| abbot.script.AppClassLoaderTest
AppClassLoaderTest | public class AppClassLoaderTest extends TestCase (Code) | | Verify AppClassLoader operation.
AppClassLoaderTest | public AppClassLoaderTest(String name)(Code) | | |
testAppletViewerExclusion | public void testAppletViewerExclusion() throws Throwable(Code) | | Ensure the bootstrap classes are always loaded by the bootstrap
loader, except in cases where we specifically want preloading.
testContextInstallUninstall | public void testContextInstallUninstall() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testExtensionTesterLoading | public void testExtensionTesterLoading() throws Throwable(Code) | | Load a custom tester and a tester and ensure the class hierarchy is
testExtensionsNotInTestCodeClassPath | public void testExtensionsNotInTestCodeClassPath() throws Throwable(Code) | | Extensions not in the app loader class path but in the framework
class path should still be loaded by the AppClassLoader, not the system
class loader.
testGC | public void testGC() throws Exception(Code) | | Ensure the class loader is GC'd after uninstall.
testLoadAppletViewer | public void testLoadAppletViewer() throws Throwable(Code) | | |