Method Summary |
public static String | constructDummyArrayDeclaration(String name, int count) Constructs a string representing an array initialization in Java.
Parameters: name - the name to give the array. Parameters: count - the number of items to give the array. |
public static String | getDateFormat(String format) |
public static java.lang.String | getEqual(ModelElementFacade element) Retrieves the "equal" value from the given element (if one is present).
Parameters: element - the element from which to retrieve the equal value. |
public static String | getFormat(ModelElementFacade element, ClassifierFacade type, String defaultDateFormat, String defaultTimeFormat) Gets the format string for the given element .
Parameters: element - the element for which to retrieve the format. Parameters: type - the type of the element. |
public static String | getInputFormat(ModelElementFacade element) Retrieves the input format (if one is defined), for the given
element .
Parameters: element - the model element for which to retrieve the input format. |
public static String | getMaxLengthValue(String format) |
public static String | getMinLengthValue(String format) |
public static String | getPatternValue(String format) |
public static String | getRangeEnd(String format) |
public static String | getRangeStart(String format) |
public static String | getToken(String string, int index, int limit) |
public static java.lang.String | getValidWhen(ModelElementFacade element) Retrieves the "validwhen" value from the given element (if one is present).
Parameters: element - the element from which to retrieve the validwhen value. |
public static java.util.Collection | getValidatorArgs(ModelElementFacade element, java.lang.String validatorType) Gets the validator args for the element and the given validatorType .
Parameters: element - the element for which to retrieve the arguments. Parameters: validatorType - the validator type name. |
public static java.util.Collection | getValidatorTypes(ModelElementFacade element, ClassifierFacade type) Retrieves the validator types as a collection from the given
element (if any can be retrieved).
Parameters: element - the element from which to retrieve the types. Parameters: type - the type of the element. |
public static java.util.Collection | getValidatorVars(ModelElementFacade element, ClassifierFacade type) Gets the validator variables for the given element (if they can
be retrieved).
Parameters: element - the element from which to retrieve the variables Parameters: type - the type of the element. |
public String | getViewExtension() Gets the extension for the current view type. |
public String | getViewType() Gets the current view type. |
public static boolean | isByte(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isCreditCardFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is a creditcard format. |
public static boolean | isDate(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isDouble(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isEmailFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is an email format. |
public static boolean | isEqualFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is an equal format. |
public static boolean | isFloat(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isInteger(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isLong(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isMaxLengthFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is a maxlength format. |
public static boolean | isMinLengthFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is a minlength format. |
public static boolean | isPatternFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is a pattern format. |
public static boolean | isRangeFormat(String format) Indicates if the given format is a range format. |
public static boolean | isReadOnly(ModelElementFacade element) Indicates if the given element is read-only or not.
Parameters: element - the element to check. |
public static boolean | isShort(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isStrictDateFormat(String format) |
public static boolean | isStrictDateFormat(ModelElementFacade element) Indicates whether or not the format for this element is a strict date
format. |
public static boolean | isString(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isTime(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static boolean | isUrl(ClassifierFacade type) |
public static List | parseValidatorArgs(String validatorTaggedValue) Reads the validator arguments from the the given tagged value. |
public static String | parseValidatorName(String validatorTaggedValue) Parses the validator name for a tagged value. |
public static List | parseValidatorVars(String validatorTaggedValue) Reads the validator variable names from the the given tagged value. |
public void | setStrictDateTimeFormat(boolean strictDateTimeFormat) Sets whether or not the dattern patterns should be treated as strict. |
public void | setViewType(String viewType) Sets the view type to use. |
public static String | toWebResourceName(String string) Converts the argument into a web resource name, this means: all lowercase
characters and words are separated with dashes. |