0013: //
0014: // Copyright 2000-2005 © Softaris Pty.Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
0015: package com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable;
0017: import java.io.File;
0018: import java.io.FileOutputStream;
0019: import java.io.FileWriter;
0020: import java.io.IOException;
0021: import java.io.InputStream;
0022: import java.io.OutputStream;
0023: import java.net.MalformedURLException;
0024: import java.net.URL;
0025: import java.net.URLConnection;
0026: import java.util.ArrayList;
0027: import java.util.Arrays;
0028: import java.util.Collection;
0029: import java.util.Iterator;
0030: import java.util.List;
0031: import java.util.Map;
0033: import javax.jmi.reflect.RefBaseObject;
0034: import javax.jmi.reflect.RefObject;
0035: import javax.jmi.reflect.RefPackage;
0036: import javax.naming.Context;
0037: import javax.naming.InitialContext;
0038: import javax.naming.NamingException;
0040: import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
0041: import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
0043: import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSException;
0044: import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSIllegalArgumentException;
0045: import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSModelRepositoryInvocationException;
0046: import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSNamingAndDirectoryServiceInvocationException;
0047: import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSServiceProviderException;
0048: import com.metaboss.enterprise.bs.BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException;
0049: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.FormattingHelper;
0050: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.StylesheetAccessor;
0051: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.CopyFileListStep;
0052: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.CopyFileStep;
0053: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.GenerateFileStep;
0054: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.GenerationStep;
0055: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.GenerationStepType;
0056: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.SourceFileListType;
0057: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.SourceFileType;
0058: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.TargetDirType;
0059: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.frameworks.generation.pluggable.plandetails.TargetFileType;
0060: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.ModelRepository;
0061: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.ModelRepositoryException;
0062: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.metabossmodel.MetaBossModelPackage;
0063: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.metabossmodel.ModelElement;
0064: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.services.jdktools.BSJamonTemplateProcessor;
0065: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.services.jdktools.BSJavaTemplateProcessor;
0066: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.services.jdktools.BSVelocityTemplateProcessor;
0067: import com.metaboss.sdlctools.services.jdktools.MergeResult;
0068: import com.metaboss.util.DirectoryUtils;
0069: import com.metaboss.util.StreamUtils;
0070: import com.metaboss.util.StringUtils;
0072: /** Generator of developer's service simulator utilising XML files */
0073: public class Generator {
0074: // Commons Logging instance.
0075: private static final Log sLogger = LogFactory
0076: .getLog(Generator.class);
0077: private static boolean sClassInitialised = false;
0078: private static Object sClassInitialisationSemaphore = new Object();
0079: private static BSJamonTemplateProcessor sJamonTemplateProcessor = null;
0080: private static BSVelocityTemplateProcessor sVelocityTemplateProcessor = null;
0081: private static BSJavaTemplateProcessor sJavaTemplateProcessor = null;
0082: private static StylesheetAccessor sStylesheetAccessor = new StylesheetAccessor();
0083: private static FormattingHelper sFormattingHelper = new FormattingHelper();
0084: private static Context sJndiContext = null;
0086: // Pseudo class initialiser. Main feature that we can throw exception from here (unable to do that from native java class initialiser)
0087: private static void initialiseClassIfNecessary() throws BSException {
0088: if (!sClassInitialised) {
0089: synchronized (sClassInitialisationSemaphore) {
0090: if (!sClassInitialised) {
0091: try {
0092: sJndiContext = new InitialContext();
0093: sJamonTemplateProcessor = (BSJamonTemplateProcessor) sJndiContext
0094: .lookup(BSJamonTemplateProcessor.COMPONENT_URL);
0095: sVelocityTemplateProcessor = (BSVelocityTemplateProcessor) sJndiContext
0096: .lookup(BSVelocityTemplateProcessor.COMPONENT_URL);
0097: sJavaTemplateProcessor = (BSJavaTemplateProcessor) sJndiContext
0098: .lookup(BSJavaTemplateProcessor.COMPONENT_URL);
0099: } catch (javax.naming.NamingException e) {
0100: throw new BSNamingAndDirectoryServiceInvocationException(
0101: "Unable to initialise Generator", e);
0102: }
0103: sClassInitialised = true;
0104: }
0105: }
0106: }
0107: }
0109: /** Performs generation steps for the default model and all contained elements only as specified in the given generation plan
0110: * @param pDestinationDirectory - root directory to generate files to
0111: * @param pGenerationPlan url of the xml file to be used as generation plan
0112: * @param pTemplateContext context to pass to every generation template
0113: * @return Number of generated files */
0114: public static long doGenerationForDefaultModel(
0115: String pDestinationDirectory,
0116: URLConnection pGenerationPlan, Map pTemplateContext)
0117: throws BSException {
0118: initialiseClassIfNecessary();
0119: try {
0120: // Get the root element of the generation definition
