| java.lang.Object de.uka.ilkd.key.ocl.gf.AbstractProber
All known Subclasses: de.uka.ilkd.key.ocl.gf.TypesLoader, de.uka.ilkd.key.ocl.gf.PrintnameLoader, de.uka.ilkd.key.ocl.gf.RefinementMenuCollector, de.uka.ilkd.key.ocl.gf.SelfResultProber,
AbstractProber | abstract class AbstractProber (Code) | | A class that offers a basic readGfEdit method with a lot of
hot spots where subclasses can plug in
author: daniels |
gfCapsule | final protected GfCapsule gfCapsule(Code) | | reference to the editor whose readRefinementMenu method is used
AbstractProber | public AbstractProber(GfCapsule gfCapsule)(Code) | | A constructor which sets some fields
Parameters: gfCapsule - The encapsulation of GF |
readAndIgnore | protected void readAndIgnore()(Code) | | Just reads the complete output of a GF run and ignores it.
readGfedit | protected void readGfedit()(Code) | | reads the output from GF starting with >gfedit<
and last reads >/gfedit<.
readHmsg | protected String readHmsg(String readresult)(Code) | | reads the hmsg part
Parameters: readresult - the first line the first line of the next XML child.if no hmsg is present @see readresult is returned. |
readLinearizations | protected void readLinearizations(String readresult)(Code) | | reads the linearization subtree.
The first line should be already read
Parameters: readresult - the first line with the opening tag |
readMenu | protected void readMenu()(Code) | | Reads the menu child of the XML from beginning to end
readMessage | protected void readMessage()(Code) | | Reads the message child of the XML from beginning to end
readTree | protected void readTree()(Code) | | Reads the tree child of the XML from beginning to end
send | protected void send(String text)(Code) | | send a command to GF
Parameters: text - the command, exactly the string that is going to be sent |