| java.lang.Object com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.modelassistant.metabossmodel.SingleModelAssistantImplBase com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.modelassistant.metabossmodel.modelintegrity.ModelAssistantImpl
ModelAssistantImpl | public class ModelAssistantImpl extends SingleModelAssistantImplBase (Code) | | Implementation of the assistant to MetaBoss models.
Looks after some basic model integrity rules such as:
- Automatically generate the Name of every ModelElement, which has been created without one
- Create new DesignLibrary for Enterprise, which has been created without one
- Create new TechnologyLibrary for Enterprise, which has been created without one
- Create new DataDictionary for DesignLibrary, which has been created without one
- Create missing AssociationRoles for Association (must always be two)
- Ensure that AssociationRole has a PluralName, AggregationType and Cardinality setup.
- Ensure that Attribute has a stereotype if it was created without it.
- Ensure that Entity has a PluralName and Streotype if it was created without them.
- Ensure that Report has an output level if it was created without it.
- Ensure that Selector has Cardinality if it was created without it.
- Ensure that corresponding diagram elements are deleted when ModelElement is deleted
ASSISTANT_IDENTIFIER | final public static String ASSISTANT_IDENTIFIER(Code) | | String constant which is used to identify this assistant as an owner of certain model elements
ModelAssistantImpl | public ModelAssistantImpl()(Code) | | |
dismissFromModel | public void dismissFromModel(String pModelName)(Code) | | |
rectifyModel | public void rectifyModel(String pModelName)(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from com.metaboss.sdlctools.models.modelassistant.metabossmodel.SingleModelAssistantImplBase | public void addAttributeChangeListener(Class pModelElementClass, String pAttributeName, ModelElementAttributeChangeListener pListener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addLifecycleListener(Class pModelElementClass, ModelElementLifecycleListener pListener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addReferenceChangeListener(Class pModelElementClass, String pReferenceName, ModelElementReferenceChangeListener pListener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void assignToModel(String pModelName) throws ModelRepositoryException(Code)(Java Doc) public void dismissFromModel(String pModelName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void logError(String pMessage)(Code)(Java Doc) public void logInfo(String pMessage)(Code)(Java Doc) public void logWarn(String pMessage)(Code)(Java Doc) public void onModelElementAttributeBeingUpdated(String pModelName, RefObject pModelElementBeingUpdated, String pAttributeName, Object pOldAttributeValue, Object pNewAttributeValue) throws ModelRepositoryException(Code)(Java Doc) public void onModelElementBeingDeleted(String pModelName, RefObject pModelElementToBeDeleted) throws ModelRepositoryException(Code)(Java Doc) public void onModelElementJustCreated(String pModelName, RefObject pModelElementJustCreated) throws ModelRepositoryException(Code)(Java Doc) public void onModelElementReferenceBeingUpdated(String pModelName, RefObject pModelElementBeingUpdated, String pReferenceName, RefObject pReferencedModelElementToRemove, RefObject pReferencedModelElementToAdd) throws ModelRepositoryException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setActionsLogger(String pModelName, ModelAssistant.ModelActionsLogger pModelActionsLogger) throws ModelRepositoryException(Code)(Java Doc)