Method Summary |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | add(Object dv, Object rv) Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that
it also associates the given domain element to the given range
element. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator | associations() Return a enumerator for the set of associations that
conceptually make up this relation. |
public Object | clone() Return a clone of this object. |
public JMLValueToObjectRelation | compose(JMLValueToObjectRelation othRel) Return a relation that is the composition of the given
relation and this relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | compose(JMLObjectToObjectRelation othRel) Return a relation that is the composition of the given
relation and this relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | difference(JMLObjectToObjectRelation othRel) Return a relation that is the difference between this and the given
relation. |
public JMLObjectSet | domain() Returns a set containing the domain of this relation. |
public JMLObjectSetEnumerator | domainElements() Return a enumerator for the set that is the domain of this
relation. |
public JMLObjectSet | elementImage(Object dv) Returns a set containing all the range elements that this
relation relates to the given domain element. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator | elements() Return a enumerator for the set of associations that
conceptually make up this relation. |
public boolean | equals(Object obj) Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument. |
public boolean | has(Object dv, Object rv) Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value. |
public boolean | has(JMLObjectObjectPair pair) Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value. |
public boolean | has(Object obj) Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value. |
public int | hashCode() Return a hash code for this object. |
public JMLObjectSet | image(JMLObjectSet dom) Returns a set containing all the range elements that this
relation relates to the elements of the given set of domain elements. |
public JMLValueSet | imagePairSet() Return the set of image set pairs that make up this relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator | imagePairs() Return the set of domain image set pairs that make up this relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | insert(JMLObjectObjectPair pair) Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that
it also includes the association described by the given pair. |
public int | int_size() Return the number of associations in this relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | intersection(JMLObjectToObjectRelation othRel) Return a relation that is the intersection of this and the
given relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | inverse() Returns the inverse of this relation. |
public JMLObjectSet | inverseElementImage(Object rv) Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the
given range element. |
public JMLObjectSet | inverseImage(JMLObjectSet rng) Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to some
element in the given set of range elements. |
public boolean | isDefinedAt(Object dv) Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the
given domain element. |
public boolean | isEmpty() Tells whether the relation is empty. |
public boolean | isaFunction() Tells whether this relation is a function. |
public JMLIterator | iterator() Returns an Iterator over the set of pairs conceptually
contained in this relation.. |
public JMLObjectSet | range() Returns a set containing the range of this relation. |
public JMLObjectSetEnumerator | rangeElements() Return a enumerator for the set that is the range of this
relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | remove(Object dv, Object rv) Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that
it does not contain the association, if any, between the given
domain and range elements. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | remove(JMLObjectObjectPair pair) Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that
it does not contain association described by the given pair. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | removeFromDomain(Object dv) Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that
it does not contain any association with the given domain element. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | restrictDomainTo(JMLObjectSet dom) Return a relation that is like this relation except that its
domain is limited to just the elements of the given set. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | restrictRangeTo(JMLObjectSet rng) Return a relation that is like this relation except that its
range is limited to just the elements of the given set. |
public static JMLObjectToObjectRelation | singleton(Object dv, Object rv) Return the singleton relation containing the given association. |
public static JMLObjectToObjectRelation | singleton(JMLObjectObjectPair pair) Return the singleton relation containing the association
described by the given pair. |
public JMLValueBag | toBag() Return the bag of all associations in this relation. |
public JMLObjectToObjectMap | toFunction() Return a map that is contained in this relation. |
public JMLValueSequence | toSequence() Return a sequence containing all associations in this relation. |
public JMLValueSet | toSet() Return the set of all associations in this relation. |
public String | toString() Return a string representation of this object. |
public JMLObjectToObjectRelation | union(JMLObjectToObjectRelation othRel) Return a relation that union of the this and the given relation. |