| java.lang.Object org.jmlspecs.models.JMLNullSafe
JMLNullSafe | public class JMLNullSafe (Code) | | A class with static methods that safely work with null objects.
version: $Revision: 1.1 $ author: Katie Becker and Gary T. Leavens |
Method Summary | |
public static boolean | equals(Object o1, Object o2) Test for equality of o1 and o2, allowing either to be null. | public static int | hashCode(Object o) Return a hash code for the argument, which may be null. | public static String | toString(Object o) Return a string representation for the argument, which may be null. |
equals | public static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2)(Code) | | Test for equality of o1 and o2, allowing either to be null.
hashCode | public static int hashCode(Object o)(Code) | | Return a hash code for the argument, which may be null.
toString | public static String toString(Object o)(Code) | | Return a string representation for the argument, which may be null.