| java.lang.Object com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNode com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNamespaceNode com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomElement com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.StyledElement com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.ClickableElement com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.FocusableElement com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlInput com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSubmitInput
HtmlSubmitInput | public class HtmlSubmitInput extends HtmlInput (Code) | | Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
version: $Revision: 2132 $ author: Mike Bowler author: David K. Taylor author: Christian Sell author: Daniel Gredler author: Ahmed Ashour |
Method Summary | |
public String | asText() Returns "Submit Query" if value attribute is not defined. | protected Page | doClickAction(Page defaultPage) This method will be called if there either wasn't an onclick handler or there was
but the result of that handler was true. | public KeyValuePair[] | getSubmitKeyValuePairs() Returns "Submit Query" if name attribute is defined and value attribute is not defined. | protected void | printOpeningTagContentAsXml(PrintWriter printWriter) Doesn't print the attribute if it is value="Submit Query". | public void | reset() This method does nothing for submit input elements. |
HtmlSubmitInput | public HtmlSubmitInput(HtmlPage page, Map attributes)(Code) | | Create an instance
Parameters: page - The page that contains this element Parameters: attributes - the initial attributes |
HtmlSubmitInput | HtmlSubmitInput(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, HtmlPage page, Map attributes)(Code) | | Create an instance
Parameters: namespaceURI - the URI that identifies an XML namespace. Parameters: qualifiedName - The qualified name of the element type to instantiate Parameters: page - The page that contains this element Parameters: attributes - the initial attributes |
asText | public String asText()(Code) | | Returns "Submit Query" if value attribute is not defined.
doClickAction | protected Page doClickAction(Page defaultPage) throws IOException(Code) | | This method will be called if there either wasn't an onclick handler or there was
but the result of that handler was true. This is the default behavior of clicking
the element. The default implementation returns the current page - subclasses
requiring different behavior (like
HtmlSubmitInput ) will override this
Parameters: defaultPage - The default page to return if the action does notload a new page. The page that is currently loaded after execution of this method throws: IOException - If an IO error occurred |
getSubmitKeyValuePairs | public KeyValuePair[] getSubmitKeyValuePairs()(Code) | | Returns "Submit Query" if name attribute is defined and value attribute is not defined.
printOpeningTagContentAsXml | protected void printOpeningTagContentAsXml(PrintWriter printWriter)(Code) | | Doesn't print the attribute if it is value="Submit Query".
Fields inherited from com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlInput | final public static String TAG_NAME(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement | static HtmlAttr addAttributeToMap(HtmlPage page, Map attributeMap, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addHtmlAttributeChangeListener(HtmlAttributeChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) final public HtmlElement appendChildIfNoneExists(String tagName)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void assertNotEmpty(String description, String string) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void blur()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode cloneDomNode(boolean deep)(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode cloneNode(boolean deep)(Code)(Java Doc) static Map createAttributeMap(int attributeCount)(Code)(Java Doc) public ScriptResult fireEvent(String eventType)(Code)(Java Doc) public ScriptResult fireEvent(Event event)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireHtmlAttributeAdded(HtmlAttributeChangeEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireHtmlAttributeRemoved(HtmlAttributeChangeEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireHtmlAttributeReplaced(HtmlAttributeChangeEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) public void focus()(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getAttribute(String attributeName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Iterator getAttributeEntriesIterator()(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getAttributeValue(String attributeName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Iterator getChildElementsIterator()(Code)(Java Doc) public HtmlElement getEnclosingElement(String tagName)(Code)(Java Doc) public HtmlForm getEnclosingForm()(Code)(Java Doc) public HtmlForm getEnclosingFormOrDie() throws IllegalStateException(Code)(Java Doc) final public Function getEventHandler(String eventName)(Code)(Java Doc) public HtmlElement getHtmlElementById(String id) throws ElementNotFoundException(Code)(Java Doc) final public List getHtmlElementsByAttribute(String elementName, String attributeName, String attributeValue)(Code)(Java Doc) final public List getHtmlElementsByTagName(String tagName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public List getHtmlElementsByTagNames(List acceptableTagNames)(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getId()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getNodeName()(Code)(Java Doc) public short getNodeType()(Code)(Java Doc) final public HtmlElement getOneHtmlElementByAttribute(String elementName, String attributeName, String attributeValue) throws ElementNotFoundException(Code)(Java Doc) public Short getTabIndex()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTagName()(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean hasAttribute(String attributeName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean hasAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasHtmlElementWithId(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAttributeDefined(String attributeName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isEmptyXmlTagExpanded()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isSubmittableByEnter()(Code)(Java Doc) public void keyDown(int keyCode)(Code)(Java Doc) public void keyDown(int keyCode, boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey)(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseDown()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseDown(boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, int button)(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseMove()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseMove(boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, int button)(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseOut()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseOut(boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, int button)(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseOver()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseOver(boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, int