org.archive.util.anvl package
Parsers and Writers for the (expired) Internet-Draft A Name-Value
Language (ANVL). Use {@link org.archive.util.anvl.ANVLRecord}
to create new instances of ANVL Records and for parsing.
Implementation Details
The ANVL Internet-Draft of 14 February, 2005 is inspecific as to the
definition of 'blank line' and 'newline'. This parser implementation
assumes CRNL .
Says "An element consists of a label, a colon, and an optional value".
Should that be: "An element consists of a label and an optional value, or a
Specification is unclear regards CR or NL in label or
comment (This implementation disallows CR or NL in labels but lets
them pass in comments).
A grammar would help. Here is RFC822:
field = field-name ":" [ field-body ] CRLF
field-name = 1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
field-body = field-body-contents
[CRLF LWSP-char field-body]
field-body-contents =
<the ASCII characters making up the field-body, as
defined in the following sections, and consisting
of combinations of atom, quoted-string, and
specials tokens, or else consisting of texts>