Method Summary |
public String | getDefaultValue() Overridden to provide quotes around string types. |
public Collection | getTableColumns() |
protected Collection | handleGetAttributes() |
protected String | handleGetBackingListName() |
protected String | handleGetBackingValueName() |
protected String | handleGetDateFormatter() |
protected String | handleGetDocumentationKey() |
protected String | handleGetDocumentationValue() |
protected String | handleGetDummyValue() |
protected String | handleGetFormAttributeSetProperty() |
protected String | handleGetFormat() |
protected String | handleGetInputTableIdentifierColumns() |
protected String | handleGetLabelListName() |
protected java.lang.String | handleGetMessageKey() |
protected java.lang.String | handleGetMessageValue() |
protected Collection | handleGetNavigableAssociationEnds() |
protected List | handleGetTableColumnActions(String columnName) |
protected String | handleGetTableColumnMessageKey(String columnName) |
protected String | handleGetTableColumnMessageValue(String columnName) |
protected List | handleGetTableFormActions() |
protected List | handleGetTableHyperlinkActions() |
protected String | handleGetTableSortAscendingProperty() |
protected String | handleGetTableSortColumnProperty() |
protected String | handleGetTimeFormatter() |
protected java.lang.String | handleGetValidWhen() |
protected java.util.Collection | handleGetValidatorArgs(java.lang.String validatorType) |
protected java.util.Collection | handleGetValidatorTypes() |
protected java.util.Collection | handleGetValidatorVars() |
protected String | handleGetValueListDummyValue() |
protected String | handleGetValueListName() |
protected boolean | handleIsBackingValueRequired() |
protected boolean | handleIsComplex() |
protected boolean | handleIsEqualValidator() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputCheckbox() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputFile() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputHidden() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputMultibox() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputRadio() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputSecret() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputSelect() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputTable() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputText() |
protected boolean | handleIsInputTextarea() |
protected boolean | handleIsPlaintext() |
protected boolean | handleIsReadOnly() |
protected boolean | handleIsReset() |
protected boolean | handleIsSelectable() |
protected boolean | handleIsStrictDateFormat() |
protected boolean | handleIsValidationRequired() |
public boolean | isRequired() Overridden to have the same behavior as bpm4struts. |
public boolean | isTable() Overrridden to make sure its not an inputTable. |