| java.lang.Object org.apache.regexp.REUtil
REUtil | public class REUtil (Code) | | This is a class that contains utility helper methods for this package.
author: Jonathan Locke version: $Id: REUtil.java,v 2002/01/31 03:14:36 rcm Exp $ |
createRE | public static RE createRE(String expression, int matchFlags) throws RESyntaxException(Code) | | Creates a regular expression, permitting simple or complex syntax
Parameters: expression - The expression, beginning with a prefix if it's complex or having no prefix if it's simple Parameters: matchFlags - Matching style flags The regular expression object exception: RESyntaxException - thrown in case of error |
createRE | public static RE createRE(String expression) throws RESyntaxException(Code) | | Creates a regular expression, permitting simple or complex syntax
Parameters: expression - The expression, beginning with a prefix if it's complex or having no prefix if it's simple The regular expression object exception: RESyntaxException - thrown in case of error |