| java.lang.Object de.uka.ilkd.key.gui.nodeviews.IncrementalSearch
IncrementalSearch | public class IncrementalSearch implements KeyListener,FocusListener(Code) | | Implements an incremental search for the sequent view. The incremental search
starts with / and is aborted if the sequent view looses the
focus or the key Esc is pressed. The next match can be found
pressing the function key F3 .
IncrementalSearch | public IncrementalSearch(SequentView seqView)(Code) | | create and initialize a new incremental search run
Parameters: seqView - the SequentView where to perform an incremental search |
focusLost | public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)(Code) | | aborts incremental search, if the observed component looses the focus
keyPressed | public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)(Code) | | disables the incremental searcher when the function key F3
is pressed
keyTyped | public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)(Code) | | constructs the string to serach for