0121: GenerationStep lGenerationStep = Parser
0122: .parseGenerationPlan(pGenerationPlan);
0123: URL lGenerationPlanURL = pGenerationPlan.getURL();
0124: // Get the model extent
0125: Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0126: ModelRepository lModelRepository = (ModelRepository) lContext
0127: .lookup(ModelRepository.COMPONENT_URL);
0128: RefPackage lModelExtent = lModelRepository
0129: .getDefaultModelExtent();
0130: String lStepLocation = pGenerationPlan.getURL()
0131: .toExternalForm()
0132: + "/GenerationStep";
0133: // Call the recursive GenerationStep processing method
0134: long lNumberOfFiles = doGenerationForGenerationStep(
0135: pDestinationDirectory,
0136: lModelRepository,
0137: Arrays.asList(new RefBaseObject[] { lModelExtent }),
0138: lGenerationStep, lGenerationPlanURL,
0139: pTemplateContext, lStepLocation);
0140: return lNumberOfFiles > 0 ? lNumberOfFiles : 0;
0141: } catch (NamingException e) {
0142: throw new BSNamingAndDirectoryServiceInvocationException(
0143: "Unable to lookup model repository", e);
0144: } catch (ModelRepositoryException e) {
0145: throw new BSModelRepositoryInvocationException(
0146: "Caught exception while doing generation from the default model.",
0147: e);
0148: }
0149: }
0151: /** Performs generation steps for the given list of elements and all contained elements only as specified in the given generation plan
0152: * @param pDestinationDirectory - root directory to generate files to
0153: * @param pGenerationPlan url of the xml file to be used as generation plan
0154: * @param pRootModelElements the elements to generate the stuff for
0155: * @param pTemplateContext context to pass to every generation template
0156: * @return Number of generated files */
0157: public static long doGenerationForElements(
0158: String pDestinationDirectory,
0159: URLConnection pGenerationPlan,
0160: Collection pRootModelElements, Map pTemplateContext)
0161: throws BSException {
0162: initialiseClassIfNecessary();
0163: try {
0164: // Get the root element of the generation definition
0165: GenerationStep lGenerationStep = Parser
0166: .parseGenerationPlan(pGenerationPlan);
0167: URL lGenerationPlanURL = pGenerationPlan.getURL();
0168: // Get the model extent
0169: Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0170: ModelRepository lModelRepository = (ModelRepository) lContext
0171: .lookup(ModelRepository.COMPONENT_URL);
0172: String lStepLocation = pGenerationPlan.getURL()
0173: .toExternalForm()
0174: + "/GenerationStep";
0175: // Call the recursive GenerationStep processing method
0176: long lNumberOfFiles = doGenerationForGenerationStep(
0177: pDestinationDirectory, lModelRepository,
0178: pRootModelElements, lGenerationStep,
0179: lGenerationPlanURL, pTemplateContext, lStepLocation);
0180: return lNumberOfFiles > 0 ? lNumberOfFiles : 0;
0181: } catch (NamingException e) {
0182: throw new BSNamingAndDirectoryServiceInvocationException(
0183: "Unable to lookup model repository", e);
0184: }
0185: }
0187: /** Performs generation steps for the given metaboss model element and all contained elements only as specified in the given generation plan
0188: * @param pDestinationDirectory - root directory to generate files to
0189: * @param pModelName - the name of the model to use in generation.
0190: * @param pGenerationPlan url of the xml file to be used as generation plan
0191: * @param pMetaBossModelElementRef the reference to the MetaBoss model element
0192: * @param pTemplateContext context to pass to every generation template
0193: * @return Number of generated files */
0194: public static long doGenerationForDefaultMetaBossModelElement(
0195: String pDestinationDirectory,
0196: URLConnection pGenerationPlan,
0197: String pMetaBossModelElementRef, Map pTemplateContext)
0198: throws BSException {
0199: initialiseClassIfNecessary();
0200: try {
0201: // Get the root element of the generation definition
0202: GenerationStep lGenerationStep = Parser
0203: .parseGenerationPlan(pGenerationPlan);
0204: URL lGenerationPlanURL = pGenerationPlan.getURL();
0205: // Get the model extent
0206: Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0207: ModelRepository lModelRepository = (ModelRepository) lContext
0208: .lookup(ModelRepository.COMPONENT_URL);
0209: if (!lModelRepository.getDefaultModelMetaModelName()
0210: .equals(ModelRepository.METAMODEL_NAME_METABOSS))
0211: throw new BSIllegalArgumentException(
0212: "The default model in the Model Repository is not an instance of the MetaBoss MetaModel. Operation can not proceed.");
0213: MetaBossModelPackage lMetaBossModelPackage = (MetaBossModelPackage) lModelRepository
0214: .getDefaultModelExtent();
0215: ModelElement lRootModelElement = lMetaBossModelPackage
0216: .getModelElement().getByRef(
0217: pMetaBossModelElementRef);
0218: String lStepLocation = pGenerationPlan.getURL()
0219: .toExternalForm()
0220: + "/GenerationStep";
0221: // Call the recursive GenerationStep processing method
0222: long lNumberOfFiles = doGenerationForGenerationStep(
0223: pDestinationDirectory,
0224: lModelRepository,
0225: Arrays
0226: .asList(new RefBaseObject[] { lRootModelElement }),
0227: lGenerationStep, lGenerationPlanURL,
0228: pTemplateContext, lStepLocation);
0229: return lNumberOfFiles > 0 ? lNumberOfFiles : 0;
0230: } catch (NamingException e) {
0231: throw new BSNamingAndDirectoryServiceInvocationException(
0232: "Unable to lookup model repository", e);
0233: } catch (ModelRepositoryException e) {
0234: throw new BSModelRepositoryInvocationException(
0235: "Caught exception while doing generation from the default model.",
0236: e);
0237: }
0238: }
0240: /** Performs generation steps for the given model and all contained elements only as specified in the given generation plan
0241: * @param pDestinationDirectory - root directory to generate files to
0242: * @param pModelName - the name of the model to use in generation.
