| java.lang.Object U2.T2.Engine
All known Subclasses: U2.T2.RndEngine,
Engine | abstract public class Engine (Code) | | Abstract class representing the general structure and parameters of
a test engine; furthermore the class contains a bunch of utility
static methods.
Field Summary | |
protected Class | CUT The class under the test. | protected int | maxExecLength Specify a maximum on the length of each execution. | protected int | maxNumOfSteps Specify a maximum on the numbers of total execution steps
generated by the engine. | protected int | maxNumViolations The engine should stop if the number of violations found
reaches maxNumViolations. | protected int | numOfExecs Total number of executions generated. | protected int | numOfRelevantChecks Total number of relevant checks. | protected int | numOfSteps Total number of execution steps generated. | protected int | numOfViolations Total number of violations found. | protected Pool | pool The object pool used by the engine. |
maxExecLength | protected int maxExecLength(Code) | | Specify a maximum on the length of each execution. Default is
maxNumOfSteps | protected int maxNumOfSteps(Code) | | Specify a maximum on the numbers of total execution steps
generated by the engine. Default is 500.
maxNumViolations | protected int maxNumViolations(Code) | | The engine should stop if the number of violations found
reaches maxNumViolations. Default is 1.
numOfExecs | protected int numOfExecs(Code) | | Total number of executions generated.
numOfRelevantChecks | protected int numOfRelevantChecks(Code) | | Total number of relevant checks.
numOfSteps | protected int numOfSteps(Code) | | Total number of execution steps generated.
numOfViolations | protected int numOfViolations(Code) | | Total number of violations found.
pool | protected Pool pool(Code) | | The object pool used by the engine.
getConsIPs | public static List<Constructor> getConsIPs(Class C)(Code) | | Get the constructors of a class that act as interface
points. Currently these are the declared, non-private
constructors of the class.
getFieldsIPs | public static List<Field> getFieldsIPs(Class C)(Code) | | Get the fields of a class that act as interface
points. Currently this is all public fields of its
superclasses + its own declared non-private fields.
getMethsIPs | public static List<Method> getMethsIPs(Class C)(Code) | | Get the methods of a class that act as interface
points. Currently this is all public methods of its
superclasses + its own declared non-private methods.
mk_specMap | public static HashMap<Method, Method> mk_specMap(Class C, List<Method> methods)(Code) | | Construct a mapping such that for any method m of the class C
that has m_spec as its specification, we add the pair
(m,m_spec) to the mapping.
report | abstract public void report(PrintStream out)(Code) | | To report violating traces found by the engine. It does nothing
here, and should be overiden by subclass.
runMe | abstract public void runMe()(Code) | | Run the test engine. It does nothing here, and should be
overiden by subclass.