jacareto.cleverphl.session |
Classes related to the CleverPHL session concept.
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
CaptureHelper.java | Class | A capture helper. |
Session.java | Class | The CleverPHL session. |
SessionEvent.java | Class | This event will be delivered to session listeners. |
SessionList.java | Class | The list of all sessions. |
SessionListener.java | Interface | A listener which will be notified of session events. |
SessionListEvent.java | Class | This event will be delivered to session list listeners when the session list changes. |
SessionListListener.java | Interface | A listener which will be notified of session list changes. |
SessionLoader.java | Class | Class which allows to load sessions. |
SessionType.java | Class | Every session has a type which is represented by this class. |
SessionUtilities.java | Class | A toolkit for sessions. |
StructureTreeListener.java | Class | A listener which will be notified of events on the session's structure tree or events which
should cause changed on the structure tree. |