0243: * @param pGenerationPlan url of the xml file to be used as generation plan
0244: * @param pTemplateContext context to pass to every generation template
0245: * @return Number of generated files */
0246: public static long doGenerationForModel(
0247: String pDestinationDirectory, String pModelName,
0248: URLConnection pGenerationPlan, Map pTemplateContext)
0249: throws BSException {
0250: initialiseClassIfNecessary();
0251: try {
0252: // Get the root element of the generation definition
0253: GenerationStep lGenerationStep = Parser
0254: .parseGenerationPlan(pGenerationPlan);
0255: URL lGenerationPlanURL = pGenerationPlan.getURL();
0256: // Get the model extent
0257: Context lContext = new InitialContext();
0258: ModelRepository lModelRepository = (ModelRepository) lContext
0259: .lookup(ModelRepository.COMPONENT_URL);
0260: RefPackage lModelExtent = lModelRepository
0261: .getModelExtent(pModelName);
0262: String lStepLocation = pGenerationPlan.getURL()
0263: .toExternalForm()
0264: + "/GenerationStep";
0265: // Call the recursive GenerationStep processing method
0266: long lNumberOfFiles = doGenerationForGenerationStep(
0267: pDestinationDirectory,
0268: lModelRepository,
0269: Arrays.asList(new RefBaseObject[] { lModelExtent }),
0270: lGenerationStep, lGenerationPlanURL,
0271: pTemplateContext, lStepLocation);
0272: return lNumberOfFiles > 0 ? lNumberOfFiles : 0;
0273: } catch (NamingException e) {
0274: throw new BSNamingAndDirectoryServiceInvocationException(
0275: "Unable to lookup model repository", e);
0276: } catch (ModelRepositoryException e) {
0277: throw new BSModelRepositoryInvocationException(
0278: "Caught exception while doing generation from the '"
0279: + pModelName + "' model.", e);
0280: }
0281: }
0283: /** Recursive method which perfroms generation for a single GenerationStep element and all its
0284: * subelements
0285: * @param pDestinationDirectory - root directory to generate files to
0286: * @param pModelRepository - the repository to use during generation
0287: * @param pModelContextObjects - the list with RefbaseObjects we need to consider on this step
0288: * @param pGenerationStep - the generation def element to process
0289: * @param pURLContext - the url of the original xml plan definition document, can be used to find documents on the relative path
0290: * @param pTemplateContext context to pass to every generation template
0291: * @param pStepLocation XPath location of the step we need to excute (basically XPath location of the pGenerationStep element).
0292: * @return If there was no match at all -1 is returned, if there was a match non-negative long integer is returned indicating number of files actually generated */
0293: private static long doGenerationForGenerationStep(
0294: String pDestinationDirectory,
0295: ModelRepository pModelRepository,
0296: Collection pModelContextObjects,
0297: GenerationStep pGenerationStep, URL pURLContext,
0298: Map pTemplateContext, String pStepLocation)
0299: throws BSException {
0300: // Work on matching
0301: Collection lMatchingModelElements = null;
0302: String lXPathLocationToMatch = pGenerationStep.getMatchXPath();
0303: String lElementRefToMatch = pGenerationStep.getMatchRef();
0304: if (lXPathLocationToMatch != null) {
0305: try {
0306: lMatchingModelElements = pModelRepository
0307: .searchByXPath(pModelContextObjects,
0308: lXPathLocationToMatch);
0309: if (sLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0310: if (lMatchingModelElements.isEmpty())
0311: sLogger
0312: .debug("No model elements have matched required XPath location '"
0313: + lXPathLocationToMatch + "'.");
0314: else if (lMatchingModelElements.size() == 1)
0315: sLogger
0316: .debug("Found one model element which have matched required XPath location '"
0317: + lXPathLocationToMatch + "'.");
0318: else
0319: sLogger
0320: .debug("Found "
0321: + lMatchingModelElements.size()
0322: + " model elements which have matched required XPath location '"
0323: + lXPathLocationToMatch + "'.");
0324: }
0325: } catch (ModelRepositoryException e) {
0326: throw new BSModelRepositoryInvocationException(
0327: "Caught exception while executing XPath search. Problem location: "
0328: + pStepLocation, e);
0329: }
0330: } else if (lElementRefToMatch != null) {
0331: try {
0332: lMatchingModelElements = new ArrayList();
0333: for (Iterator lModelContextObjectsIterator = pModelContextObjects
0334: .iterator(); lModelContextObjectsIterator
0335: .hasNext();) {
0336: RefBaseObject lModelContextObject = (RefBaseObject) lModelContextObjectsIterator
0337: .next();
0338: // Ensure that this is the MetaBoss model - this will not work with any other
0339: String lOwnerModelName = pModelRepository
0340: .getOwnerModelName(lModelContextObject);
0341: String lOwnerMetaModelName = pModelRepository
0342: .getMetaModelName(lOwnerModelName);
0343: if (!lOwnerMetaModelName
0344: .equals(ModelRepository.METAMODEL_NAME_METABOSS))
0345: throw new BSIllegalArgumentException(
0346: "Matching of model elements by reference only works for MetaBoss Models. Model '"
0347: + lOwnerModelName
0348: + "' is not for the right kind and its elements can not be matched by reference. Problem location: "
0349: + pStepLocation);
0350: if (lModelContextObject instanceof ModelElement) {
0351: // This is just a normal model element
0352: for (Iterator lCombinedContentsIterator = ((ModelElement) lModelContextObject)
0353: .getCombinedContents().iterator(); lCombinedContentsIterator
0354: .hasNext();) {
0355: ModelElement lContainedElement = (ModelElement) lCombinedContentsIterator
0356: .next();
0357: if (lContainedElement.getRef().matches(
0358: lElementRefToMatch))
0359: lMatchingModelElements
0360: .add(lContainedElement);
