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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » UML » jrefactory » org.acm.seguin.completer 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package org.acm.seguin.completer;
003:        /*
004:         * Copyright (c) 2002, Beau Tateyama
005:         *
006:         * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
007:         * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
008:         * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
009:         * of the License, or any later version.
010:         *
011:         * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
012:         * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
014:         * GNU General Public License for more details.
015:         *
016:         * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
017:         * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
018:         * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
019:         */
021:        //import anthelper.adapters.Plugin;
022:        import org.gjt.sp.jedit.EBComponent; //import anthelper.adapters.SpeedJavaUtils;
023:        //import anthelper.ui.ConfigDialog;
024:        //import anthelper.utils.JEditLogger;
025:        import*;
026:        import java.util.*;
027:        import javax.swing.*;
028:        import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*;
029:        import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.*;
030:        import org.acm.seguin.ide.jedit.Navigator;
032:        /**
033:         * Description of the Class
034:         *
035:         * @author
036:         * @created   September 9, 2002
037:         */
038:        public class ContextMgr implements  EBComponent {
039:            final static Navigator.NavigatorLogger logger = Completer
040:                    .getLogger(ClassPathSrcMgr.class);
041:            final static String FILE_NAME = "Completer.props"; // AntHelperPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME + ".props";
043:            final static String CONTEXT_COUNT = "ContextCount";
044:            final static String BUILD_FILE = "BuildFile";
045:            final static String OUTPUT_DIR = "OutputDir";
046:            final static String SOURCEPATH = "SourcePath";
047:            final static String SOURCEPATH_ID = "SourcePathRefID";
048:            final static String CLASSPATH = "ClassPath";
049:            final static String CLASSPATH_ID = "ClassPathRefID";
050:            final static String TASKA = "TaskA";
051:            final static String TASKB = "TaskB";
052:            final static String TASKC = "TaskC";
053:            final static String TASKD = "TaskD";
054:            final static String SAVE_BEFORE_COMPILE = "SaveBeforeCompile";
055:            final static String SAVE_BEFORE_RUN = "SaveBeforeRun";
056:            final static String SYNC_TO_SPEEDJAVA = "SyncToSpeedJava";
057:            final static String LAST_MOD = "LastModDateMs";
058:            final static String RUN_PARAMS = "RunParams";
059:            final static String JVM_OPTIONS = "JVMOptions";
061:            static ContextMgr _instance = new ContextMgr();
063:            /**
064:             * Gets the instance attribute of the ContextMgr class
065:             *
066:             * @return   The instance value
067:             */
068:            public static ContextMgr getInstance() {
069:                return _instance;
070:            }
072:            /**
073:             * Gets the context attribute of the ContextMgr class
074:             *
075:             * @param argView  Description of the Parameter
076:             * @return         The context value
077:             */
078:            public static Context getContext(View argView) {
079:                return getContext(argView, true);
080:            }
082:            public static Context getContext(View argView, boolean argAutoConfig) {
083:                return getInstance().getContext(argView,
084:                        argView == null ? null : argView.getBuffer(),
085:                        argAutoConfig);
086:            }
088:            public static Context getContext(View argView, Buffer argBuffer,
089:                    boolean argAutoConfig) {
090:                return getInstance().getContext(argView,
091:                        findBuildFile(argBuffer), argAutoConfig);
092:            }
094:            static File findBuildFile(Buffer argBuffer) {
095:                File fileBuild = null;
096:                if (argBuffer != null) {
097:                    File file = new File(argBuffer.getPath());
098:                    File[] files = null;
099:                    while ((file = file.getParentFile()) != null
100:                            && fileBuild == null) {
101:                        files = file.listFiles();
102:                        if (files != null) {
103:                            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
104:                                if (files[i].getName().equals("build.xml")) {
105:                                    fileBuild = files[i];
106:                                    break;
107:                                }
108:                            }
109:                        }
110:                    }
111:                }
112:                return fileBuild;
113:            }
115:            /**
116:             * Description of the Method
117:             *
118:             * @param i       Description of the Parameter
119:             * @param argVal  Description of the Parameter
120:             * @return        Description of the Return Value
