| java.lang.Object junit.framework.TestCase de.uka.ilkd.key.parser.TestDeclParser
assertFormulaSV | public void assertFormulaSV(String msg, Object o)(Code) | | asserts that the SchemaVariable matches to a formula
and not to a term (of sort != Sort.FORMULA)
assertTermSV | public void assertTermSV(String msg, Object o)(Code) | | asserts that the SchemaVariable matches to term but not to a
assertVariableSV | public void assertVariableSV(String msg, Object o)(Code) | | asserts that the found object is a schemavariable and
that the allowed macthing type is QuantifiableVariable
setUp | public void setUp()(Code) | | |
testAmbigiousDecls | public void testAmbigiousDecls()(Code) | | |
testArrayDecl | public void testArrayDecl()(Code) | | |
testFunctionDecl | public void testFunctionDecl()(Code) | | |
testGenericSortDecl | public void testGenericSortDecl()(Code) | | |
testHeurDecl | public void testHeurDecl()(Code) | | |
testPredicateDecl | public void testPredicateDecl()(Code) | | |
testSVDecl | public void testSVDecl()(Code) | | |
testSortDecl | public void testSortDecl()(Code) | | |