| java.lang.Object tijmp.TIJMPController
TIJMPController | public class TIJMPController (Code) | | This is a class that can be used to control the tijmp profiler from within java code.
childObjects | public static void childObjects(Object[] childs)(Code) | | |
childObjectsSummary | native static void childObjectsSummary(Object o)(Code) | | Find all objects below the given object and show a summary.
getObjectsForTags | native static Object[] getObjectsForTags(long[] tags)(Code) | | Find the objects for a set of tags.
heapWalkResult | public static void heapWalkResult(Class>[] carr, long[] counts, long[] sizes)(Code) | | |
init | public static void init()(Code) | | |
instances | public static void instances(Class> clz, Object[] objects, long[] sizes, int[] lengths)(Code) | | |
runGC | native static void runGC()(Code) | | This will run the garbage collector.
According to the specification this type of gc will
actually be guaranteed to run the garbage collector.
showInstances | native static void showInstances(Class> clz)(Code) | | Find all entries of a given class and then call back into java to
show them.
showOwners | native static void showOwners(Class> clz)(Code) | | Find owners for all objects of the given class and show them.
showStrings | static void showStrings()(Code) | | Finds all strings and then call back to java to show them.
submitTask | static void submitTask(Runnable r)(Code) | | Submit a long running task to the tijmp task handler.
walkHeap | native static void walkHeap()(Code) | | Walk the heap and gather object information.