| java.lang.Object org.acm.seguin.completer.ParseUtils
ParseUtils | public class ParseUtils (Code) | | |
RE_PAREN_METHOD_THIS | final static String RE_PAREN_METHOD_THIS(Code) | | |
isCatchStatement | public static boolean isCatchStatement(String argLine)(Code) | | Gets the catchStatement attribute of the ParseUtils class
Parameters: argLine - Description of the Parameter The catchStatement value |
isClassHelp | public static boolean isClassHelp(String argLine)(Code) | | Gets the classHelp attribute of the ParseUtils class
Parameters: argLine - Description of the Parameter The classHelp value |
isCodeLine | public static boolean isCodeLine(JEditTextArea argTextArea, int startLine)(Code) | | Gets the codeLine attribute of the ParseUtils object
Parameters: argTextArea - Description of the Parameter Parameters: startLine - Description of the Parameter The codeLine value |
isInComment | public static boolean isInComment(JEditTextArea argTextArea, int startLine)(Code) | | Gets the inComment attribute of the DotCompleter class
Parameters: startLine - Description of the Parameter Parameters: argTextArea - Description of the Parameter The inComment value |
isInQuote | public static boolean isInQuote(String argLine)(Code) | | Gets the inQuote attribute of the ParseUtils class
Parameters: argLine - Description of the Parameter The inQuote value |
isNewClassStatement | public static boolean isNewClassStatement(String argLine)(Code) | | Gets the newClassStatement attribute of the ParseUtils class
Parameters: argLine - Description of the Parameter The newClassStatement value |
isValidMatch | static boolean isValidMatch(REMatch match, int start, int argParenOffset)(Code) | | |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | The main program for the ParseUtils class
Parameters: args - The command line arguments |
testInQuote | static void testInQuote()(Code) | | |
testREClassHelp | static void testREClassHelp()(Code) | | |
testREParenThisHelp | static void testREParenThisHelp()(Code) | | |