| java.lang.Object org.jmlspecs.models.JMLModelValueSet
JMLModelValueSet | public class JMLModelValueSet (Code) | | A collection of value sets for use in set comprehensions. The
normal (non-model) methods might potentially be useful in executing
assertions, although the sets of all integers and longs can't
realistically be used in a direct way. The model methods have no
hope of being executed.
version: $Revision: 1.1 $ author: Gary T. Leavens See Also: JMLValueSet |
JMLBytes | public static JMLValueSet JMLBytes()(Code) | | The set of all (actual and potential) JMLByte values.
JMLChars | public static JMLValueSet JMLChars()(Code) | | The set of all (actual and potential) JMLChar values.
JMLShorts | public static JMLValueSet JMLShorts()(Code) | | The set of all (actual and potential) JMLShort values.