ComponentProcessors execute during the "fixup" stage of the render cycle, controlled
by the ViewProcessor. This "adjusts" the view tree of components to incorporate
information from the model or to resolve parameter bindings. The tree may not
be structurally modified during this phase in any way that would alter the fullID
of a component.
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | | | Class | A fixer which converts deletion and EL bindings to their "raw" form
as fossilized key/value pairs. | | Class | Constructs an iteration over any children of an "composite component"
that are also components, by means of reflection. | | Interface | A component processor performs a "fixup" of a component based on some
contextual information. | | Class | A fixer to be run BEFORE the main form fixer, which implements the HTML/HTTP
form model whereby ALL nested child controls of the form are submitted. | | Class | The basic FormFixer implementation, with responsibilities for i) setting form
submission URL to current view URL ii) Folding form children up into parent,
leaving it as a leaf in the tree, iii) registering submitting nested UIBound
components into the FormModel. | | Interface | An interface recording the relationship between a "Form" (scope for a
set of submitting controls) and its children. | | Class | | | Class | Debugging processor that notes non-submitting controls that expect to be
submitting. | | Class | Fetches values from the request bean model that are referenced via EL value
bindings, if such have not already been set. | | Class | | | Class | A request-scope bean which processes a component tree (view) after its
production by the ViewGenerator, and before rendering by the ViewRender. |