the group-item in the context-menu
447: myClassGroup = comMan
448: .createGroup(
449: "IDOfTheClassGroup",
450: new IdeCommandConstraints(
451: "context = element, shapeType=Class, location=popupMenu"),
452: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
453: public void checkStatus(
454: IdeCommandEvent event) {
455: // here we can look if we have a class or interface, ... omitted
456: myClassGroup.setText("KeY");
458: }
459: });
461: // All used Items in the class menu have a name
462: // starting with the following
463: String classMenuRootCN = myPackageName + "." + "ClassMenu";
465: for (int groupElementNo = 1; groupElementNo < (NUMCLASSMENUITEMS + 1); groupElementNo++) {
466: String optionalPlaceAfterString = "";
467: if (groupElementNo > 1) {
468: optionalPlaceAfterString = ", placeAfter = IDOfClassItem"
469: + (groupElementNo - 1);
470: }
472: // adding the elements to the class menu
474: ClassMenuIdeAdapter actClassAdapter = new ClassMenuIdeAdapter(
475: this , winMan, groupElementNo, classMenuRootCN);
477: myClassItem[groupElementNo - 1] = comMan.createItem(
478: "IDOfClassItem" + groupElementNo,
479: new IdeCommandConstraints("context = element, "
480: + "parent=IDOfTheClassGroup"
481: + optionalPlaceAfterString
482: + ", location=popupMenu"), actClassAdapter);
483: }
484: }
486: // menus for the context of a operation
488: IdeCommandGroup myOpGroup;
489: IdeCommandGroup[] myOpSubGroups;
490: // how many opmenuitems do we have?
491: static int NUMOPMENUITEMS = Integer.parseInt(resources
492: .getString("key.menu.op.menuitem-count"));
493: static {
494: Debug.out("MenuExtension uses " + NUMOPMENUITEMS
495: + " op menu items");
496: }
498: // IdeCommandItem is used in class OpMenuIdeAdapter
499: public IdeCommandItem[] myOpItem = new IdeCommandItem[NUMOPMENUITEMS];
501: private void createOperationContextMenus() {
502: //creates the group-item in the context-menu
503: myOpGroup = comMan
504: .createGroup(
505: "IDOfTheOpGroup",
506: new IdeCommandConstraints(
507: "context = element, shapeType=Operation, location=popupMenu"),
508: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
509: public void checkStatus(
510: IdeCommandEvent event) {
511: // here we can look if we have a class or interface, ... omitted
512: myOpGroup.setText("KeY");
513: }
514: });
516: // All used Items in the class menu have a name
517: // starting with the following
518: String opMenuRootCN = myPackageName + "." + "OpMenu";
519: String subMenuIDs[] = new String[NUMOPMENUITEMS];
520: // String optionalPlaceAfterString = "";
522: for (int groupElementNo = 1; groupElementNo < (NUMOPMENUITEMS + 1); groupElementNo++) {
523: try {
524: subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1] = ((OpMenu) Class
525: .forName(
526: opMenuRootCN + "Point" + groupElementNo)
527: .newInstance()).getSubMenuName();
528: } catch (Exception ie) {
529: Debug.fail("Class " + opMenuRootCN + "Point"
530: + groupElementNo + " could not be loaded");
531: }
532: if (subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1] != null)
533: subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1] = "IDOf"
534: + subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1];
536: }
538: for (int groupElementNo = 1; groupElementNo < (NUMOPMENUITEMS + 1); groupElementNo++) {
539: // adding the elements to the class menu
541: // optionalPlaceAfterString = "";
543: // NOT NECESSARY - items are created in order
544: // if ( groupElementNo > 1 ) {
545: // optionalPlaceAfterString = ", placeAfter = IDOfOpItem" +
546: // (groupElementNo-1 );
547: // }
549: // adding the elements to the op menu (only those not in any submenu)
550: if (subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1] == null) {
551: OpMenuIdeAdapter actOpAdapter = new OpMenuIdeAdapter(
552: this , winMan, groupElementNo, opMenuRootCN);
554: myOpItem[groupElementNo - 1] = comMan.createItem(
555: "IDOfOpItem" + groupElementNo,
556: new IdeCommandConstraints(
557: "context = element, parent=IDOfTheOpGroup"
558: +
559: // optionalPlaceAfterString +
560: ", location=popupMenu"),
561: actOpAdapter);
563: }
564: }
566: String[] opGroupIDs = new String[] { "horizontal", "vertical" };
567: String[] opGroupNames = new String[] {
568: "Horizontal Proof Obligations",
569: "Vertical Proof Obligations" };
570: myOpSubGroups = new IdeCommandGroup[opGroupIDs.length];
572: for (int i = 0; i < opGroupIDs.length; i++) {
573: myOpSubGroups[i] = comMan
574: .createGroup(
575: "IDOf" + opGroupIDs[i],
576: new IdeCommandConstraints(
577: "context = element, parent=IDOfTheOpGroup, location=popupMenu"),
578: new IdeCommandCheckListener() {
579: public void checkStatus(
580: IdeCommandEvent event) {
581: IdeCommandItem item = event
582: .getCommandItem();
583: item.setVisible(true);
584: }
585: });
586: myOpSubGroups[i].setText(opGroupNames[i]);
587: }
589: for (int groupElementNo = 1; groupElementNo < (NUMOPMENUITEMS + 1); groupElementNo++) {
591: // optionalPlaceAfterString = "";
593: // NOT NECESSARY - items are created in order
594: // if ( groupElementNo > 1 ) {
595: // optionalPlaceAfterString = ", placeAfter = IDOfOpItem" +
596: // (groupElementNo-1 );
597: // }
599: // adding the elements to the op menu (only those in submenus)
601: if (subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1] != null) {
602: OpMenuIdeAdapter actOpAdapter = new OpMenuIdeAdapter(
603: this , winMan, groupElementNo, opMenuRootCN);
605: myOpItem[groupElementNo - 1] = comMan
606: .createItem(
607: "IDOfOpItem" + groupElementNo,
608: new IdeCommandConstraints(
609: "context = element, parent="
610: + subMenuIDs[groupElementNo - 1]
611: +
612: // optionalPlaceAfterString +
613: ", location=popupMenu"),
614: actOpAdapter);
616: }
617: }
619: }
620: }