| org.acm.seguin.pmd.symboltable.Scope
All known Subclasses: org.acm.seguin.pmd.symboltable.AbstractScope, org.acm.seguin.pmd.symboltable.GlobalScope,
addVariableNameOccurrence | NameDeclaration addVariableNameOccurrence(NameOccurrence occ)(Code) | | Adds a NameOccurrence to this scope - only call this after getting
a true back from contains()
contains | boolean contains(NameOccurrence occ)(Code) | | Tests whether or not a NameOccurrence is directly contained in the scope
Note that if this search is just in this scope - it doesn't go diving into any
contained scopes.
getEnclosingClassScope | ClassScope getEnclosingClassScope()(Code) | | Goes searching up the tree for this scope's enclosing ClassScope
This is handy if you're buried down in a LocalScope and need to
hop up to the ClassScope to find a method name.
getVariableDeclarations | Map getVariableDeclarations(boolean lookingForUsed)(Code) | | Returns a Map (VariableNameDeclaration->List(NameOccurrence,NameOccurrence)) of declarations that
exist and are either used or not used at this scope