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| abbot.script.FixtureTest
FixtureTest | public class FixtureTest extends TestCase (Code) | | ScriptFixture must only restore system state on terminate;
SystemState needs to be static, or preserved across ScriptFixture invocations
author: twall |
setUp | protected void setUp()(Code) | | |
tearDown | protected void tearDown()(Code) | | |
testFixturesEquivalent | public void testFixturesEquivalent()(Code) | | |
testLaunchWithExtantDifferentFixture | public void testLaunchWithExtantDifferentFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testLaunchWithExtantSameFixture | public void testLaunchWithExtantSameFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testLaunchWithNoExtantFixture | public void testLaunchWithNoExtantFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testParseScriptWithFixture | public void testParseScriptWithFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testPreserveHierarchyDuringContext | public void testPreserveHierarchyDuringContext() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testRunWithExtantDifferentFixture | public void testRunWithExtantDifferentFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testRunWithExtantSameFixture | public void testRunWithExtantSameFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testRunWithNoExtantFixture | public void testRunWithNoExtantFixture() throws Throwable(Code) | | |
testXML | public void testXML()(Code) | | |