| java.lang.Object com.metaboss.enterprise.xi.enhydrabarracuda.Page
All known Subclasses: com.metaboss.enterprise.xi.enhydrabarracuda.GenericPage,
Page | abstract public class Page (Code) | | This class represents a page of the web application
Each instance of the page is a single html document rendered as the result of
particular navigation move. Page owns some controls
some forms (which in turn own some controls too).
Method Summary | |
public static void | bindDocument(Class pDocumentClass, Class pPageClass) Binds document to this page. | public static void | bindFormAction(Class pDocumentClass, String pFormResourceId, Class pActionClass) | public static void | bindFormWidget(Class pDocumentClass, String pFormResourceId, String pWidgetResourceId, Class pWidgetClass) | public static void | bindWidget(Class pDocumentClass, String pWidgetResourceId, Class pWidgetClass) | public static Page | createInstance(Class pResourceClass, Application pApplication, Application.NavigationMove pNavigationMove) This creator fully creates the instance of the page. | public Application | getApplication() | HTMLElement | getBoundDocumentElement(String pWidgetResourceId) | public static Class | getFormActionClass(String pPageId, String pFormId) | public HTMLDocument | getHTMLDocument() | public String | getMandatoryParameter(String pParameterName) Returns the value of a navigation parameter as a String, or throws exception if the specified parameter does not exist. | public static String | getPageUrl(String pPageId) | public String | getParameter(String pParameterName, String pDefaultValue) Returns the value of a navigation parameter as a String, or specified default value if the parameter does not exist. | public static Class | getWidgetClass(String pPageId, String pWidgetId) | public WidgetModel | getWidgetModel(String pWidgetResourceId) | public void | initialise() This lifecycle method is expected to initialise the page. | public void | putWidgetModel(String pWidgetResourceId, WidgetModel pWidgetModel) | public void | render() | public void | signAnchors() Iterates through all anchors and forms, finds the ones which look like belonging to the application
and signs them. |
bindDocument | public static void bindDocument(Class pDocumentClass, Class pPageClass)(Code) | | Binds document to this page.
bindFormAction | public static void bindFormAction(Class pDocumentClass, String pFormResourceId, Class pActionClass)(Code) | | Binds action class to the form on this
bindFormWidget | public static void bindFormWidget(Class pDocumentClass, String pFormResourceId, String pWidgetResourceId, Class pWidgetClass)(Code) | | Binds control to this page
bindWidget | public static void bindWidget(Class pDocumentClass, String pWidgetResourceId, Class pWidgetClass)(Code) | | Binds control to this page
getBoundDocumentElement | HTMLElement getBoundDocumentElement(String pWidgetResourceId)(Code) | | Returns the HTML Element this control is bound to
getFormActionClass | public static Class getFormActionClass(String pPageId, String pFormId)(Code) | | Returns class of the action bound to the specified form
getHTMLDocument | public HTMLDocument getHTMLDocument()(Code) | | Retrieves HTMLDocument in its current form
getPageUrl | public static String getPageUrl(String pPageId)(Code) | | Returns URL of the page with specified Id
getWidgetClass | public static Class getWidgetClass(String pPageId, String pWidgetId)(Code) | | Returns class of the widget with specified id on specified page
getWidgetModel | public WidgetModel getWidgetModel(String pWidgetResourceId)(Code) | | Model for the requested widget or null if nothing found |
initialise | public void initialise() throws UIException(Code) | | This lifecycle method is expected to initialise the page.
This mostly means setting up controls and making some service calls
putWidgetModel | public void putWidgetModel(String pWidgetResourceId, WidgetModel pWidgetModel)(Code) | | Stores the widget values for the particular widget
signAnchors | public void signAnchors()(Code) | | Iterates through all anchors and forms, finds the ones which look like belonging to the application
and signs them. Signing means making sure that all system parameters are present