001: /*
002: FindBugs - Find bugs in Java programs
003: Copyright (C) 2003, University of Maryland
004: This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
005: modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
006: License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
007: version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
008: This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
009: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
011: Lesser General Public License for more details.
012: You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
013: License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
014: Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
015: */
016: /*
017: FindBugsFrame.java
018: Created on March 30, 2003, 12:05 PM
019: */
020: package org.acm.seguin.findbugs;
022: import java.awt.CardLayout;
023: import java.awt.Color;
024: import java.awt.Component;
025: import java.awt.Cursor;
027: import java.awt.Frame;
028: import java.awt.Graphics;
029: import java.awt.Point;
030: import java.awt.Rectangle;
031: import java.awt.Shape;
032: import java.io.BufferedReader;
033: import java.io.File;
034: import java.io.File;
035: import java.io.FileInputStream;
036: import java.io.FileOutputStream;
037: import java.io.IOException;
038: import java.io.InputStream;
039: import java.io.InputStreamReader;
040: import java.io.StringReader;
041: import java.io.StringWriter;
042: import java.util.*;
043: import javax.swing.*;
044: import javax.swing.event.*;
045: import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
046: import javax.swing.text.*;
047: import javax.swing.tree.*;
048: import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.SourceFile;
049: import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.SourceFinder;
050: import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.*;
051: import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui.*;
052: import org.acm.seguin.ide.common.IDEInterface;
054: import org.acm.seguin.ide.common.IDEPlugin;
056: /**
057: * The main GUI frame for FindBugs.
058: *
059: *@author David Hovemeyer
060: */
061: public class FindBugsFrame extends
062: edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui.FindBugsFrame {
063: private static Frame view = null;
065: private static ConsoleLogger consoleLogger = null;
067: /**
068: * Gets the Logger attribute of the FindBugsFrame object
069: *
070: *@return The Logger value
071: */
072: public edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui.ConsoleLogger getLogger() {
073: return consoleLogger;
074: }
076: /**
077: * Write a message to the console window.
078: *
079: *@param message Description of Parameter
080: */
081: public void writeToConsole(String message) {
082: System.out.println(message);
083: super .writeToConsole(message);
084: }
086: /**
087: * Show an error dialog.
088: *
089: *@param message Description of Parameter
090: */
091: public void error(String message) {
092: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(view, message, "Error",
093: JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
094: }
096: /**
097: * Gets the AWTFrame attribute of the FindBugsFrame object
098: *
099: *@return The AWTFrame value
100: */
101: protected Frame getAWTFrame() {
102: return view;
103: }
105: /**
106: * Update the source view window.
107: *
108: *@param project the project (containing the source directories to search)
109: *@param analysisRun the analysis run (containing the mapping of classes to source files)
110: *@param srcLine the source line annotation (specifying source file to load and which lines to highlight)
111: *@param selected Description of Parameter
112: *@return true if the source was shown successfully, false otherwise
113: *@exception IOException Description of Exception
114: */
115: //protected boolean viewSource(Project project, AnalysisRun analysisRun, final SourceLineAnnotation srcLine, BugInstance selected) throws IOException {
116: public boolean viewSource(Project project, AnalysisRun analysisRun,
117: final SourceLineAnnotation srcLine) throws IOException {
118: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this , "srcLine=" + srcLine);
119: //IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this, "selected=" + selected);
120: SourceFinder sourceFinder = new SourceFinder();
121: sourceFinder.setSourceBaseList(project.getSourceDirList());
122: String sourceFileName = null;
123: String packageName = (srcLine == null) ? "" : srcLine
124: .getPackageName();
125: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this , "packageName="
126: + packageName);
127: if (srcLine != null) {
128: sourceFileName = srcLine.getSourceFile();
129: /*
130: } else if (selected != null) {
131: ClassAnnotation primaryClass = selected.getPrimaryClass();
132: sourceFileName = primaryClass.getClassName();
133: sourceFileName = srcLine.getSourceFile();
134: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this, "sourceFileName=" + sourceFileName);
135: sourceFileName = sourceFileName.replace('.', File.separatorChar);
136: int x = sourceFileName.indexOf("$");
137: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this, "sourceFileName=" + sourceFileName + ", x=" + x);
138: if (x > 0) {
139: sourceFileName = sourceFileName.substring(0, x);
140: }
141: x = sourceFileName.lastIndexOf("java") - 1;
142: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this, "sourceFileName=" + sourceFileName + ", x=" + x);
143: if (x > 0) {
144: sourceFileName = sourceFileName.substring(0, x);
145: }
146: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this, "sourceFileName=" + sourceFileName);
147: sourceFileName = sourceFileName + ".java";
148: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this, "sourceFileName=" + sourceFileName);
149: */
150: } else {
151: return super .viewSource(project, analysisRun, srcLine); //, selected);
152: }
154: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this , "sourceFileName="
155: + sourceFileName);
156: if (sourceFileName == null
157: || sourceFileName.equals("<Unknown>")) {
158: getLogger().logMessage(
159: ConsoleLogger.WARNING,
160: "No source file for class "
161: + srcLine.getClassName());
162: return super .viewSource(project, analysisRun, srcLine); //, selected);
163: }
165: SourceFile sourceFile = sourceFinder.findSourceFile(
166: packageName, sourceFileName);
167: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this , "sourceFile="
168: + sourceFile);
169: // Try to open the source file and display its contents
170: // in the source text area.