121:             */
122:            static String makeKey(int i, String argVal) {
123:                return i + "." + argVal;
124:            }
126:            Map _mapContexts = new Hashtable();
127:            File _fileConfig = null;
129:            /**
130:             * Constructor for the ContextMgr object
131:             */
132:            private ContextMgr() {
133:                _fileConfig = new File(jEdit.getSettingsDirectory(), FILE_NAME);
134:                if (!_fileConfig.exists()) {
135:                    // none exists
136:                    logger.msg("No config exists.");
137:                } else {
138:                    load(_fileConfig);
139:                }
141:                EditBus.addToBus(this );
142:            }
144:            public void handleMessage(EBMessage argMsg) {
145:                if (argMsg instanceof  ContextUpdateMessage) {
146:                    logger.debug("*****ContextUpdate!");
147:                    ContextUpdateMessage updateMsg = (ContextUpdateMessage) argMsg;
148:                    logger.debug("*****new.cp", updateMsg.getClassPath());
149:                }
150:            }
152:            /*
153:            public void handleMessage(EBMessage argMsg){
154:                if (argMsg instanceof anthelper.ContextUpdateMessage){
155:                    anthelper.ContextUpdateMessage updateMsg = (anthelper.ContextUpdateMessage) argMsg;
156:                    Log.log(Log.MESSAGE,this,"*****new.cp=" + updateMsg.getClassPath()););
157:                }
158:            }
159:             */
161:            /**
162:             * Gets the context attribute of the ContextMgr object
163:             *
164:             * @param argFilePath  Description of the Parameter
165:             * @return             The context value
166:             */
167:            Context getContext(View argView, File argBuildFile,
168:                    boolean argAutoConfig) {
169:                Context context = null;
170:                if (argBuildFile == null) {
171:                    if (argAutoConfig) {
172:                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(argView,
173:                                "No build file found.");
174:                    } else {
175:                        logger.warning("No build file found");
176:                    }
177:                } else {
178:                    context = (Context) _mapContexts
179:                            .get(argBuildFile.getPath());
181:                    if (argAutoConfig && context == null) {
182:                        // no context exists so create one
183:                        String strMsg = "Create profile for ("
184:                                + argBuildFile.getPath() + ")?";
185:                        int iReturn = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(argView,
186:                                strMsg, "Create Profile",
187:                                JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
188:                        if (iReturn == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
189:                            context = new Context(argBuildFile);
190:                            context = doConfig(argView, context);
191:                        }
192:                    } else if (argAutoConfig
193:                            && context.getLastMod() < argBuildFile
194:                                    .lastModified()) {
195:                        // configuration to turn off build file changed nag message.
196:                        boolean bAutoUpdate = jEdit.getBooleanProperty(
197:                                "TOGGLE_UPDATE_ALERT", true); //FIXME: AntHelperPlugin.ACTION_TOGGLE_UPDATE_ALERT, true);
198:                        if (bAutoUpdate) {
199:                            JOptionPane
200:                                    .showMessageDialog(argView,
201:                                            "Build file updated.  Please update configuration.");
202:                            context = doConfig(argView, context);
203:                        }
204:                    } else {
205:                        // do nothing, context is fine the way it is
206:                    }
207:                }
209:                /* should i update other components every time the context is retrieved (i.e. all actions)
210:                if (context != null){
211:                 // things we always update on a context 
213:                 // update antfarm by executing a bogus ("") task
214:                 AntHelperPlugin.executeTask(argView, context.getBuildFile(), "");
215:                }
216:                 */
217:                return context;
218:            }
220:            static Context doConfig(View argView, Context argContext) {
221:                /*
222:                 Context context = null;
223:                 ConfigDialog cd = new ConfigDialog(argView, argContext);
224:       ;
225:                 if (cd.cancel()){
226:                 logger.msg("Cancelled profile edit\n(" + argContext.getBuildFile().getPath() + ")");
227:                 }else{
228:                 context = cd.getContext();
229:                 logger.msg(context.toString());
230:                 ContextMgr.getInstance().storeContext(context);
231:                 ContextMgr.getInstance().save();
232:                 logger.msg("Saved profile\n(" + context.getBuildFile().getPath() + ")");
233:                 // fire update message
234:                 ContextUpdateMessage updateMsg = new ContextUpdateMessage(ContextMgr.getInstance(), 
235:                 context);
