A simple quota enforcer. If the host, server, or frontier group
associated with the current CrawlURI is already over its quotas,
blocks the current URI's processing with S_BLOCKED_BY_QUOTA.
author: gojomo version: $Date: 2007-04-06 00:40:50 +0000 (Fri, 06 Apr 2007) $, $Revision: 5040 $
Apply the quota specified by the given key against the actual
value provided. If the quota and actual values rule out processing the
given CrawlURI, mark up the CrawlURI appropriately.
Parameters: curi - CrawlURI whose processing is subject to a potential quotalimitation Parameters: quotaKey - settings key to get applicable quota Parameters: actual - current value to compare to quota true is CrawlURI is blocked by a quota, false otherwise
Check all quotas for the given substats and category (server, host, or
Parameters: curi - CrawlURI to mark up with results Parameters: hasStats - holds CrawlSubstats with actual values to test Parameters: CAT - category index (SERVER, HOST, GROUP) to quota settings keys true if quota precludes fetching of CrawlURI