getInstanceIdAttributeNameOverride() Returns the value of attribute instanceIdAttributeNameOverride.
The customised name of the InstanceId attribute for this entity.
getVersionIdAttributeNameOverride() Returns the value of attribute versionIdAttributeNameOverride.
The customised name of the VersionId attribute for this entity.
Looks for the Attribute with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Attribute or null if none found.
Parameters: pAttributeName - Looks for the Attribute with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Attribute or null if none found.
Looks for the Attribute with the given name in this Entity and supertype
Entities. Returns the Attribute or null if none found.
Parameters: pAttributeName - Looks for the Attribute with the given name in this Entity and supertype Entities. Returns the Attribute or null if none found.
Looks for the Reference with the given name in this Entity and supertype
Entities. Returns the Reference or null if none found.
Parameters: pReferenceName - Looks for the Reference with the given name in this Entity and supertype Entities. Returns the Reference or null if none found.
Looks for the Selector with the given name in this Entity and supertype
Entities. Returns the Selector or null if none found.
Parameters: pSelectorName - Looks for the Selector with the given name in this Entity and supertype Entities. Returns the Selector or null if none found.
Looks for the Constraint with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Constraint or null if none found.
Parameters: pConstraintName - Looks for the Constraint with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Constraint or null if none found.
Looks for the Reference with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Reference or null if none found.
Parameters: pReferenceName - Looks for the Reference with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Reference or null if none found.
Looks for the selector with the given name. Returns the selector or null
if none found.
Parameters: pSelectorName - Looks for the selector with the given name. Returns the selector or null if none found.
Returns all references, which are parts of many-to-many association and
where this entity is the aggregator. Only concerned with this entity and
not any super entities.
Returns all references, which are parts of many-to-many association and where this entity is the aggregator. Only concerned with this entity and not any super entities.
Looks for the Attribute with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Attribute or throws exception if none found.
Parameters: pAttributeName - Looks for the Attribute with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Attribute or throws exception if none found.
Retrieves read only collection of attributes which this entity can be orderd
by. Includes only attributes from this entity and excludes all attributes
from supertypes.
Retrieves read only collection of attributes which this entity can be orderd by. Includes only attributes from this entity and excludes all attributes from supertypes.
Returns all references, which are parts of many-to-many association and
where this entity is the aggregator. Looks at this entity and any super
Returns all references, which are parts of many-to-many association and where this entity is the aggregator. Looks at this entity and any super entities.
Retrieves read only collection of attributes which this entity can be orderd
by. Includes attributes from this entity and all attributes from supertypes.
Retrieves read only collection of attributes which this entity can be orderd by. Includes attributes from this entity and all attributes from supertypes.
Returns list of DataTypes, Structures and Messages used in the Entity.
This includes owned and referenced elements.
Returns list of DataTypes, Structures and Messages used in the Entity. This includes owned and referenced elements.
Looks for the Constraint with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Constraint or throws exception if none found.
Parameters: pConstraintName - Looks for the Constraint with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Constraint or throws exception if none found.
Returns the value of attribute instanceIdAttributeNameOverride.
The customised name of the InstanceId attribute for this entity. Should
only be set in rare cases when name 'InstanceId' is needed to name another
Value of attribute instanceIdAttributeNameOverride.
Looks for the Reference with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Reference or throws exception if none found.
Parameters: pReferenceName - Looks for the Reference with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Reference or throws exception if none found.
Looks for the Selector with the given name only in this Entity. Returns
the Selector or throws exception if none found.
Parameters: pSelectorName - Looks for the Selector with the given name only in this Entity. Returns the Selector or throws exception if none found.
Returns the value of attribute stateAttributeNameOverride.
The customised name of the State attribute for this entity. Should only
be set in rare cases when name 'State' is needed to name another attribute
Value of attribute stateAttributeNameOverride.
Returns the value of attribute versionIdAttributeNameOverride.
The customised name of the VersionId attribute for this entity. Should
only be set in rare cases when name 'VersionId' is needed to name another
Value of attribute versionIdAttributeNameOverride.
Sets the value of reference collectionContainsFlagDataType. See
Entity.getCollectionContainsFlagDataType for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference collectionEmptyFlagDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference collectionOffsetDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference collectionSizeDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of instanceIdAttributeNameOverride attribute. See
Entity.getInstanceIdAttributeNameOverride for description on the attribute.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference instanceIdDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference orderingInstructionDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of stateAttributeNameOverride attribute. See
for description on the attribute.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference subsetSizeDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of versionIdAttributeNameOverride attribute. See
Entity.getVersionIdAttributeNameOverride for description on the attribute.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.
Sets the value of reference versionIdDataType. See
for description on the reference.
Parameters: newValue - New value to be set.