0361: }
0362: } else if (lModelContextObject instanceof MetaBossModelPackage) {
0363: // This is the model extent
0364: for (Iterator lTopLevelModelElementsIterator = pModelRepository
0365: .getTopLevelModelObjects(
0366: lOwnerModelName).iterator(); lTopLevelModelElementsIterator
0367: .hasNext();) {
0368: // Deal with the top level element
0369: ModelElement lTopLevelModelElement = (ModelElement) lTopLevelModelElementsIterator
0370: .next();
0371: if (lTopLevelModelElement.getRef().matches(
0372: lElementRefToMatch))
0373: lMatchingModelElements
0374: .add(lTopLevelModelElement);
0375: // Deal with all contained elements
0376: for (Iterator lCombinedContentsIterator = lTopLevelModelElement
0377: .getCombinedContents().iterator(); lCombinedContentsIterator
0378: .hasNext();) {
0379: ModelElement lContainedElement = (ModelElement) lCombinedContentsIterator
0380: .next();
0381: if (lContainedElement.getRef().matches(
0382: lElementRefToMatch))
0383: lMatchingModelElements
0384: .add(lContainedElement);
0385: }
0386: }
0387: } else
0388: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0389: "Unexpected type of model context object: "
0390: + lModelContextObject
0391: .getClass().getName());
0392: }
0393: if (sLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0394: if (lMatchingModelElements.isEmpty())
0395: sLogger
0396: .debug("No model elements have matched required Model Element Ref '"
0397: + lElementRefToMatch + "'.");
0398: else if (lMatchingModelElements.size() == 1)
0399: sLogger
0400: .debug("Found one model element which have matched required Model Element Ref '"
0401: + lElementRefToMatch + "'.");
0402: else
0403: sLogger
0404: .debug("Found "
0405: + lMatchingModelElements.size()
0406: + " model elements which have matched required Model Element Ref '"
0407: + lElementRefToMatch + "'.");
0408: }
0409: } catch (ModelRepositoryException e) {
0410: throw new BSModelRepositoryInvocationException(
0411: "Caught exception while executing ref matching. Problem location: "
0412: + pStepLocation, e);
0413: }
0414: } else {
0415: // No XPath no ref - we will just use the given context objects
0416: lMatchingModelElements = pModelContextObjects;
0417: }
0418: // Check if there was a match. Return -1 if there wasn't
0419: if (lMatchingModelElements.isEmpty())
0420: return -1;
0421: long lProducedFilesCounter = 0;
0422: // We now have a list of model elements which matches the def
0423: // Execute all instructions against each of the elements
0425: // First prepare the context
0426: java.util.Map lContextMap = new java.util.HashMap();
0427: lContextMap.putAll(pTemplateContext);
0428: lContextMap.put("StylesheetAccessor", sStylesheetAccessor);
0429: lContextMap.put("JndiContext", sJndiContext);
0430: lContextMap.put("FormattingHelper", sFormattingHelper);
0431: // Do all the necessary steps
0432: GenerationStepType.CopyInstructionsType lCopyInstructions = pGenerationStep
0433: .getCopyInstructions();
0434: GenerationStepType.GenerateInstructionsType lGenerateInstructions = pGenerationStep
0435: .getGenerateInstructions();
0436: GenerationStepType.SubstepsType lSubsteps = pGenerationStep
0437: .getSubsteps();
0438: // Run through the steps looking for the ones we need to do once only on match
0439: {
0440: Object lPreviousContextObject = lContextMap.put("Elements",
0441: lMatchingModelElements);
0442: // Copying
0443: if (lCopyInstructions != null) {
0444: List lCopySteps = lCopyInstructions
0445: .getCopyFileStepOrCopyFileListStep();
0446: if (!lCopySteps.isEmpty())
0447: lProducedFilesCounter += doCopying("onMatch",
0448: pDestinationDirectory, lCopyInstructions,
0449: pURLContext, lContextMap, pStepLocation
0450: + "/CopyInstructions");
0451: }
0452: // Generation
0453: if (lGenerateInstructions != null) {
0454: List lGenerationSteps = lGenerateInstructions
0455: .getGenerateFileStep();
0456: if (!lGenerationSteps.isEmpty())
0457: lProducedFilesCounter += doGenerating("onMatch",
0458: pDestinationDirectory,
0459: lGenerateInstructions, pURLContext,
0460: lContextMap, pStepLocation
0461: + "/GenerateInstructions");
0462: }
0463: // Substeps
0464: if (lSubsteps != null
0465: && lSubsteps.getExecutionPolicy().equals("onMatch"))
0466: lProducedFilesCounter += doSubsteps(
0467: pDestinationDirectory, lSubsteps,
0468: pModelRepository, lMatchingModelElements,
0469: pURLContext, pTemplateContext, pStepLocation);
0471: if (lPreviousContextObject != null)
0472: lContextMap.put("Elements", lPreviousContextObject);
0473: else
0474: lContextMap.remove("Elements");
0475: }
0476: // Now run through the steps looking for the ones we need to do once per matched element
0477: for (Iterator lMatchedElementsIterator = lMatchingModelElements
0478: .iterator(); lMatchedElementsIterator.hasNext();) {
0479: RefBaseObject lMatchedElement = (RefBaseObject) lMatchedElementsIterator
0480: .next();
0481: String lReadableElementName = null;
0482: if (lMatchedElement instanceof ModelElement)
0483: lReadableElementName = ((ModelElement) lMatchedElement)
0484: .getRef()
0485: + " Model Element";
0486: else
0487: lReadableElementName = "Instance of "
0488: + lMatchedElement.refMetaObject().refGetValue(
0489: "name");
0490: // Prepare template context and run steps for this element
0491: RefObject lModelElementMetaObject = lMatchedElement
0492: .refMetaObject();
0493: String lModelElementTypeName = (String) lModelElementMetaObject
0494: .refGetValue("name");
0495: Object lPreviousContextObject = lContextMap.put(
0496: lModelElementTypeName, lMatchedElement);
0498: // Copying
0499: if (lCopyInstructions != null) {
0500: List lCopySteps = lCopyInstructions
0501: .getCopyFileStepOrCopyFileListStep();
0502: if (!lCopySteps.isEmpty())
