| java.lang.Object com.metaboss.enterprise.xi.enhydrabarracuda.Action
Action | abstract public class Action (Code) | | This abstract represents the processing which should take place when user actions the form or anchor
execute | abstract public String execute() throws UIException(Code) | | Executes action.
alternative relative URI of the page where application should be redirected. If this equals null - theURI present in HTTP request will be used. |
getApplication | protected Application getApplication()(Code) | | Getter for the application
getMandatoryParameter | protected String getMandatoryParameter(String pParameterName) throws UIInputValidationException, UIUnexpectedProgramConditionException(Code) | | Returns the value of a navigation parameter as a String, or throws exception if the specified parameter does not exist.
This method should only be used if caller is sure that the parameter value is always a sinlge string.
For array of strings getMandatoryParameters() method should be used
getMandatoryParameters | protected String[] getMandatoryParameters(String pParameterName) throws UIInputValidationException(Code) | | Returns the value of a navigation parameter as a String, or throws exception if the specified parameter does not exist.
getParameter | protected String getParameter(String pParameterName, String pDefaultValue) throws UIUnexpectedProgramConditionException(Code) | | Returns the value of a navigation parameter as a String, or specified default value if the parameter does not exist.
This method should only be used if caller is sure that the parameter value is always a sinlge string.
For array of strings getMandatoryParameters() method should be used
getParameters | protected String[] getParameters(String pParameterName, String[] pDefaultValue)(Code) | | Returns the value of a navigation parameter as a String, or specified default value if the parameter does not exist.