Represents a benchmark as defined in the SMT-Lib specification.
A benchmark thereby represents a closed first order formula with additional information attached
to it. To be exact, the formula is built over a sublogic of first order logic with equality,
namely (QF_)AUFLIA in this case.
The String representation of a Benchmark can be given to any decision
procedure supporting the SMT-LIB format and the (QF_)AUFLIA sublogic, to decide satisfiability
of the represented formula.
To get a String representation appropriate for SMT-LIB satisfiability solvers for an
arbitrary Formula (SMT-LIB), the setFormula method must be called on a
Benchmark instance with that Formula as argument. Calling to toString
method on this Benchmark will then generate an appropriate String
author: akuwertz version: 1.3, 03/28/2006 (Minor fixes) See Also: SMT-LIB |