0503: lProducedFilesCounter += doCopying("forEachMatch",
0504: pDestinationDirectory, lCopyInstructions,
0505: pURLContext, lContextMap, pStepLocation
0506: + "/CopyInstructions");
0507: }
0508: // Generation
0509: if (lGenerateInstructions != null) {
0510: List lGenerationSteps = lGenerateInstructions
0511: .getGenerateFileStep();
0512: if (!lGenerationSteps.isEmpty())
0513: lProducedFilesCounter += doGenerating(
0514: "forEachMatch", pDestinationDirectory,
0515: lGenerateInstructions, pURLContext,
0516: lContextMap, pStepLocation
0517: + "/GenerateInstructions");
0518: }
0520: // Substeps
0521: if (lSubsteps != null
0522: && lSubsteps.getExecutionPolicy().equals(
0523: "forEachMatch"))
0524: lProducedFilesCounter += doSubsteps(
0525: pDestinationDirectory,
0526: lSubsteps,
0527: pModelRepository,
0528: Arrays
0529: .asList(new RefBaseObject[] { lMatchedElement }),
0530: pURLContext, pTemplateContext, pStepLocation);
0532: if (lPreviousContextObject != null)
0533: lContextMap.put(lModelElementTypeName,
0534: lPreviousContextObject);
0535: else
0536: lContextMap.remove(lModelElementTypeName);
0538: }
0539: return lProducedFilesCounter;
0540: }
0542: // Helper. Executes generation substeps
0543: private static long doSubsteps(String pDestinationDirectory,
0544: GenerationStepType.SubstepsType pSubsteps,
0545: ModelRepository pModelRepository,
0546: Collection pModelElements, URL pURLContext,
0547: Map pTemplateContext, String pStepLocation)
0548: throws BSException {
0549: boolean lExitAfterFirstMatch = pSubsteps.getMatchPolicy()
0550: .equals("first");
0551: String lSubstepsLocation = pStepLocation + "/Substeps";
0552: int lGenerationSubstepsCounter = 0;
0553: long lProducedFilesCounter = 0;
0554: boolean lNeedIndex = pSubsteps.getGenerationStep().size() > 1;
0555: for (Iterator lGenerationSubstepsIterator = pSubsteps
0556: .getGenerationStep().iterator(); lGenerationSubstepsIterator
0557: .hasNext();) {
0558: GenerationStep lGenerationSubstep = (GenerationStep) lGenerationSubstepsIterator
0559: .next();
0560: String lStepLocation = lSubstepsLocation
0561: + "/GenerationStep"
0562: + (lNeedIndex ? ("["
0563: + (++lGenerationSubstepsCounter) + "]")
0564: : "");
0565: // Call the recursive GenerationStep processing method
0566: long lNumberOfFilesInThisStep = doGenerationForGenerationStep(
0567: pDestinationDirectory, pModelRepository,
0568: pModelElements, lGenerationSubstep, pURLContext,
0569: pTemplateContext, lStepLocation);
0570: // Update the counter.
0571: if (lNumberOfFilesInThisStep > 0)
0572: lProducedFilesCounter += lNumberOfFilesInThisStep;
0573: // We may need to stop iterations if we have matched the step and policy is 'first'
0574: // Matching step will be indicated by not negative integer
0575: if (lExitAfterFirstMatch && lNumberOfFilesInThisStep >= 0) {
0576: // There was a match and we are told not to look any further
0577: if (sLogger.isDebugEnabled()
0578: && lGenerationSubstepsIterator.hasNext())
0579: sLogger
0580: .debug("Skipping execution of sibling generation steps after "
0581: + lStepLocation
0582: + " due to the specified matchPolicy.");
0583: break;
0584: }
0585: }
0586: return lProducedFilesCounter;
0587: }
0589: // Helper. Does the generating of all defined resources from source to target
0590: private static long doGenerating(
0591: String pExecutionPolicy,
0592: String pDestinationDirectory,
0593: GenerationStepType.GenerateInstructionsType pGenerateInstructions,
0594: URL pURLContext, Map pTemplateContext, String pStepLocation)
0595: throws BSException {
0596: // Do all the copying steps
0597: int lGeneratedFilesCounter = 0;
0598: String lTargetFileTemplateInclude = pGenerateInstructions
0599: .getTargetFileTemplateInclude();
0600: for (Iterator lGenerateFileStepsIterator = pGenerateInstructions
0601: .getGenerateFileStep().iterator(); lGenerateFileStepsIterator
0602: .hasNext();) {
0603: GenerateFileStep lGenerateFileStep = (GenerateFileStep) lGenerateFileStepsIterator
0604: .next();
0605: if (pExecutionPolicy != null
0606: && lGenerateFileStep.getExecutionPolicy().equals(
0607: pExecutionPolicy) == false)
0608: continue; // This generation step has a different execution policy
0609: lGeneratedFilesCounter++;
0610: String lStepLocation = pStepLocation + "/GenerateFileStep["
0611: + lGeneratedFilesCounter + "]";
0612: URL lSourceURL = null; // Full URL of the source
0613: String lSourceLocation = null; // Location of the source relative to the context
0614: try {
0615: SourceFileType lSourceFile = lGenerateFileStep
0616: .getSourceFile();
0617: lSourceLocation = lSourceFile.getLocation();
0618: if (lSourceLocation == null) {
0619: String lLocationTemplate = lSourceFile.getValue();
0620: if (lLocationTemplate != null) {
0621: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
0622: .mergeTemplate(lLocationTemplate, "",
0623: pTemplateContext);
0624: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0625: // We handle problems here by throwing the exceptions
0626: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0627: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0628: + lResult
0629: .getMergeLogPrintout()
0630: + " Problem location: "
0631: + lStepLocation);
0632: }
0633: lSourceLocation = lResult.getMergedOutput();
0634: }
0635: }
0636: if (lSourceLocation == null
0637: || lSourceLocation.trim().length() == 0)
0638: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0639: "Undefined source location in the generate file step. Problem location: "
0640: + lStepLocation);
0641: lSourceURL = new URL(pURLContext, lSourceLocation);
0642: } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
0643: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0644: "Invalid source location in the generate file step. Problem location: "
