Introduction to Heritrix.
Heritrix is designed to be easily extensible via 3rd party modules.
The software is divided into several packages of varying importance.
The relationship between them will be covered in some greater depth
after their introductions.
The root package (this) contains the executable class
{@link org.archive.crawler.Heritrix Heritrix}.
That class will load the crawler, parsing command line arguments.
If a WUI is to be launched it will launch it. It can also start
jobs (with or without the WUI) that are specified in command line
{@link org.archive.crawler.framework org.archive.crawler.framework}
The framework package contains most of the core classes
for running a crawl. It also contains a number of Interfaces for
extensible items, the implementatations of whom can be found in
other classes.
Heritrix is in effect divided into two types of classes.
- Core classes - these can often be configured but not
- Pluggable classes - these must implment a given interface
or extend a specific class but 3rd parties can introduce their own
The framework thus contains a selection of the core classes and a number
of the Interfaces and base classes for the pluggable classes.
{@link org.archive.crawler.datamodel org.archive.crawler.datamodel}
Contains various classes that make up the crawlers data structure. Including
such essentials as the CandidateURI and CrawlURI classes that wrap the
discovered URIs for processing.
{@link org.archive.crawler.admin org.archive.crawler.admin}
The admin package contains classes that are used by the Web UI.
This includes some core classes and a specific implementation of the
Statistics Tracking interface found in the framework
package that is designed to provide the UI with information about
ongoing crawls.
Pluggable modules
The following is a listing of the types of pluggable modules found in
Heritrix with brief explanations of each and linking to their respective
API documentation.
A Frontier maintains the internal state of a crawl while it is
in progress. What URIs have been discovered, which should be crawled next,
Needless to say this is one of the most important modules in any crawl and
the provided implementation should generally be appropriate unless a very
different strategy for ordering URIs for crawling is desired.
{@link org.archive.crawler.framework.Frontier Frontier} is the interface
that all Frontiers must implement.
{@link} package
contains the provided implementation of a Frontier along with it's
supporting classes.
When a URI is crawled, a {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.ToeThread
ToeThread} will execute a series of processors on it.
The processors are split into 5 distinct chains that are exectued in sequence:
- Pre-fetch processing chain
- Fetch processing chain
- Extractor processing chain
- Write/Index processing chain
- Post-processing chain
Each of these chains contain any number of processors. The processors
all inherit from a generic {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.Processor
Processor}. While the processors are divided into the five categories above that
is strictly a high level configuration and any processor can be in any chain
(although doing link extraction before fetching a document is clearly of no
Numerous processors are provided with Heritrix in the following packages:
{@link org.archive.crawler.prefetch org.archive.crawler.prefetch} package
contains processors run before the URI is fetched from the Internet.
{@link org.archive.crawler.fetcher org.archive.crawler.fetcher} package
contains processors that fetch URI from the Internet. Typically each
processor handles a different protocol.
{@link org.archive.crawler.extractor org.archive.crawler.extractor} package
contains processors that perform link extractions on various document types.
{@link org.archive.crawler.writer org.archive.crawler.writer} package contains
a processor that writes an ARC file with the fetched document.
{@link org.archive.crawler.postprocessor org.archive.crawler.postprocessor}
package contain processors that do wrapup on the processing, reporting links
back to the Frontier etc.
Scopes are special filters that are applied to the crawl as a whole to
define it's scope. Any given crawl will employ exactly one scope
object to define what URIs are considered 'within scope'.
Several implementations covering the most commonly
desired scopes are provided (broad, domain, host etc.). However custom
implementations can be made of these to define any arbitrary scope.
It should be noted though that usually any type of limitations to the scope
of a crawl can be more easily achived using one of the existing scopes and
modifing it with appropriate filters.
{@link org.archive.crawler.framework.CrawlScope CrawlScope} - Base class for
{@link org.archive.crawler.scope org.archive.crawler.scope} package. Contains
provided scopes.
Statistics Tracking
Any number of statistics tracking modules can be added to a crawl to gather
run time information about it's progress.
These modules can both interrogate the Frontier for what sparse
date it exposes but they can also subscribe to
{@link org.archive.crawler.event.CrawlURIDispositionListener Crawled URI
Disposition} events to monitor the completion of each URI that is processed.
An interface for {@link org.archive.crawler.framework.StatisticsTracking
statistics tracking} is provided as well as a partial implementation
({@link org.archive.crawler.framework.AbstractTracker AbstractTracker})
that does much of the work common to most statistics tracking modules.
Furthermore the admin package implements a statistics tracking
module ({@link org.archive.crawler.admin.StatisticsTracker StatisticsTracker})
that generates a log of the crawlers progress as well as providing information
that the UI uses. It also compiles end-of-crawl reports that contain all of the
information it has gathered in the course of the crawl.
It is highly recommended that it always be used when running crawls via the UI.