236:                 EditBus.send(updateMsg);
237:                 }
238:                 return context;
239:                 */
240:            }
242:            void storeContext(Context argContext) {
243:                if (argContext != null) {
244:                    _mapContexts.put(argContext.getBuildFile().getPath(),
245:                            argContext);
246:                    if (argContext.getSyncToSpeedJava()
247:                            && argContext.getClassPath() != null) {
248:                        // set the prop for speedjava and update the classpath mgr
249:                        jEdit.setProperty("speedjava.classpath", argContext
250:                                .getClassPath());
251:                        //FIXME: if (Plugin.SPEEDJAVA.isInstalled()){
252:                        //FIXME:     SpeedJavaUtils.updateClassPath(argContext.getClassPath());
253:                        //FIXME: }
254:                    }
255:                }
256:            }
258:            /**
259:             * Load the saved contexts from the configuration file
260:             *
261:             * @param argConfigFile  Description of the Parameter
262:             */
263:            void load(File argConfigFile) {
265:                logger.msg("Loading config file:" + argConfigFile.getPath());
266:                try {
267:                    // load from properties
268:                    Properties p = new Properties();
269:                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(argConfigFile);
270:                    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
271:                    p.load(fis);
273:                    // now unserialize the contexts within
274:                    // @TODO: some error checking...
275:                    String strCount = p.getProperty(CONTEXT_COUNT);
276:                    if (strCount != null) {
277:                        int iCount = Integer.parseInt(strCount);
278:                        Context context = null;
279:                        String strVal = null;
280:                        File fileBuild = null;
281:                        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) {
282:                            try {
283:                                // get the build file
284:                                strVal = p.getProperty(makeKey(i, BUILD_FILE));
285:                                fileBuild = new File(strVal);
286:                                // create a context
287:                                context = new Context(fileBuild
288:                                        .getCanonicalFile());
290:                                // set other props
291:                                context.setAntTaskA(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
292:                                        TASKA)));
293:                                context.setAntTaskB(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
294:                                        TASKB)));
295:                                context.setAntTaskC(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
296:                                        TASKC)));
297:                                context.setAntTaskD(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
298:                                        TASKD)));
299:                                context.setClassPath(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
300:                                        CLASSPATH)));
301:                                context.setClassPathRefID(p
302:                                        .getProperty(makeKey(i, CLASSPATH_ID)));
303:                                context.setSourcePath(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
304:                                        SOURCEPATH)));
305:                                context
306:                                        .setSourcePathRefID(p
307:                                                .getProperty(makeKey(i,
308:                                                        SOURCEPATH_ID)));
310:                                context.setOutputDirectory(new File(p
311:                                        .getProperty(makeKey(i, OUTPUT_DIR))));
313:                                context.setSaveBeforeCompile(p
314:                                        .getProperty(makeKey(i,
315:                                                SAVE_BEFORE_COMPILE)) != null);
316:                                context.setSaveBeforeRun(p.getProperty(makeKey(
317:                                        i, SAVE_BEFORE_RUN)) != null);
318:                                context.setSyncToSpeedJava(p
319:                                        .getProperty(makeKey(i,
320:                                                SYNC_TO_SPEEDJAVA)) != null);
322:                                context.setLastMod(Long.parseLong(p
323:                                        .getProperty(makeKey(i, LAST_MOD))));
325:                                context.setJVMOptions(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
326:                                        JVM_OPTIONS)));
327:                                context.setRunParams(p.getProperty(makeKey(i,
328:                                        RUN_PARAMS)));
330:                                storeContext(context);
331:                                logger.msg("Loading context for build file("
332:                                        + fileBuild.getPath() + ")");
333:                            } catch (IOException e) {
334:                                logger