0645: + lStepLocation, e);
0646: }
0647: File lDestinationFile = null;
0648: {
0649: TargetFileType lTargetFile = lGenerateFileStep
0650: .getTargetFile();
0651: String lTargetLocation = lTargetFile.getLocation();
0652: if (lTargetLocation == null) {
0653: String lLocationTemplate = lTargetFile.getValue();
0654: if (lLocationTemplate != null) {
0655: // Prepend the template with the included one if necessary
0656: if (lTargetFileTemplateInclude != null)
0657: lLocationTemplate = lTargetFileTemplateInclude
0658: + lLocationTemplate;
0659: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
0660: .mergeTemplate(lLocationTemplate, "",
0661: pTemplateContext);
0662: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0663: // We handle problems here by throwing the exceptions
0664: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0665: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0666: + lResult
0667: .getMergeLogPrintout()
0668: + " Problem location: "
0669: + lStepLocation);
0670: }
0671: lTargetLocation = lResult.getMergedOutput();
0672: }
0673: }
0674: if (lTargetLocation == null
0675: || lTargetLocation.trim().length() == 0)
0676: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0677: "Undefined target location in the generate file step. Problem location: "
0678: + lStepLocation);
0679: lDestinationFile = new File(pDestinationDirectory
0680: + File.separator + lTargetLocation.trim());
0681: }
0682: // Now do the generation depending on file extension
0683: if (lSourceLocation.endsWith(".jamon")) {
0684: // Process jamon template
0685: try {
0686: InputStream lInputStream = null;
0687: try {
0688: if ((lInputStream = lSourceURL.openStream()) == null)
0689: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0690: "Unable to locate resource: "
0691: + lSourceURL
0692: + " Problem location: "
0693: + lStepLocation);
0694: String lTemplate = StringUtils
0695: .readTextStreamFully(lInputStream);
0696: MergeResult lResult = sJamonTemplateProcessor
0697: .mergeTemplate(
0698: lTemplate,
0699: StringUtils
0700: .suggestJavaIdentifier(lSourceURL
0701: .toExternalForm()),
0702: pTemplateContext);
0703: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0704: // We handle problems here by loging the problem and returning model URI
0705: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0706: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0707: + lResult
0708: .getMergeLogPrintout()
0709: + " Problem location: "
0710: + lStepLocation);
0711: }
0712: FileWriter lFileWriter = null;
0713: try {
0714: DirectoryUtils
0715: .ensureThereIsDirectory(lDestinationFile
0716: .getParent());
0717: lFileWriter = new FileWriter(
0718: lDestinationFile);
0719: lFileWriter
0720: .write(lResult.getMergedOutput());
0721: lFileWriter.flush();
0722: } finally {
0723: if (lFileWriter != null)
0724: lFileWriter.close();
0725: }
0726: } finally {
0727: if (lInputStream != null)
0728: lInputStream.close();
0729: }
0730: } catch (IOException e) {
0731: throw new BSServiceProviderException(
0732: "Unable to process Jamon template.", e);
0733: }
0734: } else if (lSourceLocation.endsWith(".vsl")) {
0735: // Process velocity template
0736: try {
0737: InputStream lInputStream = null;
0738: try {
0739: if ((lInputStream = lSourceURL.openStream()) == null)
0740: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0741: "Unable to locate resource: "
0742: + lSourceURL
0743: + " Problem location: "
0744: + lStepLocation);
0745: String lTemplate = StringUtils
0746: .readTextStreamFully(lInputStream);
0747: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
0748: .mergeTemplate(
0749: lTemplate,
0750: StringUtils
0751: .suggestJavaIdentifier(lSourceURL
0752: .toExternalForm()),
0753: pTemplateContext);
0754: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0755: // We handle problems here by loging the problem and returning model URI
0756: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0757: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0758: + lResult
0759: .getMergeLogPrintout()
0760: + " Problem location: "
0761: + lStepLocation);
0762: }
0763: FileWriter lFileWriter = null;
0764: try {
0765: DirectoryUtils
0766: .ensureThereIsDirectory(lDestinationFile
0767: .getParent());
0768: lFileWriter = new FileWriter(
0769: lDestinationFile);
0770: lFileWriter
0771: .write(lResult.getMergedOutput());
0772: lFileWriter.flush();
0773: } finally {
0774: if (lFileWriter != null)
0775: lFileWriter.close();
0776: }
0777: } finally {
0778: if (lInputStream != null)
0779: lInputStream.close();
0780: }
0781: } catch (IOException e) {
0782: throw new BSServiceProviderException(
0783: "Unable to process Velocity template.", e);
0784: }
0785: } else if (lSourceLocation.endsWith(".java")) {
0786: // Process Java template
0787: // Need to come up with the full java class name
0788: String lJavaSoureceClassName = lSourceLocation
0789: .substring(0, lSourceLocation.length() - 5)
0790: .replaceAll("/", ".");
0791: try {
0792: InputStream lInputStream = null;
0793: try {
0794: if ((lInputStream = lSourceURL.openStream()) == null)
0795: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0796: "Unable to locate resource: "
0797: + lSourceURL
0798: + " Problem location: "
0799: + lStepLocation);
0800: String lTemplate = StringUtils
0801: .readTextStreamFully(lInputStream);
0802: MergeResult lResult = sJavaTemplateProcessor
0803: .mergeTemplate(
0804: lTemplate,
0805: StringUtils
0806: .suggestJavaIdentifier(lSourceURL
0807: .toExternalForm()),
0808: lJavaSoureceClassName,
0809: pTemplateContext);
0810: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0811: // We handle problems here by loging the problem and returning model URI
