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public class MonitorPerformancePanel extends JSplitPane implements TreeSelectionListener,MonitorListener,Clearable(Code)

Field Summary
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_ACTIVE
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_BOTTOM
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_DEAD
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_HEALTHY
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_MIDDLE
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_TOP
final public static  StringGRID_LABEL_WARNING
final public static  StringLEGEND_HEALTH
final public static  ImageIconLEGEND_HEALTH_ICON
final public static  StringLEGEND_LOAD
final public static  ImageIconLEGEND_LOAD_ICON
final public static  StringLEGEND_MEM
final public static  ImageIconLEGEND_MEM_ICON
final public static  StringLEGEND_THREAD
final public static  ImageIconLEGEND_THREAD_ICON
final public static  StringPERF_TITLE
final public static  StringSERVER_TITLE
protected  Fontplaintext

Constructor Summary
public  MonitorPerformancePanel()
public  MonitorPerformancePanel(MonitorAccumModel model, MonitorGraph graph)

Method Summary
public synchronized  voidaddSample(MonitorModel model)
     MonitorAccumModel will call this method to notify the component data has changed.
public  voidclearData()
     clear will remove all child nodes from the ROOTNODE, clear the HashMap, update the graph and jpanel for the server tree.
public  JPanelcreateLeftGridLabels()
     Method is responsible for creating the left grid labels.
public  JPanelcreateLegend()
     Method will create the legends at the bottom of the performance tab explaining the meaning of each line.
public  JPanelcreateRightGridLabels()
protected  voidinit()
     init() will create all the necessary swing panels, labels and icons for the performance panel.
public  voidvalueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
     When the user selects a different node in the tree, we get the selected node.

Field Detail
final public static String GRID_LABEL_ACTIVE(Code)

final public static String GRID_LABEL_BOTTOM(Code)

final public static String GRID_LABEL_DEAD(Code)

final public static String GRID_LABEL_HEALTHY(Code)

final public static String GRID_LABEL_MIDDLE(Code)

final public static String GRID_LABEL_TOP(Code)

final public static String GRID_LABEL_WARNING(Code)

final public static String LEGEND_HEALTH(Code)

final public static ImageIcon LEGEND_HEALTH_ICON(Code)

final public static String LEGEND_LOAD(Code)

final public static ImageIcon LEGEND_LOAD_ICON(Code)

final public static String LEGEND_MEM(Code)

final public static ImageIcon LEGEND_MEM_ICON(Code)

final public static String LEGEND_THREAD(Code)

final public static ImageIcon LEGEND_THREAD_ICON(Code)

final public static String PERF_TITLE(Code)

final public static String SERVER_TITLE(Code)

protected Font plaintext(Code)

Constructor Detail
public MonitorPerformancePanel()(Code)

public MonitorPerformancePanel(MonitorAccumModel model, MonitorGraph graph)(Code)

Method Detail
public synchronized void addSample(MonitorModel model)(Code)
MonitorAccumModel will call this method to notify the component data has changed.

public void clearData()(Code)
clear will remove all child nodes from the ROOTNODE, clear the HashMap, update the graph and jpanel for the server tree.

public JPanel createLeftGridLabels()(Code)
Method is responsible for creating the left grid labels. JPanel

public JPanel createLegend()(Code)
Method will create the legends at the bottom of the performance tab explaining the meaning of each line. JPanel

public JPanel createRightGridLabels()(Code)
Method is responsible for creating the grid labels on the right for "healthy" and "dead" JPanel

protected void init()(Code)
init() will create all the necessary swing panels, labels and icons for the performance panel.

public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)(Code)
When the user selects a different node in the tree, we get the selected node. From the node, we get the UserObject used to create the treenode in the constructor.

Fields inherited from javax.swing.JSplitPane
final public static String BOTTOM(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String CONTINUOUS_LAYOUT_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String DIVIDER(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String DIVIDER_SIZE_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int HORIZONTAL_SPLIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String LAST_DIVIDER_LOCATION_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String LEFT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String ONE_TOUCH_EXPANDABLE_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String ORIENTATION_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String RESIZE_WEIGHT_PROPERTY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String RIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String TOP(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int VERTICAL_SPLIT(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean continuousLayout(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int dividerSize(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int lastDividerLocation(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Component leftComponent(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean oneTouchExpandable(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int orientation(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Component rightComponent(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.swing.JSplitPane
protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Component getBottomComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDividerLocation()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDividerSize()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getLastDividerLocation()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Component getLeftComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getMaximumDividerLocation()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getMinimumDividerLocation()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getOrientation()(Code)(Java Doc)
public double getResizeWeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Component getRightComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Component getTopComponent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public SplitPaneUI getUI()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUIClassID()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isContinuousLayout()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isOneTouchExpandable()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isValidateRoot()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void paintChildren(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void remove(Component component)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void remove(int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void resetToPreferredSizes()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setBottomComponent(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setContinuousLayout(boolean newContinuousLayout)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDividerLocation(double proportionalLocation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDividerLocation(int location)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDividerSize(int newSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLastDividerLocation(int newLastLocation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLeftComponent(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setOneTouchExpandable(boolean newValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setOrientation(int orientation)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setResizeWeight(double value)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRightComponent(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTopComponent(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUI(SplitPaneUI ui)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void updateUI()(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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