Method Summary |
public static StringBuffer | concatContents(List list) Iterates through the passed in list and concates all the values of objects toString value to a StringBuffer and
returns the StringBuffer.
Parameters: list - the List of objects to concatinate. |
public static List | getArgumentNames(VariableDeclaration[] variableDeclarations) |
public static String | getArrowFeatureCallResultNavigationalPath(APropertyCallExpression expression) Gets the navigational path from the given expression that occurs after an arrow feature call. |
public static List | getFeatureCalls(APropertyCallExpression expression) Gets all feature calls from the passed in APropertyCallExpression instance. |
public static String[] | getLeftAndRightExpressions(PRelationalExpression relationalExpression) Gets the left and right expressions of a PRelationalExpression and puts then into a List. |
public static OperationDeclaration | getOperationDeclaration(POperation operation) Converts the passed operation to an instance of Operation for the passed in operation. |
public static List | getParameters(AFeatureCall featureCall) Gets all the parameters from the featureCall instance. |
public static String | getParametersAsString(AFeatureCall featureCall) Gets all the parameters from the featureCall instance as a comma seperated String. |
public static String | getParametersAsString(PFeatureCallParameters featureCallParameters) Gets all the parameters from the PFeatureCallParameters instance as a comma seperated String. |
public static String | getPrimaryExpression(APropertyCallExpression expression) Gets the "real" primary expression, as opposed to the primary expression retrieved from the parser syntax (since
it leaves off any navigational relationships). |
public static String | getType(TName name, List pathNameTail) Concatinates the type from the passed in name and pathNameTail. |
public static VariableDeclaration[] | getVariableDeclarations(POperation operation) Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in operation .
Parameters: operation - the operation for which to retrieve the variable declarations. |
public static VariableDeclaration[] | getVariableDeclarations(AStandardDeclarator standardDeclarator) Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in standardDeclarator .
Parameters: standardDeclarator - the standard declartor for which to retrieve the VariableDeclaration instances. |
public static VariableDeclaration[] | getVariableDeclarations(PVariableDeclarationList variableDeclarationList) Creates an array of VariableDeclaration[] from the passed in PVariableDeclarationList.
Parameters: variableDeclarationList - the PVariableDeclarationList that the new VariableDeclaration will be createdfrom. |
protected static VariableDeclaration | newVariableDeclaration(PVariableDeclaration variableDeclaration, PEqualExpression initialValue) Creates a new VariableDeclaration from the passed in PVariableDeclaration.
Parameters: variableDeclaration - the PVariableDeclaration that the new VariableDeclaration will be created from. Parameters: initialValue - the initial value of the variable declaration. |