0812: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0813: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0814: + lResult
0815: .getMergeLogPrintout()
0816: + " Problem location: "
0817: + lStepLocation);
0818: }
0819: FileWriter lFileWriter = null;
0820: try {
0821: DirectoryUtils
0822: .ensureThereIsDirectory(lDestinationFile
0823: .getParent());
0824: lFileWriter = new FileWriter(
0825: lDestinationFile);
0826: lFileWriter
0827: .write(lResult.getMergedOutput());
0828: lFileWriter.flush();
0829: } finally {
0830: if (lFileWriter != null)
0831: lFileWriter.close();
0832: }
0833: } finally {
0834: if (lInputStream != null)
0835: lInputStream.close();
0836: }
0837: } catch (IOException e) {
0838: throw new BSServiceProviderException(
0839: "Unable to process Velocity template.", e);
0840: }
0841: } else
0842: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0843: "Unknown source template type. Unable to process template at "
0844: + lSourceURL.toExternalForm());
0845: }
0846: return lGeneratedFilesCounter;
0847: }
0849: // Helper. Does the copying of all defined resources from source to target
0850: private static long doCopying(String pExecutionPolicy,
0851: String pDestinationDirectory,
0852: GenerationStepType.CopyInstructionsType pCopyInstructions,
0853: URL pURLContext, Map pTemplateContext, String pStepLocation)
0854: throws BSException {
0855: long lCopiedFilesCounter = 0;
0856: int lCopyFileStepCounter = 0;
0857: int lCopyFileListStepCounter = 0;
0858: // Do all the copying steps if necessary
0859: for (Iterator lCopyFileStepsIterator = pCopyInstructions
0860: .getCopyFileStepOrCopyFileListStep().iterator(); lCopyFileStepsIterator
0861: .hasNext();) {
0862: Object lStep = lCopyFileStepsIterator.next();
0863: if (lStep instanceof CopyFileStep) {
0864: CopyFileStep lCopyFileStep = (CopyFileStep) lStep;
0865: // Only execute the step if execution policy is matching, or not specified at all
0866: if (pExecutionPolicy == null
0867: || lCopyFileStep.getExecutionPolicy().equals(
0868: pExecutionPolicy)) {
0869: String lStepLocation = pStepLocation
0870: + "/CopyFileStep["
0871: + Integer.toString(++lCopyFileStepCounter)
0872: + "]";
0873: lCopiedFilesCounter += doCopyFileStep(
0874: pDestinationDirectory, lCopyFileStep,
0875: pURLContext, pTemplateContext,
0876: lStepLocation);
0877: }
0878: } else if (lStep instanceof CopyFileListStep) {
0879: CopyFileListStep lCopyFileListStep = (CopyFileListStep) lStep;
0880: // Only execute the step if execution policy is matching, or not specified at all
0881: if (pExecutionPolicy == null
0882: || lCopyFileListStep.getExecutionPolicy()
0883: .equals(pExecutionPolicy)) {
0884: String lStepLocation = pStepLocation
0885: + "/CopyFileListStep["
0886: + Integer
0887: .toString(++lCopyFileListStepCounter)
0888: + "]";
0889: lCopiedFilesCounter += doCopyFileListStep(
0890: pDestinationDirectory, lCopyFileListStep,
0891: pURLContext, pTemplateContext,
0892: lStepLocation);
0893: }
0894: }
0895: }
0896: return lCopiedFilesCounter;
0897: }
0899: // Helper. Does the copying of a single file from source to target
0900: private static long doCopyFileStep(String pDestinationDirectory,
0901: CopyFileStep pCopyFileStep, URL pURLContext,
0902: Map pTemplateContext, String pStepLocation)
0903: throws BSException {
0904: URL lSourceURL = null;
0905: try {
0906: SourceFileType lSourceFile = pCopyFileStep.getSourceFile();
0907: String lSourceLocation = lSourceFile.getLocation();
0908: if (lSourceLocation == null) {
0909: String lLocationTemplate = lSourceFile.getValue();
0910: if (lLocationTemplate != null) {
0911: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
0912: .mergeTemplate(lLocationTemplate, "",
0913: pTemplateContext);
0914: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0915: // We handle problems here by throwing the exceptions
0916: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0917: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0918: + lResult.getMergeLogPrintout()
0919: + " Problem location: "
0920: + pStepLocation);
0921: }
0922: lSourceLocation = lResult.getMergedOutput();
0923: }
0924: }
0925: if (lSourceLocation == null
0926: || lSourceLocation.trim().length() == 0)
0927: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0928: "Undefined source location in the copy file step. Problem location: "
0929: + pStepLocation);
0930: lSourceURL = new URL(pURLContext, lSourceLocation);
0931: } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
0932: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0933: "Invalid source location in the copy file step. Problem location: "
0934: + pStepLocation, e);
0935: }
0936: File lDestinationFile = null;
0937: {
0938: TargetFileType lTargetFile = pCopyFileStep.getTargetFile();
0939: String lTargetLocation = lTargetFile.getLocation();
0940: if (lTargetLocation == null) {
0941: String lLocationTemplate = lTargetFile.getValue();
0942: if (lLocationTemplate != null) {
0943: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
0944: .mergeTemplate(lLocationTemplate, "",
0945: pTemplateContext);
0946: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
0947: // We handle problems here by throwing the exceptions
0948: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0949: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
0950: + lResult.getMergeLogPrintout()
0951: + " Problem location: "
0952: + pStepLocation);
0953: }
0954: lTargetLocation = lResult.getMergedOutput();
0955: }
0956: }
0957: if (lTargetLocation == null
0958: || lTargetLocation.trim().length() == 0)
0959: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0960: "Undefined target location in the copy file step. Problem location: "
0961: + pStepLocation);