335:                                        .warning("Error loading context.  Proceeding to next...");
336:                                e.printStackTrace();
337:                            }
338:                        }
339:                    }
340:                } catch (IOException e) {
341:                    logger.error("Error loading config file");
342:                    e.printStackTrace();
343:                } catch (Exception e) {
344:                    logger.error("Misc error parsing config file");
345:                    e.printStackTrace();
346:                }
348:            }
350:            void save() {
351:                save(_fileConfig);
352:            }
354:            /**
355:             * Description of the Method
356:             *
357:             * @param argFileConfig  Description of the Parameter
358:             */
359:            void save(File argFileConfig) {
360:                logger.msg("", argFileConfig.getPath());
361:                synchronized (_mapContexts) {
362:                    Properties p = new Properties();
364:                    Context c = null;
365:                    int i = 0;
366:                    File fileBuild = null, fileOutputDir = null;
367:                    for (Iterator iter = _mapContexts.values().iterator(); iter
368:                            .hasNext();) {
369:                        c = (Context);
370:                        fileBuild = c.getBuildFile();
371:                        fileOutputDir = c.getOutputDirectory();
373:                        // null contexts are not saved
374:                        if (fileBuild != null) {
375:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, BUILD_FILE), fileBuild
376:                                    .getPath());
377:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, OUTPUT_DIR),
378:                                    fileOutputDir == null ? null
379:                                            : fileOutputDir.getPath());
381:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, TASKA), c.getAntTaskA());
382:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, TASKB), c.getAntTaskB());
383:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, TASKC), c.getAntTaskC());
384:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, TASKD), c.getAntTaskD());
386:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, CLASSPATH), c
387:                                    .getClassPath());
388:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, CLASSPATH_ID), c
389:                                    .getClassPathRefID());
390:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, SOURCEPATH), c
391:                                    .getSourcePath());
392:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, SOURCEPATH_ID), c
393:                                    .getSourcePathRefID());
395:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, JVM_OPTIONS), c
396:                                    .getJVMOptions());
397:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, RUN_PARAMS), c
398:                                    .getRunParams());
400:                            if (c.getSaveBeforeCompile()) {
401:                                saveProperty(p,
402:                                        makeKey(i, SAVE_BEFORE_COMPILE), "true");
403:                            }
404:                            if (c.getSaveBeforeRun()) {
405:                                saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, SAVE_BEFORE_RUN),
406:                                        "true");
407:                            }
408:                            if (c.getSyncToSpeedJava()) {
409:                                saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, SYNC_TO_SPEEDJAVA),
410:                                        "true");
411:                            }
412:                            saveProperty(p, makeKey(i, LAST_MOD), String
413:                                    .valueOf(c.getLastMod()));
414:                            i++;
415:                        }
416:                    }
417:                    p.setProperty(CONTEXT_COUNT, String.valueOf(i));
418:                    try {
419:                        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(
420:                                argFileConfig);
421:                        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
422:              , "Saved at: " + new Date().toString());
423:                    } catch (IOException e) {
424:                        logger.error("Error saving contexts");
425:                        e.printStackTrace();
426:                    }
427:                }
428:            }
430:            /**
431:             * Description of the Method
432:             *
433:             * @param argProps    Description of the Parameter
434:             * @param argKeyName  Description of the Parameter
435:             * @param argValue    Description of the Parameter
436:             */
437:            static void saveProperty(Properties argProps, String argKeyName,
438:                    String argValue) {
439:                if (argProps != null && argKeyName != null && argValue != null) {
440:                    argProps.setProperty(argKeyName, argValue);
441:                }
442:            }
444:            public static void main(String[] args) {
445:                try {
447:                } catch (Throwable t) {
448:                    t.printStackTrace();
449:                }
450:            }
452:        } | Contact Us
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