| java.lang.Object org.uispec4j.AbstractUIComponent org.uispec4j.Panel
All known Subclasses: org.uispec4j.Window,
Panel | public class Panel extends AbstractUIComponent (Code) | | General container for UI components.
This class offers a set of "getXxx" methods for retrieving the different kinds of UIComponent
instances laid out in a GUI panel.
It also provides a set of generic find/get methods, with the following naming logic:
- 'find...' stands for a unitary search that returns null when nothing was found
- 'getXxxComponent' stands for a unitary search that throws an exception
when nothing was found
- 'getXxxComponents' stands for plural search and returns an empty array
when nothing was found
- 'getXxxComponents' stands for plural search and returns an empty array
when nothing was found
- 'containsXxxComponents' returns an assertion for checking the presence
of a component
NOTE: A Panel can be created from any AWT Container, but when a Panel is searched with the
Panel.getPanel(String) method only components of type JPanel JInternalFrame, etc. will be
SWING_CLASSES | final public static Class[] SWING_CLASSES(Code) | | |
containsLabel | public Assertion containsLabel(String text)(Code) | | Checks that the panel contains a given non-editable text.
This method is mainly suited for checking displayed messages in popped-up dialogs.
NB: Only JLabel components are taken into account.
getDescriptionTypeName | public String getDescriptionTypeName()(Code) | | |
getInputTextBox | public TextBox getInputTextBox(String name) throws ComponentAmbiguityException, ItemNotFoundException(Code) | | Retrieves input-only text boxes. This is useful for avoiding ambiguity exceptions
when the input text boxes are laid out near labels, as in most forms.
"Input text boxes" are defined as subclasses of the JTextComponent class - in other words,
JLabel components are excluded from the search. Please note that the is is not necessarily
visible from the user, since JTextComponent subclasses can be customized to look as ordinary,
read-only labels.