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| com.metaboss.sdlctools.services.codegeneration.BSEventSubscriptionDistributionGenerator
BSEventSubscriptionDistributionGenerator | public interface BSEventSubscriptionDistributionGenerator (Code) | | This interface offers operations dealing with code generation of the event susbscription layer
distribution layer. It assumes that event susbscription and publisers layer interface has been generated elsewhere.
COMPONENT_URL | final public static String COMPONENT_URL(Code) | | Naming URL of the component
generateImplementationSourceCodeForServicemodule | public void generateImplementationSourceCodeForServicemodule(String pGenerationDirectoryPath, String pServicemoduleRef) throws BSException(Code) | | Generates event susbscription distribution implementation sourcecode for the particular servicemodule within particular enterprise
Parameters: pGenerationDirectoryPath - directory to generate code to Parameters: pServicemoduleRef - servicemodule to generate code for |
generateImplementationSourceCodeForSystem | public void generateImplementationSourceCodeForSystem(String pGenerationDirectoryPath, String pSystemRef) throws BSException(Code) | | Generates event susbscription distribution implementation sourcecode for the particular system within particular enterprise
Parameters: pGenerationDirectoryPath - directory to generate code to Parameters: pSystemRef - system to generate code for |
getClientImplementationPackageName | public String getClientImplementationPackageName(String pServicemoduleRef) throws BSException(Code) | | Returns the name of the client implementation package for distribution (for use in jndi mapping)
client is the package offered to others as implementation of the servicemodule interface. Can be the same as server package
Parameters: pServicemoduleRef - servicemodule to generate code for |
getImplementationPackageName | public String getImplementationPackageName(String pServicemoduleRef) throws BSException(Code) | | Returns the name of the implementation package for distribution. This package is the
root package for the package hierarchy generated by distribution generator. This hierarchy
includes separate client and server packages (must be separate for use in jndi mapping).
It also may include other subpackages (really depends on generator syntax)
Parameters: pServicemoduleRef - servicemodule to return package name for |
getRequiredAdapters | public String[] getRequiredAdapters() throws BSException(Code) | | array of names of adapters, which are required by this adapter,may be null or zero length array if this proxy generator is not relying on any adapter. |
getServerImplementationPackageName | public String getServerImplementationPackageName(String pServicemoduleRef) throws BSException(Code) | | Returns the name of the server implementation package for distribution (for use in jndi mapping)
server is the package from which connection to the servicemodule is made. Can be the same as client package
Parameters: pServicemoduleRef - servicemodule to generate code for |