button)(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseUp()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page mouseUp(boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, int button)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void notImplemented()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void preventDefault()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void printOpeningTagContentAsXml(PrintWriter printWriter)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void printXml(String indent, PrintWriter printWriter)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void removeAttribute(String attributeName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void removeAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void removeChild(String tagName, int i)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void removeEventHandler(String eventName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeHtmlAttributeChangeListener(HtmlAttributeChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public Page rightClick()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page rightClick(boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String attributeValue)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setAttributeValue(String attributeName, String attributeValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setAttributeValue(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String attributeValue)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setEventHandler(String eventName, Function eventHandler)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setEventHandler(String eventName, String jsSnippet)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setId(String newId)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public void type(String text) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void type(String text, boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public Page type(char c) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public Page type(char c, boolean shiftKey, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNode | public void addDomChangeListener(DomChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) final public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode appendChild(DomNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode appendDomChild(DomNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) public String asText()(Code)(Java Doc) public String asXml()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode cloneDomNode(boolean deep)(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode cloneNode(boolean deep)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireNodeAdded(DomNode parentNode, DomNode addedNode)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fireNodeDeleted(DomNode parentNode, DomNode deletedNode)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected synchronized void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public Iterator getAllHtmlChildElements()(Code)(Java Doc) public List getByXPath(String xpathExpr) throws JaxenException(Code)(Java Doc) public Iterator getChildIterator()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected String getChildrenAsText()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getEndColumnNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getEndLineNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public Function getEventHandler(String eventName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getFirstByXPath(String xpathExpr) throws JaxenException(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getFirstChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getFirstDomChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getLastChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getLastDomChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getLocalName()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Log getLog()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getNamespaceURI()(Code)(Java Doc) public Page getNativePage()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getNextDomSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getNextSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public String getNodeName()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public short getNodeType()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getNodeValue()(Code)(Java Doc) public HtmlPage getPage()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getParentDomNode()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getParentNode()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getPrefix()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getPreviousDomSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) public DomNode getPreviousSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getReadyState()(Code)(Java Doc) public ScriptableObject getScriptObject()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getStartColumnNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getStartLineNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc) public void insertBefore(DomNode newNode) throws IllegalStateException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAncestorOf(DomNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isRenderedVisible()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isTrimmedText()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void notifyIncorrectness(String message)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void onAddedToPage()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void onAllChildrenAddedToPage()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void printChildrenAsXml(String indent, PrintWriter printWriter)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void printXml(String indent, PrintWriter printWriter)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String reduceWhitespace(String text)(Code)(Java Doc) public void remove() throws IllegalStateException(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeAllChildren()(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeDomChangeListener(DomChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeEventHandler(String eventName)(Code)(Java Doc) final public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void replace(DomNode newNode) throws IllegalStateException(Code)(Java Doc) void setEndLocation(int endLineNumber, int endColumnNumber)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEventHandler(String eventName, Function eventHandler)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEventHandler(String eventName, String jsSnippet)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setNextSibling(DomNode next)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setNodeValue(String x)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setParentNode(DomNode parent)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPrefix(String prefix)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setPreviousSibling(DomNode previous)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setReadyState(String state)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setScriptObject(ScriptableObject scriptObject)(Code)(Java Doc) void setStartLocation(int startLineNumber, int startColumnNumber)(Code)(Java Doc)