0962: lDestinationFile = new File(pDestinationDirectory
0963: + File.separator + lTargetLocation);
0964: }
0965: // Now do the copying
0966: try {
0967: InputStream lInputStream = null;
0968: try {
0969: if ((lInputStream = lSourceURL.openStream()) == null)
0970: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
0971: "Unable to open URL for reading: "
0972: + lSourceURL
0973: + " Problem location: "
0974: + pStepLocation);
0975: DirectoryUtils.ensureThereIsDirectory(lDestinationFile
0976: .getParent());
0977: OutputStream lOutputStream = null;
0978: try {
0979: lOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(
0980: lDestinationFile, false);
0981: StreamUtils.copyData(lInputStream, lOutputStream);
0982: lOutputStream.flush();
0983: return 1L;
0984: } finally {
0985: if (lOutputStream != null)
0986: lOutputStream.close();
0987: }
0988: } finally {
0989: if (lInputStream != null)
0990: lInputStream.close();
0991: }
0992: } catch (IOException e) {
0993: throw new BSServiceProviderException(
0994: "Unable to copy resource files. Problem location: "
0995: + pStepLocation, e);
0996: }
0997: }
0999: // Helper. Does the copying of a single file from source to target
1000: private static long doCopyFileListStep(
1001: String pDestinationDirectory,
1002: CopyFileListStep pCopyFileListStep, URL pURLContext,
1003: Map pTemplateContext, String pStepLocation)
1004: throws BSException {
1005: SourceFileListType lSourceFileList = pCopyFileListStep
1006: .getSourceFileList();
1007: String lBasedir = lSourceFileList.getBasedir();
1008: List lSourceLocations = new ArrayList();
1009: for (Iterator lSourceFilesIterator = lSourceFileList
1010: .getSourceFile().iterator(); lSourceFilesIterator
1011: .hasNext();) {
1012: SourceFileType lSourceFile = (SourceFileType) lSourceFilesIterator
1013: .next();
1014: String lSourceLocation = lSourceFile.getLocation();
1015: if (lSourceLocation == null) {
1016: String lLocationTemplate = lSourceFile.getValue();
1017: if (lLocationTemplate != null) {
1018: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
1019: .mergeTemplate(lLocationTemplate, "",
1020: pTemplateContext);
1021: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
1022: // We handle problems here by throwing the exceptions
1023: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
1024: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
1025: + lResult.getMergeLogPrintout()
1026: + " Problem location: "
1027: + pStepLocation);
1028: }
1029: lSourceLocation = lResult.getMergedOutput();
1030: }
1031: }
1032: if (lSourceLocation == null
1033: || lSourceLocation.trim().length() == 0)
1034: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
1035: "Undefined source location in the copy file step. Problem location: "
1036: + pStepLocation);
1037: lSourceLocations.add(lSourceLocation);
1038: }
1040: File lDestinationDir = null;
1041: {
1042: TargetDirType lTargetDir = pCopyFileListStep.getTargetDir();
1043: String lTargetLocation = lTargetDir.getLocation();
1044: if (lTargetLocation == null) {
1045: String lLocationTemplate = lTargetDir.getValue();
1046: if (lLocationTemplate != null) {
1047: MergeResult lResult = sVelocityTemplateProcessor
1048: .mergeTemplate(lLocationTemplate, "",
1049: pTemplateContext);
1050: if (!lResult.isSuccessful()) {
1051: // We handle problems here by throwing the exceptions
1052: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
1053: "Error processing template. Template processor log :"
1054: + lResult.getMergeLogPrintout()
1055: + " Problem location: "
1056: + pStepLocation);
1057: }
1058: lTargetLocation = lResult.getMergedOutput();
1059: }
1060: }
1061: if (lTargetLocation == null
1062: || lTargetLocation.trim().length() == 0)
1063: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
1064: "Undefined target location in the copy file step. Problem location: "
1065: + pStepLocation);
1066: lDestinationDir = new File(pDestinationDirectory
1067: + File.separator + lTargetLocation);
1068: }
1069: // Now do the copying
1070: try {
1071: DirectoryUtils.ensureThereIsDirectory(lDestinationDir
1072: .getAbsolutePath());
1073: for (Iterator lSourceLocationsIter = lSourceLocations
1074: .iterator(); lSourceLocationsIter.hasNext();) {
1075: String lSourceLocation = (String) lSourceLocationsIter
1076: .next();
1077: URL lSourceURL = (lBasedir != null && lBasedir.length() > 0) ? new URL(
1078: pURLContext, lBasedir + "/" + lSourceLocation)
1079: : new URL(pURLContext, lSourceLocation);
1080: String lDestinationFile = lDestinationDir
1081: .getAbsolutePath()
1082: + File.separator + lSourceLocation;
1083: InputStream lInputStream = null;
1084: try {
1085: if ((lInputStream = lSourceURL.openStream()) == null)
1086: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
1087: "Unable to open URL for reading: "
1088: + lSourceURL
1089: + " Problem location: "
1090: + pStepLocation);
1091: OutputStream lOutputStream = null;
1092: try {
1093: lOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(
1094: lDestinationFile, false);
1095: StreamUtils.copyData(lInputStream,
1096: lOutputStream);
1097: lOutputStream.flush();
1098: } finally {
1099: if (lOutputStream != null)
1100: lOutputStream.close();
1101: }
1102: } finally {
1103: if (lInputStream != null)
1104: lInputStream.close();
1105: }
1106: }
1107: return lSourceLocations.size();
1108: } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
1109: throw new BSUnexpectedProgramConditionException(
1110: "Invalid source location in the copy file step. Problem location: "
1111: + pStepLocation, e);
1112: } catch (IOException e) {
1113: throw new BSServiceProviderException(
1114: "Unable to copy resource files. Problem location: "
1115: + pStepLocation, e);
1116: }
1117: }
1118: }