171: if (sourceFile != null) {
172: //Buffer buffer = jEdit.openFile(view, sourceFile.getAbsolutePath());
173: Object buffer = IDEPlugin.openFile(view, sourceFile
174: .getFullFileName());
175: IDEPlugin.goToBuffer(view, buffer);
177: if (!srcLine.isUnknown()) {
178: int start = 0;
179: int end = 0;
181: int lineNo = srcLine.getStartLine() - 1;
182: int endLine = srcLine.getEndLine();
183: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this , "startLine="
184: + lineNo + ", endLine=" + endLine);
185: if (lineNo >= 0
186: && lineNo < IDEPlugin.getLineCount(buffer)) {
187: start += IDEPlugin.getLineStartOffset(buffer,
188: lineNo);
189: }
190: if (endLine >= 0
191: && endLine < IDEPlugin.getLineCount(buffer)) {
192: if (end == 0) {
193: end = IDEPlugin.getLineEndOffset(buffer,
194: endLine) - 1;
195: } else {
196: end += IDEPlugin.getLineStartOffset(buffer,
197: endLine);
198: }
199: }
201: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, this , "start="
202: + start + ", end=" + end);
203: IDEPlugin.setSelection(view, buffer, start, end);
205: IDEPlugin.moveCaretPosition(view, buffer, end);
206: }
207: }
209: return super .viewSource(project, analysisRun, srcLine); //, selected);
210: }
212: /**
213: * Description of the Method
214: *
215: *@param aView Description of Parameter
216: *@return Description of the Returned Value
217: */
218: public static JRootPane createFindBugsPanel(Frame aView) {
219: view = aView;
220: // Load plugins!
222: System.setProperty("findbugs.debug", "true");
223: System.setProperty("findbugs.home", "true");
224: FindBugsFrame frame = new FindBugsFrame();
225: //frame.setSize(800, 600);
226: //frame.show();
227: //frame.hide();
228: consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger(frame);
229: return frame.getRootPane();
230: }
232: /**
233: * Description of the Class
234: *
235: *@author Mike Atkinson
236: */
237: public static class ConsoleLogger extends
238: edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui.ConsoleLogger {
240: private edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui.FindBugsFrame frame;
242: /**
243: * Creates a new instance of ConsoleLogger
244: *
245: *@param frame Description of Parameter
246: */
247: public ConsoleLogger(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.gui.FindBugsFrame frame) {
248: super (frame);
249: this .frame = frame;
250: }
252: /**
253: * Description of the Method
254: *
255: *@param severity Description of Parameter
256: *@param message Description of Parameter
257: */
258: public void logMessage(int severity, String message) {
259: switch (severity) {
260: case INFO:
261: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.DEBUG, frame, message);
262: break;
263: case WARNING:
264: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.WARNING, frame, message);
265: break;
266: case ERROR:
267: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.ERROR, frame, message);
268: break;
269: default:
270: IDEPlugin.log(IDEInterface.ERROR, frame, message);
271: break;
272: }
273: }
275: }
276: }